Friday, June 08, 2007

Lena Journals to Matthew 17 Today

We as well meaning Christians, have experiences in Christ and we want to preserve them, as though they are all we’ll have and we need to keep them safe from disappearing from us.
This is a very religious response, but religion and religious activity is not what God is looking for in the growth and establishment of His kingdom on earth through us. The Lord is looking for a response of a life full of faith for the future.
We must always remember the words of life that come to us, but we must use them to grow on from there always building on what had happened, never just staying put in one spiritual place or experience.
I love how zealous and how excited the disciples are over stuff they experienced with Jesus. It reminds me of how I feel about the Lord many times. I just love the Lord and when He does something in my life I just want to respond, so I do. I want Him to know how grateful I am for the work I see and how excited I am for growth to occur.
Ya know it took like 30 years for God to call Jesus His Son? Why would that be?
Son’s are after the Father’s will. They are matured and maturing children. They’ve become responsible in another’s business, not just interested in their own stuff and their own pursuits.
Do you know what that takes, especially in present day USA? It takes a realization of who we are and what we are here to accomplish.
People are all about accomplishments, People are all about success. How about making someone else older than us look good and be a success, because the work we do causes them succeed? How do we feel about doing the work of someone else, to build the vision they have?
See, Jesus as a Son of God, decided to lay any business He could’ve engaged in for his own promotion and do His Father’s work. Make His Father’s work the priority. That’s what seek first God’s kingdom means.
It is so sad to hear the voices of generations in our day begrudging fathers who have lived to pass businesses on to children who don’t care a lick about them, nor have any plans to have anything to do with the life of hard work their parents set out to pass on to them, as God designed for businesses to be built and passed on to families for generations. These are still children, in maturity, doing their own thing, for themselves. Sons do the will of others. They see something their fathers see and live for it.
Let me ask a question, (questions, questions).Do you think it more beneficial for a society to build over again, or use what another built before them?
Now, if the building was faulty, one would need to take the time to either repair it or rebuild, but in general, just because of a spirit of independence, should generations just keep repeating the same thing the ones before them did?
This is not the blessing of the fathers passed on to children, if no one ever takes off where another left off. But for the other to take off where the other left off, the other must appreciate and treasure and understand what the first did to get them in a place where they could benefit, rather than work from the bottom up. If every generation just works from the bottom up, there will never be progress or growth in the earth. That is not according to the design of God.
Let me give an example.
It has to do with progress.
If generation “A” plowed through a territory and made pathways and “B” put gravel on the pathways and then “C” paved the road, should generation “D” refuse to use that road, because they would do it differently or in a different place or whatever. Should they go ahead and do their own thing and start back at generation “A” and plow through just to be different, or to do it their own way, or to become famous too?
Wisdom would be, to use the road laid out for you and your family, make needed repairs, improve on sections. Then use the wisdom they had found in making this roadway to make others based on the knowledge gotten, and on the experiences gained. It would be a waste to disregard it all and start over.
We have lived this way, and there has been little spiritual progress.
If we just start wherever our parents started, and go only just as far as they did, if we live as long as they have, then what have we lived for?
Son’s do the will of others, they take the baton and run further than their fathers brought them to.
What has Jesus passed on for us to do after Him?
#1, is to win the lost in every place all over the earth. Heal, deliver, fill….
That is what sons who know the will of the Father do.
Is the spirit and power of Elijah upon you? The Spirit of Christ Himself? Do you walk being led by the Holy Spirit, are you faithful to God, a son of God in the spirit? The spirit of Elijah turns hearts of fathers to sons and sons to fathers. It turns disobedient hearts to the wisdom of justified ones. Both naturally and spiritually speaking. Is this our own personal co-mission? Yes it is!
What do we seek first? Who do we seek first?
His kingdom or ours?
Who are we building His kingdom for?
Our children and grandchildren? That is a command from God. What if they don’t seem to be takers? Maybe they don’t have a good taste in the mouth for it.
If not, we must ask, why not, right? Is it important enough to be that open, and that honest?
Yes it is.
What are we applying our faith for?
Generations? Nations? Peoples?
Faith is what pleases God, and moves mountains.