Isaiah 9
Hope in the Messiah
1 Nevertheless, that time of darkness and despair will not go on forever. The land of Zebulun and Naphtali will soon be humbled, but there will be a time in the future when Galilee of the Gentiles, which lies along the road that runs between the Jordan and the sea, will be filled with glory. 2 The people who walk in darkness will see a great light--a light that will shine on all who live in the land where death casts its shadow. 3 Israel will again be great, and its people will rejoice as people rejoice at harvesttime. They will shout with joy like warriors dividing the plunder. 4 For God will break the chains that bind his people and the whip that scourges them, just as he did when he destroyed the army of Midian with Gideon's little band. 5 In that day of peace, battle gear will no longer be issued. Never again will uniforms be bloodstained by war. All such equipment will be burned.
6 For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. And the government will rest on his shoulders. These will be his royal titles: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 7 His ever expanding, peaceful government will never end. He will rule forever with fairness and justice from the throne of his ancestor David. The passionate commitment of the LORD Almighty will guarantee this!
The LORDs Anger against Israel
8The Lord has spoken out against that braggart Israel, 9 and the people of Israel and Samaria will soon discover it. In their pride and arrogance they say, 10"Our land lies in ruins now, but we will rebuild it better than before. We will replace the broken bricks with cut stone, the fallen sycamore trees with cedars." 11 The LORD will reply to their bragging by bringing Rezin's enemies, the Assyrians, against them—12 along with Arameans from the east and Philistines from the west. With bared fangs, they will devour Israel. But even then the LORD's anger will not be satisfied. His fist is still poised to strike. 13 For after all this punishment, the people will still not repent and turn to the LORD Almighty.
14 Therefore, in a single day, the LORD will destroy both the head and the tail, the palm branch and the reed. 15 The leaders of Israel are the head, and the lying prophets are the tail. 16 For the leaders of the people have led them down the path of destruction. 17 That is why the Lord has no joy in the young men and no mercy on even the widows and orphans. For they are all hypocrites, speaking wickedness with lies. But even then the LORD's anger will not be satisfied. His fist is still poised to strike.
18 This wickedness is like a brushfire. It burns not only briers and thorns but the forests, too. Its burning sends up vast clouds of smoke. 19 The land is blackened by the fury of the LORD Almighty. The people are fuel for the fire, and no one spares anyone else. 20 They fight against their own neighbors to steal food, but they will still be hungry. In the end they will even eat their own children. 21 Manasseh will feed on Ephraim, Ephraim will feed on Manasseh, and both will devour Judah. But even then the LORD's anger will not be satisfied. His fist is still poised to strike.
New Living Translation (NLT)
~ For Olga ~
Исаия 9
1 Прежнее время умалило землю Завулонову и землю Неффалимову; но последующее возвеличит приморский путь, Заиорданскую страну, Галилею языческую.
2 Народ, ходящий во тьме, увидит свет великий; на живущих в стране тени смертной свет воссияет.
3 Ты умножишь народ, увеличишь радость его. Он будет веселиться пред Тобою, как веселятся во время жатвы, как радуются при разделе добычи.
4 Ибо ярмо, тяготившее его, и жезл, поражавший его, и трость притеснителя его Ты сокрушишь, как в день Мадиама.
5 Ибо всякая обувь воина во время брани и одежда, обагренная кровью, будут отданы на сожжение, в пищу огню.
6 Ибо младенец родился нам--Сын дан нам; владычество на раменах Его, и нарекут имя Ему: Чудный, Советник, Бог крепкий, Отец вечности, Князь мира.
7 Умножению владычества Его и мира нет предела на престоле Давида и в царстве его, чтобы Ему утвердить его и укрепить его судом и правдою отныне и до века. Ревность Господа Саваофа соделает это.
8 Слово посылает Господь на Иакова, и оно нисходит на Израиля,
9 чтобы знал весь народ, Ефрем и жители Самарии, которые с гордостью и надменным сердцем говорят:
10 кирпичи пали--построим из тесаного камня; сикоморы вырублены--заменим их кедрами.
11 И воздвигнет Господь против него врагов Рецина, и неприятелей его вооружит:
12Сириян с востока, а Филистимлян с запада; и будут они пожирать Израиля полным ртом. При всем этом не отвратится гнев Его, и рука Его еще простерта.
