Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Lena Journals to Proverbs 1 Today

David’s son, not child, not boy, son.
Do you know All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.
Here it states that their purpose is to teach people wisdom and discipline and help them understand wisdom with successes rather than living experientially from trial and err and failure to next trail and failure.
We have the word of God given us by the shed blood of men, (Gotta see the movie” Luther”), let alone God Himself paid a hefty price to get it out to us in living form.
We have the word of God for what we all count as free in the USA, we’ve been given it to help us know to do what is right, not to fight with it, reason out whether it is what we think or not, no it was sent by God to help us KNOW what is right and what is fair.
Do you know how a young man would be able to have discernment? He is wise enough to listen and do what others tell him to do. Do you know even a youngster who decides to live this way, can be far more mature than an older person is?
Let the wise listen to the Proverbs of the Lord and become yet wiser!
Let those willing to gain the understanding given by God in His word, get more and more and more understanding!
Study, not to debate them or weigh them out against human knowledge or experience, but let the wise man take them and own them and protect them as though they are the greatest treasure he has on earth. Let that person flourish and grow.
Fools DO Not live this way at all, ever.
They do not listen to anyone except their own opinions of everything, they are so independent in thought and action. The only ones they listen to is those who are like them already, and those who sound like the world!
Worldly wisdom is light-years away from the narrow road of God knowledge.
Who is your father, and who is your mother? They are introduced to us by who’s words you heed and obey.
If sin ever entices you to not listen to God’s word, RUN away!
Its invitation can be to you as blatant as if they said, “Lets’ just murder the word of God that has tried to live in them”, “Let’s destroy any faith in God and righteousness they have yet obtained”, “Let’s also take away any chance God would have of counting on them as becoming heirs of what is His.” “Let’s take them right to hell where we will burn forever together, let’s recruit them with lies and then tell them the truth later on, when it is way too late.” “Let’s make it look like fun and prosperity with enjoyment and entertainment, before they realize how short this life is, and how long eternal punishment will be!” “Let’s tell them one big fat lie that will cover most of our bases,… one like, .money is worth everything in this life!”
If we do not listen to God and His word, then mercy and grace runs out!
It does.
Do not be deceived into thinking the spirit of God will always stay in the chase of men. He is a gentleman and will offer, if we do not want to listen to His words, the very ones that He paid to give us, others paid to give us, He’ll go where someone will hear the call…
God reduced life on earth, because men would not listen…. Gen 6:3And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
When is it time to heed His words? To so treasure and value them in our personal lives?
Now is the Time, this is the day the Lord has made….