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God Bless You Today, Lena B
Psalm 55
For the choir director: A psalm of David, to be accompanied by stringed instruments.
1 Listen to my prayer, O God. Do not ignore my cry for help!
2 Please listen and answer me, for I am overwhelmed by my troubles.
3 My enemies shout at me, making loud and wicked threats. They bring trouble on me, hunting me down in their anger.
4 My heart is in anguish. The terror of death overpowers me.
5 Fear and trembling overwhelm me. I can't stop shaking.
6 Oh, how I wish I had wings like a dove; then I would fly away and rest!
7 I would fly far away to the quiet of the wilderness.
8 How quickly I would escape— far away from this wild storm of hatred.
9 Destroy them, Lord, and confuse their speech, for I see violence and strife in the city.
10 Its walls are patrolled day and night against invaders, but the real danger is wickedness within the city.
11 Murder and robbery are everywhere there; threats and cheating are rampant in the streets.
12 It is not an enemy who taunts me— I could bear that. It is not my foes who so arrogantly insult me— I could have hidden from them.
13 Instead, it is you—my equal, my companion and close friend.
14 What good fellowship we enjoyed as we walked together to the house of God.
15 Let death seize my enemies by surprise; let the grave F41 swallow them alive, for evil makes its home within them.
16 But I will call on God, and the LORD will rescue me.
17 Morning, noon, and night I plead aloud in my distress, and the LORD hears my voice.
18 He rescues me and keeps me safe from the battle waged against me, even though many still oppose me.
19 God, who is king forever, will hear me and will humble them.
For my enemies refuse to change their ways; they do not fear God.
20 As for this friend of mine, he betrayed me; he broke his promises.
21 His words are as smooth as cream, but in his heart is war. His words are as soothing as lotion, but underneath are daggers!
22 Give your burdens to the LORD, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.
23 But you, O God, will send the wicked down to the pit of destruction. Murderers and liars will die young, but I am trusting you to save me.
F41: Hebrew let Sheol.
~Lena's Journalin' to Psalm 55 Today~
As I read the words of This Psalm, I see human nature expressed and expressed as we see it from a human and an earthly view. A view based on the flesh nature, one we contend with daily in order to rise above.
In our humanness we could stand to lose the heavenly perception on life’s circumstances. We need to get up to the place He provided for us to get a view from, rise up and see things as He sees them, at least get a glimpse.
Have you ever stepped up higher and changed your view? Whenever you go through something, ask God to help you step up, climb up, and fly up, for a better view.
From a circumstantial view one may think God has not heard a prayer or they may think the world revolves around their problems only, for the scuffle is going on and the person is so involved that all there is is a scuffle. Yet when one sees form above, they can see a whole set of actions, reactions and even orchestrations within a big picture.
Maturity realizes it has a personal responsibility to unleash the power of God which is already alive and available in us. It takes responsibility and does whatever it takes, to be in position or engage in the very purposes that open doors for the very promises of God made available for the taking, for the seizing.
The kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force. What does that say? We do not get to sit back w/ a remote control in our hands as though we are watchers of a show, because we’re players, we’re the ones’ making the show happen!
Things just do not happen, there is a set course of responses that make things work. It reminds me of watching a gymnast. When we see them perform, we think it looks easy and we find that if we were to try out the feat, we’d fail miserably, for it took responsibility and discipline to demonstrate the results seen before our eyes. For Christ’s kingdom to come in any area, the responsibility and discipline is obedience to the word of God.
Instead of being overwhelmed in any given situation, if we rise up, we can rather overcome.
Why would God not answer?
He already did.
That’s why.
Are we ready to do what He’s said, as He’s said it?
Many of the promises we are waiting for, are waiting for us to make a responsible move.
We overcome by the Blood of the Lamb of God that was slain for God’s work to appear in the earth through us, By the word of our testimony of life and not of death, and we love not our own lives, even unto the death of our selfishness, self centered world, and personal desires.
Today is a day to overcome, rather than be overwhelmed. It is a mere choice away.