Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Lena Journals to Proverbs 14 Today

In the sense of this word, how does one “build a house”? Compared to “tearing it down”? What is the house anyway?
People, are the house, the house represents people. So a wise woman builds her people and a foolish one tears them down.
It is always so evident in the word of God how black and white God is. How we are either all in, or all out. Yet when we hear Christians talk, we give so much grace to ourselves and we listen to lies and deceptions that try to tell us we can be half in, or some in, and be ok.
Not really ok for God is looking at all in’s and He is not deceived. He knows who’s hearts are completely His, or the ones that belong to a lot of other things!
When I read about the “empty stable” I also think of sparkling clean houses that are not really homes. Houses for show, to show what a person has gained in life, yet no one plays or sits and talks in them, they are show places, museums, but have missed their purposes. Now, I did not say do not keep the house clean, we must clean the house. The work of the house, and main part to work on in a house, are the relationships of the house. That takes more work than cleaning does, but it is God’s design and idea.
An empty house that looks pretty, is of no value or use to His kingdom. That reminds me of churches that people come from a far to gaze at the architecture and stained glass designs, but where are the people? It is not a building that He glories in, it is us. It is a willing people, who could be independent, but choose to join together with others who believe, combining their differences together into one man, the LORD Jesus Christ.
Guilt or shame is like pain. It is a signal to tell us something needs to be attended to, or corrected. To dwell in guilt and shame is sin, for Jesus paid it all to provide blood to cover and forgive.
Yet the blood He shed was for those who’s intent is to change and repent, turn from one way of walking and set on a new pathway, a different journey.
Guilt is a signal for change! Shame is the sting to tell us to pull the stinger out! They are useful, if we heed their warnings.
It amazes me what men excuse themselves in. It seems life is so full of self justification. Everyday a person is trying to make his self right, or prove himself to be right in someone’s eyes. The only one who is good and really right is God. If we seek to do things His way we are made right in Him, no one needs to tell us we are, for we know Him and His rightness. That is the pathway of life. Any other pursuit is futile. We may think it is nice, comfy-cozy or good, but what counts is where it leads us. Does what we are doing or are participating in, lead to eternal life being grown in us or in others? Or is it just a good or nice thing to do or be for now?
I’ve even watched good people do good things out of order, and misalignment is missing life by a smidgen.
One example is there is a call to corporately concentrated prayer. Where two or three of us agree as touching anything that we ask for, it will be given us by our Father in heaven. God has something’s He’d like for two or more of us to gather over and agree with, bringing His will into the earth realm by declarations of faith, just as He did and does, using words to cause things to appear, as when He created the world and formed it out of what did not yet appear.
The person can be a part of it, but they say something like, “I already pray at home”. Or when we culturally know that Sundays are set aside to be a part of the greater body, and are meant by God for a whole lot of people who do different things, to come together in power, doing the same thing, in the same place, on purpose. I’ve heard people say, “I stayed home, watched a preacher on TV and shared the word on the phone with someone who doesn’t go to church”!!!
That could have been done on a day the assembly was not called together, why would we choose to do it that way then? We do what is right in our own eyes and we follow our own path. Rebellion and separation is rooted there. It needs to be plucked out, a new path taken, submission to a body embraced.
Seriously, everyone will receive both now and later of what he gave to God now. How much of Living Sacrifice do we offer? The part we want to give.
When the word says, It is wise for men to prove things before they do them , or they consider matters, or watch words, etc, it is NOT speaking of the words of God. It is speaking of day to day considerations. We are to come to God’s word with open and willing hearts, not one who contests and considers whether we’ll do what God has said or not, if it is good for us, seems right, or is worth our considerations.
We’ve got our guards up before God. There is a problem there, and reason has gotten in the way! Remember reason is an enemy of God.
No reason is needed, with Christ we believe, receive, embrace and do His words. That’s what we go to church and Bible Studies for. To learn what to do, not to see if we want to, or if His words are worthy of our faith. Wrong approach there.
This is a demonstration of the fear of the Lord. If we fear or reverence Him, we’ll come to Him with a heart to do what He says. That is never convenient, Nor is it ever easy in the flesh, ever. The flesh natured man wars against the spirit of the Father. One must learn to tell the flesh to be silent and allow the spirit man to arise and commune with his God.
There is peace in the lives of those who willfully give their selves body, soul, and spirit, to God. When one decides we all, Body, soul, and spirit are going to do His will and follow after Him, learning more and more what to do or say everyday, the struggle and war of the flesh ceases, quiets down, calms the storms within.