Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Lena Journals to Isaiah 61 Tonight :-)

What makes Christians different? Hopefully, it’s the spirit of the Lord that is in us. We have a human spirit, this is the life in us. When we receive Christ and the Holy Spirit, we become one with God, and His Spirit fills us up, causing us to be like He is in earthly bodies.
Jesus, was God, and He came to earth, was filled with the Spirit on earth and walked on earth as both man and God.
He was an example for us and left us telling us to do as He showed us to do, not by our own might or super human abilities, but by the empowerment of the Spirit of God made available to all, who receive Him willingly.
The keys here are receive, which must happen through faith, and willingly.
God is a gentleman in nature and does not force Himself or His will on us ever.
Do you know the Lord has appointed each human to be anointed and to preach? Each and every human alive has this Divine appointment and opportunity while on earth, in this earth suit body.
Do you know we each have good news for the poor, comfort for broken hearts and release for those held captive at the enemy’s will?
Do you know Divine favor is available to each of us? Supernatural favor no one can ever earn on his own?
Have you ever been in mourning? Are you still there? Do you know you can and should let go and that God’s way is to release those who have already had their time here? To hold one’s self to a person who has passed on is dangerous to one’s health and therein lies the breeding ground of death, which will try to attach itself to the willing to sympathize with it? There needs to be beauty come out of ashes. That is God’s design, that that which could cause us the most terrible type of earthly pain, would not be able to harm us or separate us from God’s love and knowing it personally. That neither death nor the pains or circumstances of life could take us away form His joy and doing His work until our end of days come.
There are actually people who die, yet are still alive, when others do die. This is tragic and we allow or disallow something such as death to steal our purposes away from us.
The world and culture teaches us that death is supposed to sting and we are supposed to mourn for a long time and not get over it, etc….This is not kingdom of God culture! Jesus piad to remove the sting of death form those who give it all to Him!
Those who choose (and it is a choice) joy, rather than to mourn will be like strong, mighty, and firmly planted growing trees.
Those who choose to live when death prematurely offers itself to us, will rebuild ancient ruins!!! Man that is huge. That’s like making something glorious out of what is not even apparent!
We’re really talking about generational relationships here, not just physical buildings!
Seriously. This is what is most serious in God’s heart’s desire. Relationships of old mended, and made all new!
He doesn’t care about buildings unless people can gather unto Him to glorify Him in them.
The Lord, the bridegroom, with great anticipation, awaits those who’s hearts are all for Him, who choose His ways above their own ways. They could choose their own, but they choose His instead, cause they want to!