Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Lena Journals to Joel 2 Today

Anyone wonder why the Day of the Lord would be a day of thick darkness and gloom?
The Bible tells us to one man the presence of the Lord is glorious and to another it is terribly horrendous. What causes the same God to have two different effects on people?
The answer is found in the state of the man’s soul.
The #1 question of and for all time is, how have we acknowledged Jesus and His freely given sacrifice? Do we acknowledge it casually, like we would a picture on a museum wall, shaking our head and smiling at how nice it was? Or do we live for what He did, spreading it’s good news through all eternity, changing every part of our lives for it’s message?
To one darkness and doom, to another light, life, and love, eternally.
Behold the goodness and the severity of God.
There is so much in the unseen realm yet to see, yet to behold, and be revealed.
I often wonder as I watch movies in our day, if the movie makers have been given a glimpse, so they can pass a hint along to us, of what is REALLY here among us and more real in this world than what we do see? If we saw it or knew of it, because our spiritual perceiver was in tuned and our spiritual filter was washed clean, we’d see it come into focus, realizing even the warfare for souls?
What is fear? Faith perverted. Faith in what is evil and damned, rather than what is Good and God and eternally sound.
Faith in God is what moves and pleases God.
Every Christian who has volunteered or been recruited by the spirit of God, is a soldier in the army of God. The thing is, we’ve not settled ourselves into a life led by the spirit of Christ, which has been given us to live in us, we’ve not heeded His direction, lead, and call. If we were listening, we’d do what He says when He says it and we’d be in rank, assembled and powerful.
We’d be earth movers and shakers. What is wrong would be made right, by a unified example.
What causes the shift, from a sloppy willful army and a ranking positionally engaged readied one? The will of each man to do His good pleasure walking a walk of faith in His will.
An army assembled to do His will on purpose is a powerful force in an earth where independence and pride and self seeking have ruled. It would cause the earth to shake and quake as it would be such a pivotal positional change.
Who can endure the day of the Lord? Those who are the Lord’s, know and live as though they belong to Him. They are wholly His, so much that they are reproductions of Him, no longer alive to self ways and seeking, but all in for the promotion and exemplification of His ways. Those who look like Him, are as He is and are covered by the Blood of the Lamb covering all of their shortcomings in obedience to His will, These who live and walk as He does and would, will be preserved in that day.
Turn to Me now, while there is time. How many know when their “time” is? When is now for each of us? Now.
It is not good to look besides us, to others. If we do that we could possible save a few, who are really intent on Him anyway, but we could also lose our own souls. One must start the judgment in their own houses, their own temples of the Most High God.
This Saturday- a Call 07-07-07, a Call to prayer for a nation, all day long, a fast, a time that is now, a time for an army to assemble, a day of the Lord. Nashville at Titan Stadium, A people assemble to make a statement to the principalities, powers and mights and to God Most High to know there is an army who want to be all His, Prayer on this day can also be at home or at church too. How much is His kingdom important to us? Enough to stop what we are doing and go, assemble, and pray? Yes!
Are any saddened by the state of the church? The rumors about her, the gossip she endures, the marks she’s taken from the world and from believers discontented? Pray.
Do you realize God has provided His food to nations and some are still starving? It is His word sent to nourish us and satisfy us and we won’t have it, don’t make place or time for it. Now is the time. Let not there be a famine for the word of God given an unthankful people who had it’s opportunity and did not take it! Read and study the Word of God, make room for it-Him, today.
If we will read and study to apply it, we will change lives, beginning with our own.
If we pray for our nation TODAY God will save our land!
If we humble ourselves and interceded for those who do not choose or do not know, we may save a people from eternal doom. Is that important to us? It is so important to Him and we are the means in which it happens here for Him.
We want the blessing s and the signs and wonders, we want to see God. Everything that is seen was birthed into the natural realm by a mother in the spirit who saw before she saw. The church is the mother of the birthing of, kingdom signs and wonders, she sees them and the way to them happening before they are here. She positions herself to bring forth what her husband planted in her and what God has developed in her willing womb.
Prayer IS THIS position for the church!
We may never see the blessings or signs and wonders if we’re unwilling to pay the price of a sanctified life and pray.