On earth it always begins with a man. Always, whether good or bad, it begins with freewill men who choose death or life. Men and women who do what they do day in and day out as unto the Lord or unto their selves. We are all chosen by God to live in His presence, the question to us all each day is will we choose?
Zachariah was in his place as a priest, in his turn he was doing his normal duty, living as a man of God, following the Lord’s commands as best as he knew to. He did not just put his faith on, as a duty or as a mask, and at other times, turn it off. No, he was a “Christian” in all he did, it was his custom….and in that lifestyle, an angel appeared. Now, an “angel” is one who has a message from God. Sometimes it is hard for humans to see angels, or to recognize those who come with a message from God. And other times it is hard to believe their message is true.
Know that whether we believe every word from God, is true or not, it is, and we stand before God’s word of truth no matter what our opinions are.
Ever feel speechless?
Do you inwardly yearn for what God yearns for? You do know God’s desire is for children, children of the spirit, eternal children who have eternal children, who have eternal children? This is what God’s heart yearns for. He needs us to give Him children, we are His bride, His woman, the church is His wombed-man, the bed for the seed to be planted in and grow up into fruition and perpetuate itself in the earth.
Zach & Elizabeth wanted children also, they had wanted them a long time, they walked in the ways of the Lord, did not give up, and still, even though older in age, they still wanted what God wanted, with a passion. Those who do not give up on what God wants, will have God pursue them. He will not forget those who do not forget Him.
Ever forget or tire of receiving a promise from God, and if it is mentioned to you, you laugh, as though it is so far from your present truth it could never manifest? Be careful and remember faith is what pleases God, ever increasing, everlasting faith, faith that endures even to generations. Never ending faith, is the faith of God, for God is a spirit, He is eternal and those who worship Him, must worship Him, by believing Him in an eternal manner.
One of the top of the list, importance’s of God, other than be fruitful, multiply,…..and Go into all the world….. is God’s turning of hearts by the work of His spirit. Men can reason with men, but it is the spirit who draws men relationally back to their Creator Father with an everlasting love, and which also turns their own hearts relationally towards others in that same godly manner. Unless the spirit draws men, what chance do they have of coming to truth? One of the greatest works we do as Christians in the field of harvest, is to ask the spirit to draw them. Who else is praying for their souls this way?
It is a disgrace to be barren of the saving of human eternal souls. If we are not asking passionately for souls of men and women, and if we are not living our faith customarily, or speaking as a messenger of God His words of truth, it is way past time to engage with His heart and be so, in this world now. We are here to have His children. We may be old and haven’t yet raised a spiritual son, it does not matter how “old” we are. Now is the time to trust and believe God at His words and be fruitful, multiply…, and go into all our present world and preach…..and turn hearts back towards the Father and even turn hearts towards us as spiritual fathers who help lead others.
Mary, in almost the opposite s response of Elizabeth, said “I’m too young” “ so, how can I have a child….?” Whatever state we are in in life, we can have spiritual children! The only prerequisite is faith in God. Faith in what He’s saying to us through unsuspecting messengers.
Mary said, “Be it unto me in accordance with Your words of life!”
This has to be our prayer.
How much is our soul magnifying the Lord? How much are we rejoicing in what God our Savior desires? How much do we desire His heart’s desire? How much?
Do we love His words enough to submit our lives to it, even if it changes us, stretches us, makes us labor and have to learn new ways to walk everyday? Who we are and what we are, will be passed on to others, this is a principle of God, Kind reproduces after like kind. What are we already reproducing? Is it of the godly kind? If not, it is time to make major adjustments!
The Holy seed of the eternal word of God depends upon it. Depends upon us!