John 17
The Prayer of Jesus
1 When Jesus had finished saying all these things, he looked up to heaven and said, "Father, the time has come. Glorify your Son so he can give glory back to you. 2 For you have given him authority over everyone in all the earth. He gives eternal life to each one you have given him. 3 And this is the way to have eternal life--to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth. 4 I brought glory to you here on earth by doing everything you told me to do. 5 And now, Father, bring me into the glory we shared before the world began.
6 "I have told these men about you. They were in the world, but then you gave them to me. Actually, they were always yours, and you gave them to me; and they have kept your word. 7 Now they know that everything I have is a gift from you, 8 for I have passed on to them the words you gave me; and they accepted them and know that I came from you, and they believe you sent me.
9 "My prayer is not for the world, but for those you have given me, because they belong to you. 10 And all of them, since they are mine, belong to you; and you have given them back to me, so they are my glory! 11 Now I am departing the world; I am leaving them behind and coming to you. Holy Father, keep them and care for them--all those you have given me--so that they will be united just as we are. 12 During my time here, I have kept them safe. I guarded them so that not one was lost, except the one headed for destruction, as the Scriptures foretold.
13 "And now I am coming to you. I have told them many things while I was with them so they would be filled with my joy. 14 I have given them your word. And the world hates them because they do not belong to the world, just as I do not. 15 I'm not asking you to take them out of the world, but to keep them safe from the evil one. 16 They are not part of this world any more than I am. 17 Make them pure and holy by teaching them your words of truth. 18 As you sent me into the world, I am sending them into the world. 19 And I give myself entirely to you so they also might be entirely yours.
20 "I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me because of their testimony. 21 My prayer for all of them is that they will be one, just as you and I are one, Father--that just as you are in me and I am in you, so they will be in us, and the world will believe you sent me.
22 "I have given them the glory you gave me, so that they may be one, as we are—23 I in them and you in me, all being perfected into one. Then the world will know that you sent me and will understand that you love them as much as you love me. 24 Father, I want these whom you've given me to be with me, so they can see my glory. You gave me the glory because you loved me even before the world began!
25 "O righteous Father, the world doesn't know you, but I do; and these disciples know you sent me. 26 And I have revealed you to them and will keep on revealing you. I will do this so that your love for me may be in them and I in them."
New Living Translation (NLT)
~ Lena’s Comments ~
How do we have and keep the blessing of eternal life, a life that we will live with God forever? See one can also "live" or maybe we should say "be" eternal, but not live with God. No he can actually die and "be" apart from God, which is eternal separation from the one he was created to be with forever. Could you imagine having a child and never ever being able to be with them? Never ever being able to touch and show love to them? Never ever being with them at all ever? That is the feeling God has with anyone who chooses eternal death and chooses to live apart from His Fatherhood. Eternal life is to know the ONLY true God and His Son, Jesus Christ, who he sent to the earth to save us from the opportunity continually offered to us, eternal death. God is so faithful to continually offer us life, and that life should be spent getting to know more and more and more about Him and of His Son. When we meet someone we love, we many times will say. I want to be with you forever. I want to get to know all of you, every part of you, more and more of you. So we choose to marry them, enter into covenant with them and do what we said, get to know them for the rest of our life. We even say, "Till death do us part". Our relationship with our Father God is just like that, except for one fact, we do not part at death, we continue to live on with Him forever, if we sought to be with Him forever here, and no one knows when they will die here, so we must live today getting to know more and more of Him.
