Time lapses are a way the enemy tries to halt bringing God’s kingdom establishment on earth,. Time lapses cause people to tire and quit their journey. We must remember we are eternal beings having an earth experience. Our earth time is only so long, and in this realm life is measured by times such as days, hours, minutes, weeks, months, years, decades and centuries. Our lifetime on earth holds assignments for us, which are only a small piece of a corporate puzzle set to paint an eternal picture in God’s plan for man eternally.
Joshua commends those who endured everything to stay the purposes of God, no matter what came their way.
After you obtain the promises of God, don’t stop there! Continue. To what? Obey God! Take the next step, there’s always a next step, always. There’s always more to take territory of and have for His kingdom, power and glory, Amen! At any given time in this faith walk, one can stop, rest, or go on, it is up to each person.
We must ask, “Do we still have a will to do His good pleasure? If not, why not. If tired, then why not refreshed in His presence and by His spirit? If unmotivated, why not revived? We can do all we decide and want to do through Christ Jesus our Lord.
I’ve heard for years, “We do what we REALLY want to do.” We could be tired, weary, or ill where one occasion is concerned, and yet for another we’ll rise up and overcome tiredness, weariness or illness. It is more evident to others who see from the outside, than it at times, is for us, who are living patterns we’ve lived in for years. We should look at it closely and we’ll find, we do whatever it is we really want to do.
Do we have a will to do His good pleasure? Or do we get stronger and revived for our own pleasures only?
People will say they have no money to give offerings to a godly cause, that their church supports, and yet they’ll have enough for recreation and vacationing. We do really do, what we want to do.
One may feel too tired to go to church, and yet have the energy to stay out on the town on Friday and Saturday nights. We do what we want to do. If we really wanted to go to church, we’d come home earlier and save that energy for the things we really want to do. The evidence is not in the words of our mouths, but in what it is we do.
Do we really have a will to do His good pleasure?
Paul spoke this to the church at Phillippi, Phil 2:12 Therefore, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed me, not only in my presence, but much more now in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; 13 for it is God who is at work in you, enabling you both to will and to work for his good pleasure
To will and to work for (Do), His good pleasure. What else is life here on earth about, but for the end result which is, eternity. That being the case, one’s mind must be renewed to eternal thought patterns.
We must be oh so guarded against building altars unto ourselves, to allow ourselves to live as we please. One must live for another, other than himself, or else he serves and even gives worship to himself.
The “I need, I need” self centered worldly mindsets, must be broken apart.
He is all we need!
“There shall be NO other gods before Me”, says the Lord.
That command applies to all mankind, forever.
Self service, self satisfaction, self governing, self motivation, are all man centered worship.
We can only find out who we are, by finding out who He is! When we seek Him, we find Him, when we search for Him we will find who He created us to be, in that is all the satisfaction one can ever find elsewhere.
Blessed when we obey, cursed when we go our own way, good, bad, right, wrong, or otherwise. God is God and is to be served and loved by men. Men are on a search, they think to find themselves, but their search is to find themselves wholly in Him. They need to worship, for this is in our inner make up.
There are times we must remember, both the goodness and the severity of God. His wrath should lead us in paths of righteousness. There has to be a way set before each willing heart and mind, as a memorial to stay the course, the God course, and go all the way.
One must be found responsible to stay on the narrow pathway.
Romans 11:22 Therefore consider the goodness and severity of God: on those who fell, severity; but toward you, goodness, if you continue in His goodness. Otherwise you also will be cut off.
Cut off from what? The blessings, the inheritance. Not the love, for His love will forever draw men, as long as they are alive and have the breath of a will to decide. His love remains, yet it draws lines for definition-sake, to lead one home.
We turn from the Lord when we make our own altars. Altars are places for sacrifices made unto God or god. The question would be which one?
What are we sacrificing in life and what are we giving it up for? Self satisfaction, or God satisfaction?
An altar unto ourselves is erected by me, for me.
An altar to the Lord is erected by me, for Him.
I LOVE how these peers made their brethren accountable for their actions.
Do you know God is asking for an account of every action?
What was even more awesome is the brethren being asked of their motivation and actions, gave the account willingly. They wanted to stay in right relationship with God and other spiritually led men.
The key to any growth or true freedom is accountability. It can’t be forced by one asking, but given willingly by the ones who want to stay free and grow up unto the full stature of a son of God. One who gets the inheritance.
A son is not a son, by birth, but by submission. He lays his own will on the altar he himself has erected to do so. He gives of his own life to his father, not because his father made him (though He may have!) His heart has surrendered to sonship, to instruction and correction to be led into promised lands, eternal promised lands, ready to be taken while on earth.