Maturity is a lifelong process. The process involves finding out life is not about what we think, or desire, or want to do. It is about representation of others. For children of parents and of the Lord. For workers, of bosses and of the Lord. For spouses, the other spouse and of the Lord.
In all we do, we represent the Lord.
Spiritual and natural children who live only to please themselves have yet to come to maturity.
When one represents and understands representation, he is aware and purposes to represent well. If unaware, then immature, as of yet. Maturity and the willingness to grow and become aware, shows wisdom rather than foolishness. (King James English added)
In maturing, one will desire to be a representative and represent well, not according to their own representation, but in how the other would like to be represented. He brings into great consideration how the other would want to be represented by his life, decisions and actions on a daily basis.
Many times gain is gotten quickly by ill means, honest working seems to take more time to accomplish the goal. That is on purpose. What is important to us we will be willing to give our lives for.
Godly behaviors will last for generations to come, they are eternal investments. Even just mere popularity will only last so long and because the focus is self centered in nature, it is fleeting.
Who do we listen to and heed their words enough to do?
Who’s words to we regard?
Who’s words do you treasure and cannot wait to hear?
This is also a sign of maturity, one listens to and does the words of others, because they want to, because they understand trusting God through following people and because they want to give honor to God by honoring others. It is no longer about rights and wrongs, it is about wealth, wisdom, eternal deposits made by faith, and honor.
One who fears God lives this way, with no struggle of what if the person they follow is wrong. They know how mighty their God is to save and deliver, even if they follow one who makes and wrong turn.
Their God is greater than a mere human mistake. He fixes and makes new, human mistakes. Mistakes are not the concern or focus, representation and honor and trust are.
The Lord is all for a person of this type of understanding.