13 Но народ не обращается к Биющему его, и к Господу Саваофу не прибегает.
14 И отсечет Господь у Израиля голову и хвост, пальму и трость, в один день:
15 старец и знатный, --это голова; а пророк-лжеучитель есть хвост.
16 И вожди сего народа введут его в заблуждение, и водимые ими погибнут.
17 Поэтому о юношах его не порадуется Господь, и сирот его и вдов его не помилует: ибо все они--лицемеры и злодеи, и уста всех говорят нечестиво. При всем этом не отвратится гнев Его, и рука Его еще простерта.
18 Ибо беззаконие, как огонь, разгорелось, пожирает терновник и колючий кустарник и пылает в чащах леса, и поднимаются столбы дыма.
19 Ярость Господа Саваофа опалит землю, и народ сделается как бы пищею огня; не пощадит человек брата своего.
20 И будут резать по правую сторону, и останутся голодны; и будут есть по левую, и не будут сыты; каждый будет пожирать плоть мышцы своей:
21 Манассия--Ефрема, и Ефрем--Манассию, оба вместе--Иуду. При всем этом не отвратится гнев Его, и рука Его еще простерта.
Russian Synodal Version (RSV)
Public Domain
~Lena’s Comments~
Zebulun means exalted, Naphtali means wrestling. Everyday I wrestle with high thoughts that try to come against the growth of my faith. When I really make Jesus the Lord of my thoughtlife I will become filled with His glory. It’s like the thoughts that bring doubt and unbelief in God and His word fill up space, when I kick these out of my life, taking them down, there is more room for Him, for His truth, for His glory, so I am then filled with His glory. When I let those ungodly thoughts take up space they acted like blinds do to windows and the blinds were heavy and closed up. As I remove the blinds I see the light oh so clearly. It is funny how the light shined before the blinds were taken away, but I could not see it till I took the space they were using and emptied it. God wants us to win the wrestling match. It is funny, because I usually see it as a war He wants me to win, as though He is cheering me on, but in revelation I see that He’s already won this fight and does not even want me to wrestle at all. It’s like there’s no reason to. When our pastor painted a word picture recently of how small our enemy is, it made it seem almost uselsss to even engage in war with Him knowing how pitifully defeated he is already and how he is no match for God and for us who are God’s children with God’s spirit alive in us.
A "child is born", does refer to Jesus’ coming to earth, being born of a human being. But it also speaks of the child of God being raised inside of me. I was Born again of His spirit, a new creation in Christ, a baby in Christ. I’ve become a citizen of a new kingdom, learning a new language.I have a new king and I’m learning to know His names. Look at these names. It shows how much of my life he wants to govern and help keep in a godly mode. He’s Counselor for my soul, Mighty to fight and win every battle I’d ever engage in or be called to, Everlasting father shows me that I’m not alone and I’m eternally safe in Him. The peace he is is a peace that the world does not know, but that I can learn and take advantage of for every part of my being. This peace is all inclusive. It is what salvation is, health, wealth, soundness of mind, security for eternity and every other provision known and unknown to me. Peace is complete wholeness in Him, Without Him I cannot ever find this and will always in someway feel an emptiness inside of me. If I let Him rule all of this comes together for me. He is passionately committed to me, to saving me, to healing me, to knowing me, to loving me, to caring for me, to teaching me, to growing me up. He is committed to me. He is committed to you! He is committed to us. This is our guarantee.
God has a heart for His people, a passion to save us and show us righteous pathways. When we use our wills against Him we step over to the side of those who oppose Him. We make the position change by default, it just happens. Agreement lies in God disagreement lies in the enemy. It is a spiritual principle. I don’t mean, like disagreeing to do evil. I mean disagreement with God and His laws and what He says in His word. That contention cannot dwell where God is, where God dwells. He is all about love and whatever it takes to love and show love by being love, no matter what. He died, laid down His will to have the right to pay off our debts for us. Our and God’s enemy does not think or live that way. He wants His rights demanding them, trying to defend them, insisting on them, disagreeing for them and out for hisself, laying down the lives of others for more of self. He is independent, which causes him to really be alone. Aloneness is not an attribute of our Eternal Father God. When we feel alone we are in need of a crossing back over to our father’s "side". The darkness is closing in again, we must tear down the blinds and let the light shine.