Can we learn from the mistakes and misfortunes of others? Hopefully. This is actually why the Bible was written and printed in understandable languages for us in our day, so we’d learn from God’s word and not need to go the long experiential road of our own ways.
Moab means “of our father”. Yet this word, “father” is with a little “f”, meaning not “Father”, as in God, but “father” as in man. There is a life of the spirit and of the eternal Fatherhood of God and there is the life of the flesh. The flesh natured man who is born into the earth, must become a spiritually alive man, a person alive unto God and filled with eternal life by God the Father’s inborn eternal spirit.
Ya, know how it is said that man is born in sin? This is what that speaks of. Men born in the earth, must be saved. If not saved, they are eternally doomed to death. The time we have here on earth is a time of salvation for the eternal time we will have either in eternal death or in eternal life. Each man/person, in order to live a life eternally unto God, must be born again, by accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and beginning to walk the rest of his earth life in the ways of the spirit of Christ.
Moab, or the sin/flesh nature in each of us, rebels against the God nature that is so desirous of being made alive in us. We are all sons and daughters of earthly fathers, but we all must come against that which comes against the possibilities of eternal life being born in each of us and receive Christ, becoming the spiritually alive eternal children of God.
If one knows an enemy comes to steal what could indeed belong to you, what do you do? Disallow that from happening, right?
So you hear the word of life and an enemy comes to take it from you in the form of lies and untruths, what do you do, now that I’ve told you this? You protect the truth, you walk in it no matter what, and when you see rebellion try to take you back for darkness and death, you resist it with all that is in you!
To love and live in and serve God’s kingdom with a whole heart, there needs to be a dying to old ways, old thoughts, old patterns of old life, the flesh must be starved to death and the spirit man fed to life.
Things happen.
Ahaziah means “belongs to God, God’s Holy possession”. That is who we are. The enemy of God and of our souls hates eternal life alive in us. He would love to stop that as much as is possible!
He’d love for us to fall to pride as he did. He is after stealing away that which can be ours through a mere decision making process , one that will to go on in life eternal, starting now. He’d love to make us sick, ill in will, and die to spirit life. He’d love for us to become dead to God’s life available to us. He’d love for us to seek others than God. He’d love for us to seek relief from life’s pains elsewhere, anything other than from the One TRUE source of life. We can actually get relief from pain in death, the only deal is the root system of eternal life is never addressed this way.
Ekron, means roots. Old root systems must be dug up for new fruits to grow from new root systems.
When we seek other sources, we are saying to God, there are other sources for us to seek after, other than You.
There is a commandment that says, “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me”.
With Him there is no other. Without Him there are “others”. What I mean by that is, there can be other options for us without Him, but when we choose Him for real, there won’t be other options or choices because we’ll go straight to Him and learn of Him, to walk in His ways.
If we have made Him to be our everything, then we won’t allow ourselves other options, because we believe He is our one true source and supply. We don’t allow ourselves any other sources.
That is not easy for anyone who relies on other sources. That is not easy for us unless we decide to leave nothing else to go back to, we are either dead to stuff or it is dead to us, that’s the ONLY way.
Death is the only way to resurrection life!
So why would one go to such great extremes to become, a kingdom of God, citizen?
One answer, maybe two.
& Life
There is only death in every other place , not rooted in Christ. =’s Eternal death.
Ways may seem good, ways may seem right, but only His way is the way of love and life.
Is there another way for you, another “fix”, another source?
That is a serious question to answer.
Do His ways and learning and applying them consume you? Do they make you change who you are? Do they make you different? Do they cause you to live differently?
God’s word and laws either save or destroy us. What is the difference?
Who we are, what we choose, and what we desire, is the gage of the difference.
To one man, His word is death, to another, the same word, is life.
Today which will you choose? Everyday the truth is set before us, we choose death or life and God has helped tell us what to choose - life that we and those who come after us, may live.
Do you have natural and/or spiritual sons and daughters?
Please, I beg of you to consider your self anf your ways and chose life for them, today!