Monday, June 25, 2007

Lena Journals to Provebrs 12

God has a plan and so does his enemy. If one serves the Lord, they must know as much of God’s plan as possible, and know what comes against it, in order to resist that and thwart those plans, especially when they are based on lies. Being they are based on lies, one must know truth intimately in order to resist lies.
Knowing and then applying the truth, will keep us free!
One such plan against God’s kingdom being set up and established and maintained inside of each of our lives is that of not learning in order to do. How can one know God without listening to His words, learning of them and then applying them to solidify their worth in one’s life? The whole kingdom stems on the making of disciples. Those who choose to be disciplined, in order to go all the way in the learning processes of the Lord.
So, for some reason, which should now not seem so foreign to us, the society we live in, hates to be told what to do. For some reason, we like independence, self reliance, self help, and the like. We pat ourselves on the back, if we go it alone and win, as if life is some sort of contest or game to see who can live to the end alone.
Life is so about learning, and to the one who loves to get Godly understanding, the learning process never ends. Never – ever! The wise student, will seek after learning more with intent to change more.
So, in order to come to a place to love discipline, one must just love God. No one naturally loves discipline, and I don’t think people just naturally love God. I believe it takes a revelation of His great love for us first. He loved us, and in turn we respond and love Him. To love discipline, is to love Him.
I believe even that desire should be taught! We as spiritual people, need to tell our body’s and soul’s what we’re gonna do, how we’re gonna think, who we’re gonna hang with, listen to, not listen to, etc .based upon the word of God we study daily. We disciple ourselves into a place where we heed the words of God as our life source and we plug in.
We know in life there are many, many words we could hear and heed! We choose who to tune in to. That’s where the discipline starts. Do we govern this as door keepers of our souls and of our faith, or do we listen to every opportunity?
A man asked me how I felt about a rumor that had risen against the Bible of late? My response was I do not give my ears to it. He looked at me strange, as if one must listen to and weigh every idea available. I again answered, it is poison! He’d not heard someone on guard this way. People are on guard of themselves from allowing others to hurt them, Do we guard our faith in God’s word that that would not be harmed?
Stay away from poison.
Do you keep your word, to God?
Did you ever promise to follow Jesus, no turning back?
Are you following diligently after Him and His word?
Do you use words to heal or comfort or help others, as tools, of God’s righteous kingdom?
What we sow we also reap. Good, bad, ugly or righteous, helpful and Godly.
Work hard. At what? At keeping faith? At demonstrating faith? Yes, at that too.
God Bless you!