A sign that we are doing just that is that we open our mouths and tell others about Him. When one meets a fine person, one of the first evidences that that person has made a lasting impression on you is you will tell someone else about them when you walk away from them. It is a sign you have or desire for a deeper relationship with them. When that person you tell begins to also get to know them, you feel joy in that you have helped someone else sense the joy you have with that person, and that they feel the love that the other person gives you. This is exactly how the message of God’s love for us spreads to others, and the spreading to others shows us that we are in love with Him. It is evidence of our love relationship with Him. It’s like the lovers marrying, then sharing their love and having children and then their children sharing that love and having grandchildren, etc, etc…
Jesus was actually praying for His spiritually born children and grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Jesus came to earth to show us what God the father looks like and is like. Then He left that impression on all of us to spread the message of the love the Father has for us. God has enough love to extend to all people ever created. Jesus was one man, just as we also are only one person, but he said he was leaving a part of Himself on earth that would help us all express God to one another throughout all of the ages of time to all of the peoples and races of earth everywhere. This is the inward part of God and of Christ Jesus. I think of it like the heart of God’s very being. The spirit of God that shows how and who He really is. Jesus sent the heart of God to be placed inside of any man or woman that desires that part of God inside of them. And all we need do is ask god to give us His heart, give us His spirit! When you have the heart of God, you can know Him better, When we have the heart of God we can talk about Him better. When we have the heart of God we can be as He is. How does one have the heart of God? By giving their lives to God and letting Him remove the old heart and replace it with His new heart. This is being Born Again by His Holy Spirit of truth. With God’s heart comes understanding of His words, of His truth of His will. If we have His heart we also have His mind.
~For Olga
От Иоанна 17
Dzhon 17
Pros'ba Iisusa
1, Kogda Iisus zakonchil govorit' vse eti veschi, on smotrel do nebes i skazal, "Otec, vrem'a pribylo. Proslav'te vashego Syna, tak chto on mozhet otdat' slavu k Vam. 2 Dl'a Vas dali yemu vlast' nad kazhdym vo vsej zemle. On dayet vechnuyu zhizn' kazhdomu odin, Vy dali yemu. 3 I eto - sposob imet' vechnuyu zhizn' - chtoby znat' Vas, yedinstvennogo istinnogo Boga, i Iisusa Hrista, tot, kotoryj Vy poslali zemle. 4 ya prines slavu Vam zdes' na zemle, delaya vse, chto Vy skazali mne delat'. 5 I teper', Otec, prinos'at mne v slavu, kotoruyu my razdelili prezhde, chem mir nachals'a. 6 "ya skazal etim muzhchinam o Vas. Oni byli v mire, no togda Vy dali ih mne. Fakticheski, oni byli vsegda vashi, i Vy dali ih mne; i oni derzhali vashe slovo. 