Billboard it.
Billboard what?
Your life as an example of Christ-likeness on earth.
Yep, show off God alive in you.
2 Cor 10:17 "The person who wishes to boast should boast only of what the Lord has done."
What has the Lord done?
Do you tell of it?
Or live your faith quietly to yourself? Are the good evidences of your life, the fruit of spiritual growth, and the effect of Christ in you, being exposed boldly?
I’ve heard many people say they keep their faith to themselves before God. Wow, the world is suffering and dying eternally if we keep our faith in Jesus Christ to ourselves. Should they have to guess how to follow Christ? Should they grope in darkness, with no one to lead them into righteous paths?
I believe a part of the delays we experience, have to do with the delay of our personal connection with God and our own moving forward in whatever it is He has told us to do.
Example: One thing all Christians are to do, is to carry out His vision for the saving of souls in the earth. If we’ve made no movement at all in that direction in our Christian walk, we may be holding up the blessings that come to a soul winner. If we never step out to obey the Great Commission, by life changes made and exemplified, we may even never see the blessings that come to obedient ones who live a life so clearly dedicated to Christ that people “driving by in cars on the freeway” could see it!
Our life’s changes in Christ must be this evident. How does that happen? We surrender, we die to old self centered ways and live differently than we ever did. We go different places, we hang around different people, we work differently, speak differently, etc. It is evident we have met God and He’s changed our thinking, heart and actions. We also now live not by what we see, but by what we believe in.
Fear opposes faith. The just, those made right with God through Christ, live by faith and walk in the spirit, not according to the dictates of the natural minded, worldly wise man, but according to a lifestyle dictated by faith actions which please God.
God is not pleased by those who will not and do not believe Him at His word. If He says share the gospel message and you have an excuse not to, you are acting in doubt and unbelief that God can use even you or change you into the type of vessel for this usage. Maybe you won’t yield to the necessary changes that He’s been asking you to make in order to become who He is creating and forming you to be. It is up to us to surrender and yield to His will and the purpose He’s set out for each of us in the earth.
I may have wanted to travel and see the world, and I’m gonna plan to work like a dog and save, save, save $, and use my time as I deem towards that goal. Now I meet Jesus and accept Him as my Lord, my new Master. He tells me, as He does every believer, to win souls. I may think, “Wow Lord, I didn’t bargain for that, ya know I have goals to live out first. I need to work to meet those goals, if I go to church 3 times a week minimum, and give tithes and offerings and if I spend time on others making disciples and then that takes some money too…..I may never get to travel the world!”
Yeah, that’s true, when one comes under the Lordship of Christ human temporary plans can change, for my life is no longer my own. No matter how great a person I was morally or how nice or giving I was, without Christ’s Lordship I burn eternally in hell, so choose one, live great, travel the world, never connect heaven to earth, and burn forever in hell, or give up the world plans and live forever……Which one?
John 12:25 states Those who love their (own self life, goals in-) life in this world will lose it. Those who despise(willingly lay them down to pick up God’s plans) their life in this world will keep it (life) for eternal life.
How does one lay down plans like that and make such a radical change of perspective? They trust God with the present and future, they LIVE by faith. Without faith they know they are dead and perishing eternally.
Trusting in self and working our own way through life and making a name for self and, living life for enjoyment and my own family members only, is not living by faith.
One thing about worldly pleasures and earthly treasures they are like a bottomless pit. It is a never ending cycle of me, me, me, and us, us, us and more, more, more. There is Not one thing that satisfies completely, Nothing, ever will ever satisfy us as eternal purposes and their fulfillment will. God is the filler of empty spaces. Anything else may fit for about a moment, but that’s it, after the first moment a new cry arises, for more, more, more.
What have you gone into debt for? Who do you now serve over it? Declare and decide, you will not work as a slave for Pharaoh. Ask for Divine intervention just like Moses did for the slaves! Get out of Egypt and go into the promised land.
Let all of the earth, the flesh nature, the fear and dread, and the untrusting and unrelying nature be silent before His word.
Speak the word and be healed. Speak the word and be free. Declare and stand on the word and live eternally!