I was just telling a friend how human nature is somewhat predictable in the area where we send red flags to one another, or S.O.S. signs. We send up signals that help one another to read one another, to help one another, if we are open to be helped.
One such signal in human nature, is seclusion and separation from people, or God, or self.
These are the three main roots systems where, if one is willing to see it as a signal and deal with it in the spirit, every human ailment can be dealt with and even healed.
Do you know sin means - separation?
Humans were created by God to be joined with God and also with other humans.
When humans sin, they suddenly want to be alone or separated. Adam, where are you?
Whether we want to or not, guilt or shame causes us to feel this way.
Do you know separation from God is sin? Also separation from others is a breech in His plan for mankind, and so is separation from self. There’s a disconnecting of the lifeline of relationships. Man was meant by God to relate to God and to others. Relationship is where most human struggle is at.
Can you see why, if it is so important to God’s will? Yeah, that’s because it is under direct attack of the enemy. The enemy knows he can kill man off, if man will separate from God and others.
God is our eternal lifeline, therefore the enemy would love to separate us eternally speaking. If we separate out from others, we do not relate. The Bible clearly states that if we do not love men who we see (with a love which must be demonstrated inside of relationships), then we are liars. If we say we love God, but won’t demonstrate it w/ people, this is the self deceptive lie.
So, we do not love God, if we cannot love others, whom we do see and get the privilege of working out relationships with here, now!
In the purposeful demonstration of love, do your words build others up? Refresh them? Or frustrate and irritate them? Do you murmur, complain and criticize? Or edify, exhort, and build others up, encouraging them in truth and faith, hope, & love?
One must decide to love and to live differently than the world, or than the natural sway.
We decide to use our words for life or for death.
What exactly is humility again? A willingness to be corrected, led, and obedient to the opinion of another. Ouch, that one hurts pride, on purpose. Humility we could call the weaponry against pride! We should use it as a tool in a warrior’s hand to bring the character of God on the temptation to usurp. When one humbles himself, he won’t need to be humiliated.
How much do you give out? Do you give all, wishing nothing in return from people, leaving your provision for God to take care of? How about of your personality, or your love bank? Do you hold some back in case someone sucks you dry? Or do you live on “the edge”, trusting God so much that you can empty yourself of self, regularly and know that your God will always fill an emptied unto Him vessel, full up?
A man who finds a wife…..Finding a wife may seem easier than keeping one. It takes work, purposeful willing work to be willing to please others. The Lord looks favorably upon a man who is willing to give all up everyday of his earth life to cause a woman and children to have and be at peace.
Marriage is more for God than it is for men.
If we look at it in this light, we may be willing to do more to have it, keep it, and nurture it, than we would be if we see it as self satisfying and self serving. God wants two people to decide to agree, to bring power to the earth. God is looking for men to die to self, and live to Him in demonstration and ironing out of daily life. He is looking for women who will love as models of His church, His bride does this, because she gives all, unconditionally and is willing to change and help serve others.
Marriage is God’s design for heaven on earth demonstration. Where two could stay two, but they decide to become one to demonstrate Him.
Our pastor says, a wedding is two funerals and one resurrection!
Two people who lived in whatever way they saw life to be about, and how they desired and said to one another before God, “Hey lets rid ourselves of that self satisfying lifestyle, and give ourselves wholly over to the demonstration of Christ’s kingdom, then let’s reproduce it with family and with being godly examples of it to children who in turn will be raised to see that same vision for the earth!”
The one resurrection is, Christ appearing in two who could be and remain two, but they choose to be as much like Him as is possible for two to be in the earth. It is not about who wins and which one we change to please the other the most. It is about two dying to self, to exemplify Him! How can we together do what His will is so powerfully desirous of showing forth through us?
Man cannot do that alone! He can’t.
It was not good for man to be alone…..God made woman out of the side of man…..