I’m thinking, which do we want: strife & anger, or peace? That’s what we need to give. What we want is what we need to concentrate on giving. We reap what we sow, the golden rule is: do to others, what you want done to you.
Also in the realm of hating to be told what or how to do things by others. We need to be willing to change perceptions. Do you want others to listen to what you have to say, and show you respect by being willing to what you say that will benefit them or cause them to not have to experience what you’ve found to be a wrong direction, to go to a same end? Then listen to others and do what they say also. Love to be told what to do. Love to be saved from a wrong direction that wastes time. Be glad when someone loves you enough to tell you truth that will set you free and save you.
Never ever try to hide from God.
This is the red flag system God set up for each human being alive;
If we feel to hide ourselves in shame - red flag!!!!!
If we want to stay away from others - red flag!!!!
If we want to be separated – red flag!!!
Exposing yourself to God and others who you can trust and who love you enough to help you change, is the way to run when you see the red flags.
God sees and knows everything already. He loves fellowship with us, and finds delight that we’d want pure fellowship restored. He wants us to tell Him what made us feel like hiding or separating and be willing through His strength and power to deal with it as an enemy of our relationship, disallowing it to stand in its threat against us..
Remember wisdom is the practical application of knowledge.
If a person gives you advise such as, tells you it is not good to use credit cards when you can’t pay them every month, you have that knowledge and you may tell someone you know it, have heard it, etc; Now, wisdom applies the knowledge. It does the words of others. If you want to give good advise to others, make sure to check you own life and see if you also practice willingly following the advise of what others suggest to you. See if you allow others to more than just suggest stuff to you, but you go as far to let them tell you what is best without anger rising inside and you actually embrace commands.
God commands us, He does not usually suggest stuff. If we hear it as a suggestion, that is our heart. We do not yet have a healthy fear of God developed in us. The fear of the Lord is the very beginning of wisdom.
12Mockers don't love those who rebuke them…20Sensible children bring joy to their father 22Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many counselors bring success... it is wonderful to say the right thing at the right time… he delights in pure words…28The godly think before speaking; the wicked spout evil words. .. 31If you listen to constructive criticism, you will be at home among the wise. . 32If you reject criticism, you only harm yourself; but if you listen to correction, you grow in understanding.
33Fear of the LORD teaches a person to be wise
How much do we love our Father God and Jesus The Son, and the Holy Spirit? It shows in how much we are willing to listen to and obey His Spirit through His word, speaking with us.
How much do we honor His words?
How much do we fear, honor and respect Him?
Enough for all of His words to be the most important points in our lives, the most important pursuit of our life? Do we live to get, hear and do His words and then go for more words we can hear listen and do? Is that how we live?
A great God-man relationship starts with Love and continues with respect and honor.