Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Lena Journals to 2 Kings 2 Today

This story is one of my favorite in the whole Bible. It speaks of following and how to follow God through following another human who follows God. It shows how to pass on the blessing of the Lord to generations and who to live and die for, who to give that blessing to and if you want that blessing from someone else how to go for it. It shows the mindset to develop and keep, the tenacity to adopt into one’s person and how to persevere through each stage of opportunity with the same vision. It shows how at each crossroads we can still choose one way or the other. It so shows that “once save d always saved” just cannot hold ground with the blessing of God. One must continue and continually choose, the pathway that leads to life and blessing. It shows big time, that God has a plan that involves man and that that plan that involves man must be taken on, accepted, and embraced by men. If the man does not embrace it, he doesn’t have it, period. It does not ever just happenstancely just fall into the man’s hands.
The blessing and anointing of God, sent to help one fulfill God’s dreams, is not randomly divvied out. God offers His kingdom and assignments within it to each of us. We as Elijah’s must want it enough to go all the way, until it is ours!
Remember Elijah means “God is faithful”, Elisha means, ”God is salvation”.
Do you realize it takes far more than one generation to fulfill the plan of God for the earth? It takes as long as men have with earth time, as long as they will work and pass on the work to others. God is eternal, His plan never ends.
They were traveling together from Gilgal, that word means that they were going somewhere, they were moving and growing and traveling, and progressing together.
I love how Elijah tells his possible predecessor, I have to go to a certain place in my walk with the Lord, but listen, this is where I have to go with my own walk, YOU don’t HAVE to go there, for me it is a command of the Lord, but for you it is an option.
Elisha who saw and wanted the anointing, said NO sir, I’m gonna have what you have and I know I have to go wherever you are commanded of the Lord to go, no matter the options. I’m all in!
YOU CAN stay here, but the Lord has told me to…..
I’ve heard so many independent Christians say things like, I don’t HAVE to do thus and so, the Lord has not personally told me I have to do that, just because He may have told you to, does not mean I have to, in fact, I don’t do anything unless God tells me to do it personally! They also say stuff like, I cannot stand to be told what to do.
May I be so bold as to say, this independent thinking, is why you are where you are at now, and why you do not, and may not, ever see the anointing of God in and on what you do do?
I also love how others may know and try to tell you what you already know, if you are walking on the correct pathway. It is so nice to already “know” because of being close intimate family. No one needs to tell you from the outside for you to find out.
Do you have the perseverance of the spirit?
Are you someone who will follow another man who follows God?
Will you go all the way?
Notice how many times these kinds of questions were asked to Elisha by Elijah, options kept coming his way, all along the way. As long as we are alive there will be options. Yet for us we can eliminate options. Meaning divorce could or couldn’t be an option to us personally. It is up to us.
If you see what I see, you can have what I have.
But if not, you won’t.
Gotta stay, and walk, and be one with destiny?
Father is a family word. How close are you to the promises of God, close enough to be familiar with them to the point of following after them everyday in hot pursuit, forsaking other options and going only for these?
How do others know you have had passed on who you have followed after? They can see the same spirit, same word, same power in you!
Is the spirit of the Lord God upon you? Has He anointed you?
It is your opportunity given you by God, you just have to follow after it.
Until you are one with it, and it is one with you.