Saturday, July 21, 2007

Psalm 8 Today w/ Journalin'

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God Bless You Today, Lena B

Psalm 8
A David psalm

1GOD, brilliant Lord, yours is a household name.
2Nursing infants gurgle choruses about you;
toddlers shout the songs
That drown out enemy talk,
and silence atheist babble.
3I look up at your macro-skies, dark and enormous,
your handmade sky-jewelry,
Moon and stars mounted in their settings.
4Then I look at my micro-self and wonder,
Why do you bother with us?
Why take a second look our way?
5Yet we've so narrowly missed being gods,
bright with Eden's dawn light.
6You put us in charge of your handcrafted world,
repeated to us your Genesis-charge,
7Made us lords of sheep and cattle,
even animals out in the wild,
8Birds flying and fish swimming,
whales singing in the ocean deeps.
9GOD, brilliant Lord,
your name echoes around the world.

Lena Journals to Psalm 8 Today ~
OK, before we say things, lets see if we really mean them.
God Brilliant Lord, Yours is a household name….
Who’s household? The ones’ speaking?
We hope so.
Yet many a time the religious church will recite passages and quote scriptures as though they are the words of others, but not words to resound personally.
The word of God was given us that it would become our own words, that we’d implement them into our own lives to become as He is, for He is the Word.
He is the word made flesh, and is the firstborn among those who receive Him and call themselves His, born again ones. If that is who we say we are, we must ask ourselves daily - is that what I’m doing to become as He is? Am I living with His words as my standard to achieve and with His help to do and become them, am I also the Living Word in exemplary form for others to look at, begin to hunger for and thirst over and also become?
Our earth life’s purpose is all about this. What else is there to pursue, concentrate on, be trained in, etc? Of course there is the pursuit of career and all, yet inside of that career is a person being developed into someone for someone’s use. The career is a means to show the world who we are, if we are living words.
Is He a household name? Not just casually mentioned, but borne in the home, worn on the brow, impressed upon the heart, imprinted in the mind, exercised in the body? Do the relationships in the house benefit from the wearing and bearing of His name?
This is what the word in just Psalm 8:1 is saying. The Psalms are not just sweet poetry; they are words of life to live. How can one live them, if they think they are only to be recited as some prose or something with rhythm and rhyme to chant?
Do your youngest children feel safety inside of your household because you have chosen Him as Lord and you follow Christ Mon-Sat along with Sunday also?
Does your baby who is walking and now speaking, showing yourself to yourself, and as they copy you, are they showing the likeness of Christ? Or do they argue, say curse words, spit and hit at people, are they sad, angry, or discontented?
This is what church “going” is all about. We go to learn and implement change in our homes.
Our Pastor tells us not to go to church, ever. Wow, what is he trying to do, lose a congregation? No, he is bringing out a principle. That being, “BE the church” in living form on each and every day of your week God has blessed you to have time left on earth to do so in.
When we live this way, and we do this by choices, even our kids will defeat enemies that have haunted our past ancestry for years. They will walk on and go free.
One problem that we find in our kids walking away from church is due to the lack of consistency. The church is not there to save our children, though it helps tremendously. Church services should just confirm for our kids what they are already seeing implemented at home. If that is happening, the kids will stay around for a life of more. They may go through a brief test of their own faith being solidly based on their own decisions, but they will stay. It is the confusion through hypocrisy that will send them journeying for other things. Kids hate and despise, hypocrisy. Don’t you? If we take them to church or cram words we do not exemplify, down their throats, then they begin to despise those words.
If we live the words, become disciples who live the words, and we humbly admit mistakes along the way, they will love the words.
We should ask ourselves, do my children love or distain the Word of God? Do they love the house of God, do they love our house? The answer to that question should lead us to either keep in hot pursuit of change to the Word or to a repentance towards becoming the church at home.
God made even our youngest children to overcome enemies of even our past!
Do your children see God in nature? Have you taught them to observe this world God served to us to enjoy and marvel in? Or have you been busy busy in the concrete jungles of life and the making and spending of $, too much so to stop and look at what we are responsible to God for.
2 Commands that matter above all else…Love God….Love People.
In this we overcome.
God requires that we do.
He gave us all we need to.
It’s up to us to , or not to.
Choose this day who you will serve in living color.
Choose life and blessing that your seed may live and love forever.
Be the church while at home the Living Word of God that your family and other people can see.