Sunday, May 06, 2007

Lena Journals to Luke 17 Today

All sin has its effects on the earth and the inhabitants of the earth. Not one sin you do, only affects you. It is so sad when people are deceived into thinking the consequences of their sins are between them and God only. Before the blood of Jesus all sin is the same, in that all sin separates humanity from God spiritually. Being separated spiritually is a BIG deal because we are eternal spirits living in human bodies for only a short time. We are eternal, always have been, and always will be. While we are in these bodies, it is determined where we spend eternity by how we choose to live and what we choose to believe in now, or rather who we choose to believe in. The separation I speak of that sin causes, is an eternal one, unless a person has submitted themselves under the blood of Jesus and has taken on His name, as in a marriage covenant and lives as Christ in the earth.
All sin has the same eternal effect in this aspect, but in how it affects humanity now there are levels of intensity If your child is murdered by a drunk driver the affect of someone’s sin on your family and life is greater than if I call you a name as I pas by you in traffic. Both are sin, you live with the effects of one more, but in eternity you either live forever with or without Christ, beginning now. The sin we deal with where eternity is concerned is where we believe and live as though we believe in the Son of God who came as a man to save us or not. We cannot just say we believe it, we must change our lifestyles to prove we believe it and express out faith in that sacrifice by a living example and a lifestyle change. That means it is real, not just lip service.
How does one get more faith, or rather get the faith they have to grow more? They use it, as we use it is exercised and it increases. It may start small, but must be given out, extended towards God and man and used, that it may increase. Obedience to God by faith also increases faith in God and teaches our souls to trust Him at His word. The kingdom of God is all about sowing and reaping of whatever we have sown
Serving one another and others as a kingdom citizen and a kingdom ambassador is an act of faith. It shows we believe there is a body and a commission given us by a master, or else why’d we do it? When we don’t, or don’t want to, or won’t serve willingly without grudging complaint, we show we do not have faith in the reward system of heaven, nor do we really believe we are heavenly citizens on earth’s assignment.
Service provides the building material we need to make a home there. When we serve with a heart of praise, we send up materials to build our heavenly mansions, if we send none we have none, or we may get to live in an earth self centered cardboard shack, but we will be happy to have at least gotten there on some sort of faith in Christ and His death , burial and resurrection. Service is a fruit that comes from the tree of faith. If no fruit there, what of the roots system?
We many times cry out to God for help, healing, to be fixed, or made whole. I have a question, the same question Jesus asked a man who could not walk. “Would you (really) like to be made whole (in Christ)? How does wholeness come compared to healing? Healing stops the illness from progressing. The lepers being healed means the leprosy stopped eating away any further skin and tissue on their bodies. That is good, even supernatural that the disease would stop in its attack against their lives, but wholeness would return them back to a state of pre-disease. God desires for each of us to be made whole as if we were never ailing!
How does that come? A heart of gratitude and thankfulness brings wholeness. It is not one that is only happy the disease stopped, they are appreciative and know that without trusting in and relying on Jesus the disease could not have stopped, they realize they need Him and must rely on Him for all else, all of the rest of their days. They return to tell him rather than just going on with all of their future the way they spent their past, making their own decisions as best they can with as much worldly wisdom as they can muster.
Is the kingdom of God in you? Is it in your thoughts and inward plans? Does its establishment consume your daily thoughts? Do you strategize with God about how to bring it to earth where you already live?
How can God tell if you are all in and all out for His kingdom? It is by how you live now. The kingdom of heaven is not for later only, after we die, it is for now while we are yet alive. Jesus said pray like this, “(Let me be a part of establishing..)Your kingdom (to) come and Your will being done (as a demonstrative force in the earth where I now live) on earth as it is in heaven….
Who do you live for? You Yourself and Yours? Or the interest of The Father, Son and Spirit?
Have you been eating and drinking of worldly pursuits or of heavenly ones?
Jesus said, “My meat and My drink is to do the will of Him who sent me”.
Eating and drinking is fine, what one eats and what one drinks of isn’t always fine in the light of making eternal deposits.
Whoever clings to this life will lose it, and whoever loses this life will save it