7 Teper' oni znayut, chto vse, chto ya imeyu - podarok ot Vas, 8, poskol'ku ya peredal im slova, kotoryye Vy dali mne; i oni prin'ali ih i znat', chto ya pribyl ot Vas, i oni polagayut, chto Vy poslali mne. 9 "Moih pros'b - ne dl'a ostanavlivaniya loshad' 10 I vse oni, tak kak oni moi, prinadlezhat Vam; i Vy otdali ih ko mne, tak chto oni - moya slava! 11 Teper' ya otbyvayu iz mira; ya ostavl'ayu ih i pribyvayu k Vam. Sv'atoj Otec, derzhite ih i bespokojtes' o nih - vse te, Vy dali mne - tak, chtoby oni byli ob"edineny tak zhe, kak my. 12 V techeniye moyego vremeni zdes', ya derzhal ih sejfom. YA ohran'al ih tak, chtoby ne kazhdyj byl poter'an, krome togo dostignul razrusheniya, kak predskazannyye Sv'aschennyye pisaniya. 13 "I teper' ya pribyvayu k Vam. YA skazal im mnogo veschej, v to vrem'a kak ya byl s nimi tak, oni budut zapolneny moyej radost''u. 14 ya dal im vashe slovo. I mir nenavidit ih, potomu chto oni ne prinadlezhat miru, tak zhe, kak ya ne delayu. 15 ya ne proshu, chtoby Vy vz'ali ih iz mira, no derzhali ih sejfom ot zlogo. 16 Oni - ne chast' etogo mira bol'she, chem ya. 17 Delayut ih chistymi i sv'atymi, prepodavaya im vashi slova pravdy. 18, Poskol'ku Vy poslali mne v mir, ya posylayu im v mir. 19 I ya dayu men'a polnost''u Vam tak, oni takzhe mogli by byt' polnost''u vashi. 20 "ya mol'us' ne tol'ko otnositel'no etih uchenikov no takzhe i otnositel'no vseh, kto budet kogda-libo verit' v men'a iz-za ih dokazatel'stva. 21 Moya pros'ba otnositel'no vseh ih - to, chto oni budut odin, tak zhe, kak Vy i ya - odin, Otec - chto tak zhe, kak Vy nahodites' vo mne i ya nahozhus' v Vas, tak chto oni budut v nas, i mir budet polagat', chto Vy poslali mne. 22 "ya dal im slavu, kotoruyu Vy dali mne, tak, chtoby oni mogli byt' odin, poskol'ku nam 23 ya v nih i Vas vo mne, vse usovershenstvuyemyye v odin. Togda mir budet znat', chto Vy poslali mne i pojmete, chto Vy l'ubite ih stol'ko, skol'ko Vy l'ubite men'a. 24 Otca, ya hochu ih, kotoryh Vy dali mne, chtoby byt' so mnoj, tak chto oni mogut videt' moyu slavu. Vy dali mne slavu, potomu chto Vy l'ubili men'a dazhe prezhde, chem mir nachals'a! 25 "O spravedlivyj Otec, mir ne znayet Vas, no ya delayu; i eti ucheniki znayut, chto Vy poslali mne. 26 I ya pokazal Vas k nim i prodolzhu pokazyvat' Vas. YA sdelayu eto tak, chtoby vasha l'ubov' ko mne mogla byt' v nih i mne v nih. "
Russian Synodal Version (RSV)
Public Domain
~ Kommentarii Liny
Kak my imeyem i derzhim blagosloveniye vechnoj zhizni, zhizn', chto my budem zhit' s Bogom navsegda? Sm. mozhno takzhe "zhit'", ili vozmozhno my dolzhny skazat' "byt'" vechnym, no ne zhivym s Bogom. Net on ne mozhet fakticheski umeret' i "byt'" krome Boga, kotoryj yavl'ayets'a vechnym razdeleniyem ot togo, s kotorym on byl sozdan, chtoby byt' navsegda. Vy mogli voobrazit' imet' rebenka i nikogda kogda-libo byt' sposobnymi byt' s nimi? Nikogda kogda-libo buduchi sposobnym kasat's'a i pokazyvat' l'ubov' im? Nikogda kogda-libo buduchi s nimi voobsche kogda-libo? Eto - chuvstvuyuschij Bog, imeyet s anyon kto vybirayet vechnuyu smert' i hochet zhit' krome YEgo Otcovstva. Vechnaya zhizn' dolzhna znat' YEDINSTVENNOGO istinnogo Boga i YEgo Syna, Iisusa Hrista, kotorogo on poslal zemle, chtoby spasti nas ot vozmozhnosti, nepreryvno predlagayemoj nam, vechnoj smerti. Bog nastol'ko predan, chtoby nepreryvno predlozhit' nam zhizn', i chto zhizn' dolzhna byt' potrachena, uznavaya vse