One huge responsibility in life is always having and raising children. God’s perspective of life here has to do with reproduction and inheritance. What inheritance we leave for others is important to God. He is all about passing on, not just away, but on.
What is being passed on by our lives is imperative to our accountability to God.
The book of Joshua starts with men, who become fathers, who have and raise children, who have and raise children and of the fathers being responsible as grandparents also.
God tells the man, “take the land”, but He never expects the man to be able to take any land alone, ever. His design and plan is to take that man and make him larger. Not elevated in himself, but increased, especially in the area of influence. Remember it is not good, by the design of God, that a man should be alone.
If man were alone or of the same species, he’d stop and never continue, but God made man to increase and to pass along that increase till the whole earth is filled with what man has been given by God to carry and carry on, His glory, honor and powerful workings.
What prevents increase or causes decrease? Division and disunity does, a man or a group of men who divide and disagree does. This is where tragic turns occur. This is why one must fight to agree, to unify, and to work together with one another.
If one succumbs to divisiveness and the trickery of the enemy to separate us or cause us to dwell alone, we will be defeated in the fulfillment of our purposes in Christ and in God’s. In order for God to have His will accomplished, we must decide to do His will according to His ways.
His ways are: unity and agreement with other people!
Ouch, that is not always easy. True, but it is worth the eternal benefits.
It is worth preserving an inheritance of the Lord, for generations to come.
We can really get what we want.
We can have what we press in for, especially if it is along with the desired will of God. What God says is ours is not just open to us and falls from the sky into our laps. No, we must prove we want it and will pay with our lives to have what is truly important to us.
The ladies, who were not sons, and knew the inheritance being passed along was up to them. They had to show it was important to them, by saying so, or else it would have been lost. Do you speak in your family for the inheritance due them? Think about intercession and the saving of their souls. THAT is our inheritance that our families will be eternally saved and will in the here and now, walk in truth.
Have you spoken up in prayer about that, or will it be lost?
Do you ever remind God that you have only to rely on His miracle working power in order to accomplish what He desires you to do in the saving of your household? Have you found His word on the matters of your family and reminded God of them? Not arrogantly, not angrily, but in an agreeable sort of way?
What if one of your family members is saved, but there are 50 more still to be? Do you want it bad enough, as much as God does? Enough to even stop speaking ill of them and keep bringing up the ways they are so off, or how they are so unbelieving?
Who do we think will inherit what we have? Strangers? No, if it depended upon our own family members, what would we change in our perspectives or outlooks and actions to save some?
So we ask for more “land” to accommodate our families, and guess what God’s response is? YOU GO clear the brush away, you cut down trees; YOU fight the inhabitants!!!
“Huh? I thought You would, Lord, if only I ask of You”?
The Lord says, “I DID the work already, I unleashed and made available all of the power needed for those who really want to start to do the work on earth now! The ONLY hindrance is faith in the power already given to men”.
Wow, so I have to want it enough to change my whole lifestyle and stop being so worldly minded and stop being religious and really, truly, by example, love and serve my family?
How else will the enemies get out?
Jesus said don’t hit your enemy back, love him and forgive him. (No, I did not say, love the devil, love who he is constantly using and who is allowing him to use them)
That’s a whole new way to “fight”. This is not a fight with people, but for them. It is not a fight with souls, but against principalities and powers to let the specific souls go.
Wow! It’s much easier to debate and fight the soul isn’t it?
Why is it, to a man who has much, even more keeps being given him? He has been found faithful and responsible. He took the baton and ran the rest of the race up to this point. I hope there is someone responsible and faithful for him to pass it on to, don’t you?
This is how God talks to those who ask of Him and want what He wants - Clear as much of the land as you wish and live there. And I am sure you can drive out the Canaanites from the valleys, too, even though they are strong and have iron chariots."
What is worth something, should cost a price. Through the strength of Christ we can do all things!