Saturday, July 07, 2007

Lena Journals to 1 Kings 18 Today

I find it awesome that in the midst of what seems such gross darkness, there is the light of the Word of God found in obedient representatives. In a wicked kingdom, where people are not serving God Most High and were predominantly loving themselves and the ways of their own choosing, there was still a voice. A voice in the community, a voice in the palace. A voice of love, of obedience (Obadiah =’s obedience) available to speak, if someone was willing to hear it.
Willingness to hear (which also means obeying, these are one in the same) this is key to how much the Word of the Lord is being spoken through his messengers. How much are even the people of God willing to hear His words? How much are, we the people of God, seeking to learn and come to know the spirit of Christ through the word of God? If there is no desire there, there is a famine for His words, for His spirit. There will be a famine for hearing and for knowing and doing. Is there anyone tired of being dry, left to his own ways, or are we content as we are, without any spiritual life? Have we been deceived, because we are still alive physically, into thinking that the life of God, even without obedience to His word, is in us?
The more we become willing to hear with intent to apply everything we hear, as though we’re a college student studying for exams, the more will be given us to learn and do. The less we do, the less we get opportunity to do. We even shut our spirits down from receiving from His fountains, because we welcome Him, invite Him, through our responses to His words. If no response, then no reciprocal response, because there was an unwelcome, a quenching of His passions.
Obadiah actually fed and gave water to God, that was his faith response to words he’d heard. He gave God what God wanted for His people. He fed and nourished the plan of God.
This is what prayer is about. Being a voice for God, nourishing His will, telling Him we agree and are making a plan to do what His will is, it is placing our trust and faith reliance on Him in response to His words we’ve heard.
Today there is a call to prayer for our nation and the church, the body of Christ, within the nation, a prayer time where many people all over the nation pray all day and fast to show God we want rain, we want His passions flame, His consuming of us fire, there is a voice in the “palace”, a people who love with plans of action and are willing to even be changed in order to do His will. A people willing to stand and risk their own lives to show His.
If God be God, then serve Him, if the ways you’ve been living, if your own ways are working, you being your own god or goddesses are where it truly eternally works, then serve them.
There is a difference in us being protected inside of what we choose to do, and in doing what God has initiated. I hear so many people make plans and then pray that God blesses their self made, self motivated and initiated plans and later on, if things go wrongly, they blame God and are angry at Him, because the blessing of God was not there.
Notice Elijah ran form Ahab and hid from Jezebel when God did not yet present him there in their presence. He was not arrogantly “trusting” God and that he was always divinely protected and just went to stand before Ahab at his own whim and initiative. He followed the voice of the Lord, within that voice, he found there was safety and Divine protection. He was facing his enemy today, because God told Him to, told him it was time to. Some people tell me “in the Lord’s timing” I’ll have this or that, or be healed…The Lord’s timing is about what He wants done, it’s not about illness. It is time now for illnesses to leave us so we can do the will of God when and how He wants it done! If He says do it, check in, it may very well be the time to.
Has anyone ever counted you as a spiritual troublemaker against evil? The devils in the world should be saying that about the church. The church should be in position to do some harm to the kingdom of darkness on a daily basis.
Refusal to obey the commands of God bring “troubles”. Having troubles is a good time to check in on the obedience gage.
Many times disobedience is based on faltering between two opinions. Opinions DO NOT matter in the kingdom of God. His word does and whatever my opinion is should be moved to become one with His word.
How much strength, energy, money, time, and even blood, have we given to our own opinions and to other gods? The very first of even the 10 commandments states there shall be No other gods before Me! Other gods are whatever else we feed or feed on, that take the time God could have from us in prayer, worship, study of the word, and fellowship with his body. It includes our opinions that exalt themselves and say to us, we are excused somehow from doing that commandment. We say to ourselves, the word must apply to the other 99% of the body of Christ, but somehow we get excused from it. That kind of thinking is definitely a red light alert – another god is here right now to serve if we want to, we can, if we don’t want to,
We need to rise up and dis-invite him through purposeful changes we make. We take our thoughts and opinions captive and tell them what we’re gonna do about making an adjustment to obey the word of the Lord, and we’re Not excused and we do not allow ourselves the luxury of exalting ourselves above God to have an excuse to not serve Him his way.
See many of us serve Him our way and want Him to be happy and pleased with it. When we first come into the kingdom, He somewhat accepts that, it is infantile behavior, but it doesn’t last, because we are to grow up and mature into a love that obeys God’s word at all times.
This is what made a contest this day, Excuses and opinions. Baal was ruling there in ISRAEL. In Israel Baal was being invited, by people’s excuses and their following their own opinions and serving God their own ways, expecting God to be happy with what they decided to give him! That kind of living in the church causes a famine to happen to the whole land. It’s not just one house that is judged and affected, it is the whole land that bears the curse of a disobedient church!
Today is a day to say, I see that Lord, and I’m sorry. I’ll change and repent! You are God, I am not and I apologize for thinking I had excuses.
You do realize some excuses stem from lack of belief in ability? Yet when God asks us to do something, He is rarely ever basing His request on our abilities, But His life in us and our trust in Him to live and grow in us and to use our faith as co-workers together. Prayer is co-working. We find out what God wants and speak it into the atmosphere of the earth, creating a new world as He first created ours. With Adam He gave power to men to create their world through words. Prayer is releasing creative words as God deems we release them. One must be a student of the word to do that, and know Him in and through His word.
Those truly repent …. they fell on their faces and cried out, "The LORD is God! The LORD is God!"
Those who preach a message saying of it’s ok to do such and such with so and so, it’s ok to live in sin, and excuse yourself from obeying the voices of the Lord in the earth, God still loves you and He’ll understand…these are prophets of Baal, prophets of compromise. There is fire coming to spirits of compromise and to their disciples. Our God is a consuming fire! He is Holy, righteous, just and true!
Are you the type of servant of the Lord who sees stuff no one else sees? A visionary? Not a dreamer, who has goals they’d like to accomplish, But a person who sees the will of God before it appears and will bow down like a woman in birth praying and watching till it happens?
Wow! This is the behavior of those who are like Christ, they see ahead into the realm of God’s will, inquire of what He wants now, in our day, and then presses into the heavenly realm being that very desire to earth through prayer and obedient actions. Expecting what He wants to come and not giving up until it does.
How strong is God’s power in you? As much as we trust Him, enough to rely on, and obey Him is as much as He’s allowed to manifest in and through us.
Join believers all over the nation, Bow down and Pray Today!