How is one given land of the Lord? How is it that enemies are conquered for us through the power of God? How does one enter into the rest of God? How do promises appear and become fulfilled for one compared to another?
Number one way, being a part of God’s family, causes each of us to be considered as a promiseer.
The next way is growth into being a son of God. Children usually do not receive inheritances (promises). They would not know what to do with their inheritances, except spend it on whatever it is they want that day. If that happened, then it would not be generational, it would be spent. With God it is imperative that generational inheritances are passed along. The heir must be made into a matured son, one who would do the will of their father and pass on and increase the inheritance
So that means, one should be found to be responsible. Responsibility places one in line for promise fulfillment.
Then of course, there’s proving of faithfulness.
If a man is found faithful, he’ll have increase.
If he is shown to want what the father wants and is willing to see what the father sees, then he is also in line for seeing promises fulfilled.
He fights for what is important to his father. His father’s enemies are also his enemies and he does not fight with or against his father, but alongside of and for him and what is truly important to him.
These sons are warriors, trained to do battle, in order to engage and win.
He believes in what his father believes in, and this empowers him to do his father’s will.
They are one in the same.
Children are not yet this way.
It takes a lot of growth and willing purposeful training for a child to become a son.
To enter rest one must labor first. To rest without labor is cheating. One must become a worker, a laborer in his father’s work as part of the training. A child could be in the same places as his father and never ever do any of his father’s work, yet the one who does the work, will receive the inheritance for he is found responsible and faithful in another man’s business.
Promises appear to those who see, follow willingly, are teachable, responsible, have prioritized as their father does, and have done the work.
They are yes and amen to the glory of another, the glory of God our Father. If we are sons then He is our Father and can ask us anything knowing we’ll do the will. What’s His becomes ours, and what’s ours, becomes His through inner worked covenant relationship.