bol'she i bol'she o Nem i YEgo Syna. Kogda my vstrechayem kogo - to, my l'ubim, my mnogo raz skazhem. YA hochu byt' s Vami navsegda. YA hochu uznat' vseh Vas, kazhdaya chast' Vas, vse bol'she iz Vas. Tak chto my hotim zhenit's'a na nih, vstupat' v soglasheniye s nimi i delat' to, chto my skazali, uznajte ih dl'a ostal'noj chasti nashej zhizni. My dazhe govorim, "Poka smert' ne razluchit nas". Nash otnosheniya s nashim Bogom Otca - tochno tak zhe kak eto, yesli by ne odin fakt, my ne otdel'ayems'a v smerti, my prodolzhayem zhit' na s Nim navsegda, yesli my stremilis' byt' s Nim navsegda zdes', i nikto ne znayet, kogda oni umrut zdes', tak chto my dolzhny zhit' segodn'a, uznavaya vse bol'she iz Nego. Priznak, chto my delayem tol'ko, kotoryj yavl'ayets'a, chto my otkryvayem nashi rty i govorim drugim o Nem. To, kogda kazhdyj vstrechayet prekrasnogo cheloveka, odno iz pervyh svidetel'stv, chto tot chelovek proizvel dlitel'noye vpechatleniye na Vas - Vy, skazhet kogo - to yesche o nih, kogda Vy ubegayete ot nih. Eto - priznak, kotoryj Vy imeyete ili zhelaniye boleye glubokogo otnosheniya s nimi. Kogda tot chelovek, kotorogo Vy govorite, nachinayet takzhe uznavat' ih, Vy chuvstvuyete radost', v kotoroj Vy pomogli komu - to yesche oschuschat' radost', kotoruyu Vy imeyete s tem chelovekom, i chto oni chuvstvuyut l'ubov', kotoruyu
drugoj chelovek dayet Vam. Eto - tochno, kak soobscheniye l'ubvi Boga k nam, rasprostraneniya drugim, i rasprostraneniyu drugim pokazyvayut nam, chto my l'ubim YEgo. Eto - svidetel'stvo nashih otnoshenij l'ubvi s Nim. Eto pohodit na brakosochetaniye l'ubitelej, togda razdeleniye ih l'ubvi i nalichiya detej i zatem ih deti, razdel'ayuschiye tu l'ubov' i imeyuschiye vnukov, i t.d, i t.d …
Iisus fakticheski molils'a otnositel'no YEgo duhovno rozhdennyh detej i vnukov i pravnukov. Iisus pribyl v zeml'u, chtoby pokazat' nam, kakogo Boga otec napominayet i pohodit. Togda On ostavil to vpechatleniye na vseh nas, chtoby rasprostranit' soobscheniye l'ubvi, kotoruyu Otec imeyet dl'a nas. Bog imeyet dostatochnuyu l'ubov', chtoby prostirat's'a na vseh l'udej, kogda-libo sozdavayemyh. Iisus byl odnim chelovekom, tak zhe, kak my takzhe - tol'ko odin chelovek, no on skazal, chto on ostavl'al chast' Seb'a na zemle, kotoraya pomozhet nam vsem vyrazhat' Boga drug drugu vs'udu po vsem vozrastam vremeni ko vsem narodam i gonok zemli vs'udu. Eto - vnutrenn'aya chast' Boga i Krista Iisusa. YA dumayu ob etom kak serdce togo, chto bog ochen' Byl. Duh Boga, kotoryj pokazyvayet, kak i kto On dejstvitel'no. Iisus poslal serdce Boga, chtoby byt' razmeschennym v l'ubom cheloveke ili zhenschine, kotoraya zhelayet chto chast' Boga v nih. I vse, chto my dolzhny sdelat' - pros'at, chtoby bog dal nam YEgo serdce, dal nam YEgo duh! Kogda Vy imeyete serdce Boga, Vy mozhete znat' YEgo luchshe, Kogda my imeyem serdce Boga, my mozhem govorit' o Nem luchshe. Kogda my imeyem serdce Boga, my mozhem byt' to, kak On. Kak kazhdyj imeyet serdce Boga? Davaya ih zhizni Bogu i pozvol'aya YEmu udal'at' staroye serdce i zamen'ayut eto YEgo novym serdcem. Eto Imeyets'a Snova YEgo Sv'atym Duhom pravdy. S serdcem Boga pribyvayet, ponimaya YEgo slov, YEgo pravdy YEgo zhelaniya. YEsli my imeyem YEgo serdce, my takzhe imeyem YEgo mneniye.