Sunday, December 11, 2005

Today Our Daily Bread Psalm 87 & John 1:14

Scripture selections are taken from the Rock Church Daily Bread Reading schedule for each month. “Lena’s Journalin’” are Lena’s comments on the specific passages from her Daily Journal.

Psalm 87
1 On the holy mountain stands the city founded by the LORD.
2 He loves the city of Jerusalem more than any other city in Israel.
3 O city of God, what glorious things are said of you!
4 I will record Egypt and Babylon among those who know me-- also Philistia and Tyre, and even distant Ethiopia. They have all become citizens of Jerusalem!
5 And it will be said of Jerusalem, "Everyone has become a citizen here." And the Most High will personally bless this city.
6 When the LORD registers the nations, he will say, "This one has become a citizen of Jerusalem."
7 At all the festivals, the people will sing, "The source of my life is in Jerusalem!"

~Lena’s Journalin’~
What would you say “the Holy Mountain” might represent? I’ve looked up the root words and it appears to mean a place of the beginning, holy- meaning set apart by the Lord for a specified purpose and only that specified purpose.
Remember the very creative nature of God. He has an “idea”, He takes the idea, speaks it forth and the idea comes “alive”. So God had an original idea to have a gathering of people (i.e.-city) who were set apart for a specified purpose, it was so from the very beginning where the “thought” was in God’s idea bank. Now He speaks it forth in the earth, which is the specified place. His idea started in the higher, than earth, place that’s where it came from, but earth is where it was purposed to be created and lived out.
The “reason” God had this great “idea” is He does not ever like to be or rule or act alone. God’s nature is not that of a loner. He is LOVE and LOVE wants company. He loves this “idea”, yet what He loves most of all are the people He involves in the putting forth of the idea as a real life plan in action.
Can you, as God would, imagine a bunch of earth people, who actually love as You do?
What a God thought. How glorious is that thought.
That thought in action is what brings salvation o the earth.
God using a people to remedy a curse that happened long ago in a Holy Mountain, a rebellion, a fall, a disaster, chaos, darkness, death. In that, God’s idea was “Let light appear”… and He made a man., out of the very substance where the curse came to lie, He made a man, male and female He created them….and gave them the mandate, which is still alive today, awaiting the answer to the call of God upon each and every life.
Oh How glorious is the “idea”. Is it just an idea or is it alive in you? It takes a me to make a we, and a we to make an us and an us to make a Him. God was looking for a city, as is His very nature, He was not looking for only one man (singular) to do and be this work in a chaotic earth. He was looking for a whole group of peoples (plural) to worship Him this way.
Oh how glorious that ONE (plural) man would answer this call. That a city, or a kingdom of people would say no to other calls and yes to God’s call! Oh how glorious that they would say no to staying alone and comfy cozy at whatever they do for themselves and their own households and answer the call of all the earth for Sons of god to arise, that every enemy of God would scatter and flee away!
Oh how glorious!
Oh how glorious that the people of the city of God would go into the “cities” of the world, where the eternal chaos rules, and rescue peoples out of a chaotic Destiny.
Oh what joy this kind of determined people’s are to the heart of God!
They welcome others into their Divine City!
They allow other’s names to be put on the citizenship roll!
They show people from other cities the WAY, the Truth, & The LIFE. They don’t horde its blessings for themselves. They give and receive and they give and receive again, forever. They don’t stay alone, as God does not stay alone, they gather themselves together regularly, together That is as important to them as it is to God their Father, their Ruler their Master, Their Lover and their Friend. They sacrifice for this regularly, knowing it is forming that city, that visible in the earth, demonstration against God’s enemies. They realize when they do this God’s word has come true, His “ideas” are happening, becaue a freewill chooses to do what God wants, a city compacted together UN2HIM. Looking down from an outer world, where evil rules the earth, this is quite a sign and a wonder, that a freewill people, who could be alone, choose to do the will of God, when they could freely do any other thing.
Un2Him. Oh there are many many places ones cold gather, alone but together, but these choose, no matter how hard it is to get and stay there, to gather together UN2HIM.
They know where they came from, they know who they are.
They were/are from the heart of the Creator, the “ideas” and plans of the master manifested in the earth (Adam was made of earth, so we are also) They are manifestations of peace and light to a dark chaotic world.

John 1:14 So the Word became human and lived here on earth among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. F1 And we have seen his glory, the glory of the only Son of the Father.