I have heard of many people paralyzed w/ fear, but not with fear of God and of good! How awesome that a people, who are ungodly would fear God! What about the godly, do we fear our Great, awesome and yet terrible God?
I was speaking w/ someone about tragedy and trauma, both on individuals and on areas of the world. Many can’t really understand how God would allow a tragedy to occur where people live.
The answer is quite simple and I’ll first ask a question. Is everyone you know saved? On the whole earth, has everyone taken advantage of what God provided for the whole earth through Christ Jesus? Have they willingly surrendered to His Lordship?
God set up this world and powered it by the decision making willpower of each human alive. Man has been given rule of the earth by God. He can have God’s help, which is the design, or he can choose to rule his own way. He can have a blessed and protected earth or a cursed and unprotected earth. Of course man does not know as well as God does how to govern properly, or at least not well enough to plan as far ahead and with as much foresight as God. So for men of pride and lack of humility to just stop and ask “directions” of God, won’t, and will choose to try to rule themselves and the others around them alone, with their own wisdom, they make choices and the choices have consequences to them. The choices and the consequences have an effect on their own life, the lives of those around them, and also on the earth that they live in. Did not Adam’s sin wreck havoc on the whole earth? And did not Jesus’ redemption also give another chance for humanity to be made right with God? So the decisions and actions of even one man can change the effects on a whole world.
So why tragedy? Read the above paragraph and see if it can be seen. Freewill choice w/ consequence has brought, and even unleashed principalities and powers as rulers over men, that are destructive in nature.
What can bring harmony, wholeness, peace and back to the earth? Heaven to earth blessing? A Garden of Eden atmosphere? Only one thing really. I’ll express it in a few words.
Humility with Obedience, Loving God and people enough to be different. Repentance and the turning of hearts to their Creator and His purposes will change the course of even nature, just as sin’s effects sent it off kilter.
One sad thing people don’t always get is, our sin’s effects are not at all selective. The effects do not just land in any safe place, no it may gather its curses with a whole community and send a message of invitation to a whole hoard of angelic demons over an entire area. You alone may feel you are just in personal disobedience and your sin is small, but it is never small, that lie was meant to add the strength of your sin to the strength of other’s sins and raise a banner for the invitation of a curse over your neighborhood and city etc. God never meant for man to be alone and this principle of assembling with others having power, is in effect even in the negative.
Ever notice people who have the same offense living in communities together? WHAT makes them move there? Likemindedness. Sin is assembling the strength of cursing over an area, over a land, over a country! How does a person change this? They repent personally and lead their family differently. They change their lifestyle and what they participate in radically.
This is what Israel is in the earth, a radically different people who willingly serve the One True and Living God His way!
Ok what if a generation missed the boat spiritually speaking? Be a new generation. In your family you may be it, you may be the Patriarch like Abraham, reach backwards and forwards with your loving influence and change at least a family, maybe a neighborhood, maybe a city, maybe a community and a state , a nation and then our world! THAT is God’s plan.
That takes circumcision of the flesh, always a cutting away of something that gets in the way, in a very intimate place. What keeps this from being your life in your inner core of the real you, where you live, think and breathe Christ? Cut it away!
Have you been wandering around a wilderness, not receiving your promises from God for years? Time to make covenant with God His way, cut away the flesh natured will. Time to both come out of “Egypt” (which symbolizes your old life, your old manner of thinking, you old behavioral habits, your old mindsets about God and the world, it is what you are enslaved by) and go into Canaan land!
It is not good enough to come out of bondage and slavery and just set up a new way to feel enslaved. There are giants God needs us to conquer. There is tragedy in our land! There is an atmosphere that needs changed! Are you the one to change that at your place?
Will your children be the new generation of the Lordship of Christ, the ones that let Him rule them and go in, or will you start that and go in together with them? Each generation has been given this opportunity by God, He is saying, are you the Ones? He has chosen each and every generation that has ever lived on the earth. He has asked everyone and left no one out. It is not like He picks one special person or generation, no, He is asking , “Are YOU the one who will choose My way, the last generation choose their own way, what about you, who’s way are you choosing? Disobedience or obedience?”
In obedience to God, shame is removed! The past is a wash.
Manna was food to the murmurers, to the disobedient. It was grace to get there, if one would go there, but it was not provision to be and stay there.
The crops of Caanan were the food of those who chose His ways.
Now, get ready to receive your true commission.
The coming out of Egypt was not the promise, it was the beginning. The promise is to do His will, and to be a vital and functioning part of His earthly plans. If one has only come out of Egypt they have not yet engaged, there is something to do, there is a world to save.
Go (ye) into (all the world….).