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God Bless You Today, Lena B
Every single day of the Christian walk is like this day for the Israelites. It is a day of new opportunities set before us by God. It’s like He is saying to us, “Here, I have something for you to consider possessing and taking over, conquering, overcoming, inhabiting, etc. So, whatdaya think?”
“Hey, I’ve got an idea, I’ve got a purpose, I’ve got a task, I’ve got a vision, will you give it your consideration, are you in?”
“Hey, I have something I want to show you, to see what ya think. It’s a dream I have and I was wondering if you want to be made One with Me and make it your dream and hot pursuit also?”
“Ok, go to such and such a place and get a glimpse of what I’m asking, what it is I’m talking about….”
“You’ll find It is on the other side of the Jordan”… (and ya’ll remember what Jordan means, right?)
So, it is on the backside of a humbled submissive yielded attitude.
“So, again If you are willing and made able through willingness, to cross over pride’s offers and accept Mine instead, this is where you’ll begin to see My dreams and place yourself in them!”
“Especially around Jericho…”Jericho means “moon” (same as the name Cynthia in our day), why moon? Think about it, what is the moon and why is there light on it, for it does not burn, yet it shines? There is the key, it shines as a reflector of light. On its own, left to itself, there is no light, but in the proper positions and with alignment with the Sun (Son) she reflects His light, His love.
THIS is where God is taking us, and yes to get there and especially to live there, the road will have obstacles, things to overcome. God did not send us or commission us there alone, without His presence, without His power! Everything worth something was made valuable, through the thick and thin of it all.
It is worth it to God, the question is are we becoming One with Him and is it becoming worth it to us?
Are we willing to risk anything at all for the kingdom of God, or are we just in if it is easy road?
The spies risked reputation to stay at Rahab’s house, She risked her life to keep them! What is it really in our day we risk? Self. Self indulgence, self pity, self reliance, self preservation, personal goals and personal time.
Can a sinner recognize that God is with you, when you cross over prideful ambition and enter the land they live in? Do they seek you out and ask of you something you have and they do not? Are you a reflector yet?
If not, just move your position and become willing to stand in front of the Son.
Are sinners afraid of us and our God? This is such a time for the manifest presence of the Lord, unbelievers must see Him reflected in His people clearly. It is time to show forth the mighty hand of God, to exit Egypt, go through parted Red Seas, come out of the wilderness wandering where provision is made each and everyday, daily bread is given to us freely, fire is our free light, clouds cover us from the scorching sun, meat and drink are provided us form heaven, because we complained a lot. It is time to BE heaven on earth to these who have waited for us to choose to cross over and take the land they now are being possessed in.
They may not live in Egypt, but Egypt is alive in them, they need freedom, they need Christ the Christ that is alive in us! They need a guarantee, of the eternal sort. They need the sanctification and redemptive blood shed revealed in a tangible living form. They need Covenant relationship with God and with others.
They need to see a people who are victorious over enemies, gather with those who have walked in The Way, and show forth the WAY to walk in.