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God Bless You Today, Lena B
1 Corinthians 13
I may speak in different languagesF19 of people or even angels. But if I do not have love, I am only a noisy bell or a crashing cymbal. 2I may have the gift of prophecy. I may understand all the secret things of God and have all knowledge, and I may have faith so great I can move mountains. But even with all these things, if I do not have love, then I am nothing. 3I may give away everything I have, and I may even give my body as an offering to be burned.F20 But I gain nothing if I do not have love.
4Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, and it is not proud. 5Love is not rude, is not selfish, and does not get upset with others. Love does not count up wrongs that have been done. 6Love is not happy with evil but is happy with the truth. 7Love patiently accepts all things. It always trusts, always hopes, and always remains strong.
8Love never ends. There are gifts of prophecy, but they will be ended. There are gifts of speaking in different languages, but those gifts will stop. There is the gift of knowledge, but it will come to an end. 9The reason is that our knowledge and our ability to prophesy are not perfect. 10But when perfection comes, the things that are not perfect will end. 11When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I stopped those childish ways. 12It is the same with us. Now we see a dim reflection, as if we were looking into a mirror, but then we shall see clearly. Now I know only a part, but then I will know fully, as God has known me. 13So these three things continue forever: faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is love.
F19 Other Greek copies read: "hand over my body in order that I may brag."
Lena Journals
Who am I?
What am I?
What am I doing?
Who am I here for?
What is going on?
Really, without love, no one, nothing, nothing, no reason, I don’t know.
With love…….
Patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, joy, peace, longsuffering and self control.
With love, I give, am selfless, calm, at ease, accepting, not contesting, love truth and am receptive to its definitions in life, let grudges go willingly, trusting, hoping, believing in faith- Faith in God, not myself or goodness I’ve been taught, but faith in God, for it pleases God, and I care what pleases God.
I care enough what pleases God to go after His definitions on things, am open to see what I don’t see that He does, and am more than willing to adapt it to my own life. I swallow pride and I weigh my life with His word, even if it is something I’d never think of or do on my own thinking. I live to please Him at His words. I care enough to be willing to stretch my understanding to fit His.
My willingness to change and be changed is evidence of my reciprocation of the love of God.