What God gives, is like an inheritance to us. It belongs to us, yet we may not yet tangibly have it. It’s like owning property in another country, it may be ours, yet we may have never visited it. It’s like owning, but not yet living in a house. Because we do not yet see it visibly, does not mean it is not ours or it does not belong to us. We may even have family members we have not yet met (I do), but that does not mean they are not a part of our family line.
If we base our lives and what we believe in only on what we see, we are very limited on what we feel is real to us. We are missing a whole world of potential. The enemy loves to play on the 5 senses, he wants us to stay sense oriented, if he can get us to stay sense oriented, he can get us to only believe what we see and he knows that what we do not know of, in the unseen realm he can take for himself.
We perish for what we do not know.
I’m telling you something today, so you’ll no longer perish, but have life, and that which is of the eternal nature. Thos who are wise listen to and take in truth, whether they see it or not. It’s good to know what we are up against so we can come against it properly, with the proper attitude about it.
IF you knew ahead of time that someone was gonna lie to you, would you even listen to them speak? Why do we listen to the devil over and over again? Do we not know or believe he is the father of all lies?
There is “land” that belongs to us in Christ, that we have yet to take a hold of. There are areas in life we have yet to possess. The first land we are to take is that of our own spirit, soul, and body. Do we possess the keys of ownership to that area of life yet? If not, it is time to inhabit it. What about our family, are they prime targets for lies and threats and attacks? It is time to change that! We belong to God and the enemy cannot have us! Someone who knows this in the spirit and believes they have the power of God alive in them to reverse curses, must arise and take this “land” of family back from the thief and the robber, insistently!
Ever tell your family in the spirit, we’re moving on and leaving this place of weakness and spiritual nakedness and shame – pack your bags!
BE YE strong and courageous, do the will of the Lord, take land back form the thief and robber of people’s souls. How important is the capture of your family to you? Important enough to wake up, rise up and to not take NO for an answer from the captivator? Are they Important enough to extend your own life to the Lordship of Christ, that victorious supernatural blessings of an obedient man and woman can flow?
Once we conquer our own doubt, fear and disciplines, we must also teach our (natural and spiritual) children to do so. We must stay with them showing them how to overcome by example, until we see they have gotten it and are able to exercise the victory over the enemies of their households also!
Rest does not mean the fight stops. It means it continues- the rest of the story. We continue and move up to higher levels of responsibility and get a better view. We and God are working together, winning together, for the same victorious endings.
How many of us have said to God our Father, “Lord, we will do whatever You command us to do and will go wherever You send us; we will obey you?” How many say that with the intent of being this same way with other humans? Not just God in the euphoric unseen realm of faith, but in the tangible here and now world, prioven with another human being who is more spiritual than we are? In America it is a rare thing to hear anyone say these words to any other human being, most of us have been taught since we were youngsters, to be independent thinkers who do not like anyone telling us what to do, ever. This obeying God who we do not see only and never obeying men who we do see, works so against the kingdom of God and its order of rule!
I don’t think we believe being our own person who makes our own decisions is detrimental at all. We don’t believe it will cause us to die early or perish eternally or else we’d not take so much liberty in exercising the freedom of our wills. Yet here in the word of God it says, those who do not obey, will be put to death!
We don’t believe that happens. It may not happen by stoning, yet look at how God’s people, are weak, ill, tormented mentally, and suffer tragic situations, there’s something so wrong with that. A door of disobedient attitudes with disobedient actions following has been willingly flung wide open!