When our own personal land is taken and our family and neighbor’s personal land is taken, we can assemble together to bless the Lord in a consecrated and a concentrated way.
This is where God receives the highest praise, among a willingly unified people. This is when His spirit comes in abundance. The reason He does not come as strong with individuals is He does not intend for a man to be contented left to himself, even his own worship meeting, He wants that man to know there is much more!.
We need more and more territories taken for the kingdom of God on earth. His plan is for His kingdom to come and will to be done all over the whole face of the whole earth. That starts personally and is reproduced through two and more people who agree with God about His Divine plan and change their lives to live for that plan.
There remained 7 who had not been allotted their inheritances. Why had they not yet been given them?
Now let me ask what Joshua asked them?
Why had they not taken what was theirs? It is just like this all through Christianity. We’ve thought if God dropped it on us, we’d have it.
Well He wants to know when we are going to count it important enough to come or go get it? We go after a lot of pursuits, what about going after what God is after?
How long will you wait till taking possession of the remaining land the Lord has given your family and you?
For example, my family generational line has struggled with addictions. That is a land I (and each and everyone of my family members who would consider the offer given us by God) was allotted by God to take possession of; to move our enemies out and invite the Holy Spirit in. Then to pass generational blessings down to my generations after me the inheritance of deliverance from addictions!
Joshua says to God’s people, “How long will you wait?”
Not another day, there is a generation at stake and through Christ we are well able to go up and possess that very land!
It is Not worth dawdling around with.
I’ve written this before, what is mild to me in my day, in the area of sin that I do not deal with, will not necessarily be passed down as mildly to other generations. We have no guarantee., this is a huge deception of the enemy against families, as long as my sin is hidden or under control, I can feel I am fine in my day.
Well let me tell/remind you of a truth the enemy knows very well and so hopes he can keep us in the dark over. Passed down, undealt with, sin, can be 10 times worse for the future generation!
It might we fine w/ you and good in your day, but it is so not about your own day being fine, as it is about saving a generation and possessing and land for the new generations of the Lord Jesus Christ and about His kingdom establishment.
Can I ask a silly question?
How much addiction will be tolerated in heaven?
We pray – “Thy kingdom come and Thy will be done ON EARTH as it is in heaven!”
How much cursing do you imagine is in heaven? How about abuse?
Again we pray, “Thy kingdom come and Thy will be done ON EARTH as it is in heaven!”
How much dissention, backbiting, carousing, violence etc, is found in heaven?
Why do we tolerate any here?
Unless someone stands for this heavenly standard of living in homes all over the earth now, why would His kingdom come?
Why even pray this prayer if there is no intent on holiness?
You are right, there is no condemnation in Christ and for those who walk continually in Christ. That actually means if one makes a mistake there is such grace, but if one chooses to stay the same, when they can change through the power of Christ, the grace of God does not strive with man but for a time, enough time for change.
God says to every human, is there a man who will stand for My kingdom, power, and glory even above his own? Are there any families, any communities, cities, towns, counties, states, and nations of peoples who will live differently in their generation?
Will anyone at least look from a God ordained perspective, on what one was trying to fight alone and will you consider joining forces with others to annihilate your family’s enemies through obedient actions to specific instructions given, from other men by God to save your family’s souls?
Will you even consider another way than the way you have previously walked in?
If you have a problem and you go to a person of faith to ask an answer to the problem you’ve been dealing with on your own already, and he speaks with the wisdom given him by God, into your situation with specific instructions, are you willing to do what has been said? Or are you one that will listen only with a screening ear(or rather what you are now regarding as an optional opinion of this person of faith) to see if you agree with the instructions before considering moving on them, as though what you’ve done and considered yourself in the past, has gotten you anywhere else other than where you are presently?
I was explaining this to a friend the other day like this…
An alcoholic comes into a treatment center hoping for help. He says, “Man, I really need and want help”.
The treatment center people are so glad he has arrived with the desire for help and he has asked for it, for they know how to help people, this is what they do.
They gladly say, “We’d love to help you, we have wisdom to do so here, this is what we do.”
“Ok now lets’ start by telling you there is a program to follow that we have found works to those who go through all of the steps of the program. Going through all of the steps of the program show that you really do want not only help, but also it teaches you how to start a new life, and a successful recovery”
He says, “ Eh wait justa minute…Hold on right there, 12 steps! Did I hear you say 12?” “Yes, we did, we said 12”.
“Ok, well what are they?”… After listening to the breakdown of the 12 steps without details, he considers what he perceives to be their opinions on the matter and he replies this way.
“Ok then, I’d like to do steps 5, 8 & 11”.
“Well sir, we are so pleased that you’d consider getting help, and we are here to help you, when ever you are ready to do steps 1-12. When you are ready for this, you can return to this same facility and go through all of the steps! Have a really great day.”
He yells at them, “Hey, Wait a minute! I want help today.”
“Really? How badly do you want help?”
“Really bad?”
“Well then, let us know, because it will cost you, so when you want the whole kit and caboodle, come on back, we’ll be here for ya”.
Why would they respond this way? Isn’t this merciless?
Why not?
You can’t have all without giving all. Or has the enemy cheated you and lied and told you, that you can?
We act the same way with God, we want all He has, but without changing or giving anything up. That man was gonna have to give up an old lifestyle that is actually killing him and his family and his past present and future relationships. The question to him would be, is it worth making the change for?
Can’t have your cake and eat it too, as “they” say.
You can’t shout in a worship time in church., “Whhooo Hooo, Lets go up and take the land” and not go home willing to listen, obey and change.
Obedience to change is where taking the land is at.
The person was asking me, why do leaders always tell people they should do so much where church service attendance or prayer or the reading of God’s word is concerned? Maybe you’ve wondered why also, or have felt leaders are so pushy where the things of the kingdom are concerned.
That’s like saying, “Why would a leader council me to push other ungodly things out of my life and open up to more of God? Why would they tell me to fill my life with other pursuits than I’ve been pursing, and change the ways I’ve thought and lived?”
How can one be transformed and renewed in the mind while living the same old life?
One can’t, it is impossible, even the world tells us it is insanity to expect different results while still living the same ways.
God is not a Magician, He is a Father and Teacher and Shepard -Leader! He teaches us His ways that we can desire them and know truth to walk in it. It’s all about choices.
Don’t EVER stop changing in Christ!
Your family, your inheritance, the whole world, depends upon it!