When Jesus had finished…He went off….
What have you spiritually walked out of and then are going off into?
There always has to be a coming out of one purpose to go on to another.
These are the “A,B,C”’s of kingdom growth.
You come into “A”, to go to “B”, then you live “B” and grow into “C”.
God’s blessings to us have everything to do with our faithfulness and responsibility with the last step of growth, the last step of growth leads us to the next. We are perfected in “A” and we go on to “B” to be further perfected in it also.
Jesus was here to do His Father’s good pleasure, so are we. Gotta know that good pleasure to do it. He willed to do it. We must grow in having a will to do. The want to’s of our wills are so pivotal in our growth trek.
With Jesus, He taught others, when they received Him, it caused Him to be able to go on to teach others and leave them to show others what they learned and practice, if they didn’t receive Him, He could also go on to others who would. There are times, opportunities and seasons in the spirit and in our growth in Christ. God gives us many offers and leads us into pathways of righteousness.
We as messengers do the same for others, for we are like Christ is in the earth now. If our message is not yet received we go on to where it will be. That doesn’t mean the one who did not receive will not ever receive the message, they may just take more time to. The Holy Spirit is so gracious, He’ll come by again with the same offer until one outright refuses Him or is no longer alive here to accept the opportunity given him.
One must always be moving and changing in order to grow up in Him. For we are not yet as He is, and growth is to bring us into His image and likeness. Growth is never finished, for God is eternal.
Come out of something, and Into Him.
God Blesses those who are not offended by Me….
How many times does the call to growth and change offend us?
I am sending my messenger before you…
It used to be God had a messenger here and there, a few in some places, somewhere, but thank God now that the Holy Spirit is amongst us, God has His desire and plan expanded and there are many messengers among those who submit themselves willingly to the study of and the spreading of His good news! Anyone who will, can be God’s word in any place.
He can say with much confidence in a multitude of witnesses, I am sending my messenger(s) before you, and he will prepare your way before you.
Even the one who considers himself least significant, will be very significant in a day where the word can easily be spread far and wide.
Remember Elijah means, “Faithful to God”.
John the Baptist Messenger-man, came in the spirit and power of one who was faithful to God.
Are we wiling to hear and understand that we to can come in that same spirit and power?
We are messengers of God sent to push back dark lords of a dark kingdom that has been set up on earth. Darkness must flee light. If we are messengers of light and we go and fill space, darkness dissipates. The more who go, the more darkness goes. It is not about who we were before Christ, but about who we are now in Christ, and who He is in us. He is alive in each believer who has received Him, His spirit is in those who have received Him, we are messengers of God being formed into His image and likeness in the earth. God kids being reproduced that He may live in every place. Light beings everywhere.
The kingdom taken by violence? What kind of violence? A willing people, who do the will of another, when they could do their own wills. That is violence!
A people who are free to do or say whatever they want whenever they want to, but do His will instead, because their will has changed and they have become one with His will on purpose. They discipline their bodies, souls and as spirits to become faithful followers and leaders of light.
Violence. Love is violent. It does not pay someone back evil for evil, even though it could. It obeys God when it could obey no one or live for self.
Violence? Insistence on truth for one’s self and one’s family in a world where no lines are drawn anywhere. In a broadminded society where one is persecuted for standing for anything and standing without wavering or easily being swayed to change the mind.
Insisting that sickness and disease are not the lords of our lives now, but that truth will prevail in us even if I have to fight for it. I fight for what is precious, what Jesus came and paid for, for me, I insist on what belongs to me. I don’t fight people with warfare, I fight principalities and powers with the power that comes form God in a submissive life. I love people, no matter what they do.
Oh man, I feel so sad whenever I read this part of the passage. It is found in the new and old testanments. It says, we did all you said you wanted from us and you would not change, you just went from unsatisfaction to dissatisfaction and more dissatisfaction again, you were so unthankful and so lazy, you fought for nothing, valued nothing.
This is a picture of the ungodly, and any person who calls themselves godly yet is not thankful and is of a challenging attitude, these need to repent.
God has done it all, He does not need to prove Himself anymore to us, ever. Jesus did it all, the Spirit gave His all to us freely. We have to believe, receive, and live for Him, to show our faith and thankfulness.
Sometimes my kids say in defense of their actions, I did, or I was, or I am, so I tell them if you are, and did then it would show in what you do, if you do, then act like you are thankful.
The kingdom of God is in demonstration, not mere words and religious action. Do not say one thing while doing another.
The more we give God, the more we’ll see Him at work in us. The more we believe Him, and act out our faith in Him by demonstration, He’ll demonstrate His self more to us. To him who has, more will be given, and to him who has not (because he stood back contemplating and reasoning whether to believe and receive or not), what He does have, will be taken from him. It’s not valuable enough to him to increase it. He is not on guard to keep it.
More truth is revealed to those who take in and show they desire more truth by the application of what they’ve yet received. We must walk in truth by faith. This is our spiritual life’s course, a walk of faith in the spirit.
Take the yoke upon yourself, today.