Scripture selections are taken from the Rock Church Daily Bread Reading schedule for each month. “Lena’s Journalin’” are Lena’s comments on the specific passages from her Daily Journal.
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Psalm 90:1-17 -
BOOK FOUR A Prayer of Moses the man of God. 1LORD, YOU have been our dwelling place and our refuge in all generations [says Moses].2Before the mountains were brought forth or ever You had formed and given birth to the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting You are God.3You turn man back to dust and corruption, and say, Return, O sons of the earthborn [to the earth]!4For a thousand years in Your sight are but as yesterday when it is past, or as a watch in the night. 1 5You carry away [these disobedient people, doomed to die within forty years] as with a flood; they are as a sleep [vague and forgotten as soon as they are gone]. In the morning they are like grass which grows up--6In the morning it flourishes and springs up; in the evening it is mown down and withers.7For we [the Israelites in the wilderness] are consumed by Your anger, and by Your wrath are we troubled, overwhelmed, and frightened away.8Our iniquities, our secret heart and its sins [which we would so like to conceal even from ourselves], You have set in the [revealing] light of Your countenance.9For all our days [out here in this wilderness, says Moses] pass away in Your wrath; we spend our years as a tale that is told [for we adults know we are doomed to die soon, without reaching Canaan].10The days of our years are 1 threescore years and ten (seventy years)--or even, if by reason of strength, fourscore years (eighty years); yet is their pride [in additional years] only labor and sorrow, for it is soon gone, and we fly away.11Who knows the power of Your anger? [Who worthily connects this brevity of life with Your recognition of sin?] And Your wrath, who connects it with the reverent and worshipful fear that is due You?12So teach us to number our days that we may get us a heart of wisdom.13Turn, O Lord [from Your fierce anger]! How long--? Revoke Your sentence and be compassionate and at ease toward Your servants.14O satisfy us with Your mercy and loving-kindness in the morning [now, before we are older], that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.15Make us glad in proportion to the days in which You have afflicted us and to the years in which we have suffered evil.16Let Your work [the signs of Your power] be revealed to Your servants, and Your [glorious] majesty to their children.17And let the beauty and delightfulness and favor of the Lord our God be upon us; confirm and establish the work of our hands--yes, the work of our hands, confirm and establish it F1:_This_psalm_is_credited_to_Mos">CROSS REFERENCES:R1: 2 Peter 3:8.R2: Numbers 14:26-35.
Copyright Statement: The Amplified Bible
~ Lena’s Journalin’
It is a very necessary time when one would ask, “Why am I here?”, and then to realize we are here on earth for such a short time, even if we were the person who would live the longest on earth in our lifetime. Even that is short, saying we live to be 70, 80 or maybe even 100 years old. How does that compare to the existence of The Most High, and how does that compare with the time He is looking at in the overall picture? The person who is pondering these thoughts as this psalmist was, is getting a realization of God and eternity.
So, if we were originally created of dust and when we pass on we also return to dust, what use are we? If life is so short, what use are we? If God is so huge, and His times so long, why us? It seems so small and insignificant, but it is so awesome and great.
The awesomeness of this concept is, He has placed eternal purpose inside of each person and has given each person a ministry to reconcile to God as Father and to spend time showing others a way to also be reconciled to their eternal Father. The eternal King is a loving Father, THE loving Father. Both those who know they are reconciled and those yet to be reconciled are then set up and to live out a destiny as eternal stewards of the use of this gift of revelation to give as much as they can to help all those they can to come back, not only to dust, but to God.
Would we rather our lives mean nothing? Be spent so temporarily that all it has been is like dirt coming alive, walking around and then becoming dirt again?
Or would we like for our lives to have been given with true reason and the time spent here to be valuable in a further sense than just being turned back into dust?
Would we like to live as ambassadors of an eternal kingdom which has no ending? One who’s King had no beginning and turns earth life into eternal life? An ambassador is a representative from another place sent to one place to represent and then returns to the place they came from. If we are Born Again, we’ve become eternal kingdom ambassadors, our lives in the long or short of it, are for the King, the representation of the King, the service of the King. And if for the King, then we also return to the King in His realm of rule which is not over in only a few earth years, but continues forever.
When one becomes King, Kingdom and eternally minded, there is grace on their lives, enough grace to live here, while here, and do as much for the King here as is humanly possible with Divine assignment and equipping.
So why are we here? To set up a heavenly Kingdom on earth. How long does that take? It takes from the time one can see, until they die. I pray they have lived out life in Kingdom service to the uttermost, served well with no eternal regret, to where the King will say to them, “Well done, thou good and faith-ful servant, enter into the joy of the Lord.”
That joy is set before us, with that joy set before us, his joy being fulfilled through us, will cause us to endure for the time we have been sent to earth for. The joy of the Lord, His joy being fulfilled by using us here as ambassadors, is what strengthens us and causes us to press in and press on.
All because of love. Eternal love, gives all, for love.
Daily Repetitive Verses:
Isaiah 58:12 – in multiple translations….
The Amplified Bible
And your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of [buildings that have laid waste for] many generations; and you shall be called Repairer of the Breach, Restorer of Streets to Dwell In.
The Holy Bible, New International Version®
Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.
THE MESSAGE: The Bible in Contemporary Language
You'll use the old rubble of past lives to build anew, rebuild the foundations from out of your past. You'll be known as those who can fix anything, restore old ruins, rebuild and renovate, make the community livable again.
The New King James Version
Those from among you Shall build the old waste places; You shall raise up the foundations of many generations; And you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, The Restorer of Streets to Dwell In.
Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the foundations of past generations. You will be called the Rebuilder of Broken Walls and the Restorer of Streets Where People Live.
New Life Bible
And your cities which were destroyed long ago will be built again. You will set up the stones of the bases of the old buildings. You will be called the one who builds again the broken walls, and who makes the streets on which people live like new.