Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Lena Journals to Joel 1 Today

When the Lord gives a message to one man, guess what? Others can listen and learn and do what God told that one man to do. There is a principle in the word of God.
It’s called “Follow me. Do what I do, copy me, listen and learn”, rather than experience it yourself first.
A wise son learns from words of His own Father, rather than rebelling, not paying attention to, and doing it his own way first.
The whole entire Bible is about listening to words of wisdom and doing them to live.
So Joel hears a word from God that he shares w/ those of us who will hear and obey it, even today in the 21st century, and guess what?
We can listen to and obey it. God’s word is wondrous, it is eternal, and will never lose its power to save, heal, deliver and bless people.
It is the same yesterday, today and forever.
So what is the scripture saying TODAY to us?
That’s what Daily Bread is about.
Everyday we should make a place for it and we should run to God’s word to see what today’s plan is.
I heard a woman pray today and she said this, “Lord we don’t just want to survive on Your words today, barely survive, starve and survive!”
Do we? I wonder. Are we barely surviving spiritually speaking or are we feasting to grow and become strong in spirit?
How many of us read God’s word everyday, and then how many of us study it, or attend to it to get understanding of it each day in order to do more and more of it?. Do we study it in order to compare our lives to it, and see if we are lacking at all, and then get our lives in line to match it, even if it means discipline of the soul???
Those who really want to, come on and look with me today. Ok?
Are you a leader of people? If not, why not? If so, are you staying ahead? We all as leaders have that responsibility before God, if we’re not ahead then we’re not leaders.
But God so desires for each of us to lead, first our own spirit, soul and body, then help lead His Body, the developing growing maturing body of Christ.
It is NOT an option to learn enough of the Words of life, to give to our children. It is not an option to tell them and teach them God’s word. We must, this IS our life’s assignment. The only important one.
I’ve heard many a wife say I can’t talk to my husband about God, or I can’t talk to my kids about Jesus. I have to ask, and we all should be oh so willing to ask ourselves… WHY NOT?
What has happened in your relationship? It needs fixing and quick! We must become humble and if there is anything we can do to repair that, just do it before it is too late!
THAT is really serious. Get on the other side of that deal and look at yourself being very eternally sorry later on if they died without hearing or knowing of Him from your mouth and life.
Do you see what the world and following its ways has done to our households and families?
Dear ones WAKE up, this is such a serious time, which cannot be ignored!
If we do not live for eternal life and pass it on with passion, it will be gone for us, and for our children, neighbors, etc. Our opportunity will have passed. This cannot be. We must rise up and save our seed. God’s holy design and plan must be restored, a voice must speak, repentance must come for the lack of importance placed upon living a life holy before God. A life that is decisively all holy, not just some, as though it were salt on a potato!
Do you know what God wants most in life?
Souls, people saved eternally, and then raised up to save the earth from its eternal doom!
This is our living sacrifice daily to Him we offer up and this is His reward, and this is His due from us. It is our duty to the earth.
If one has not participated, one must repent and press God for a passion for the lost and for the rescue from eternal doom.
Please, Please, Please order online and listen to “Affabel” by John Bevere and or Read the Book “Driven by Eternity” Please!
In the USA we have it good, so good, or do we? We’ve been blind and deafened by our comfy cozy complacency. We have not realized eternal alarms have been sounding. It is so time to wake up. One must tune their ears to the sounds, must realize the seriousness of the call, must turn his head and heart towards what God is saying. For He is never ever silent, ever. One must press His ears into the word of God and heed the calls for righteousness and truth. Loving what is right, hating what is wrong, rather than tolerating what is ok and alright and acceptable in the world’s standards. Dear Lord, hell and people going there, is unacceptable!
Or is it?
To whom? Us?
Or Him?
When the will and passion becomes the same, that is when it happens! Now is the time TODAY is the day the Lord has made, are we rejoicing with angels over new life that we have witnessed has happened Today?