Monday, May 21, 2007

Lena Journals to Joshua 14

Inherit =’s - acquires, takes possession of.
The inheritance was allotted by Eleazar,
Eleazar means “God has helped” (us acquire and take possession of what He provided us already because of the work of the cross and by faith in His Son Jesus)
And by Joshua (remember this name means “Jesus” – or “Jehovah is salvation”!),
And through the tribal leaders.
How does any one receive an inheritance? Are they not chosen by one who leaves it, to receive it? Why would one be chosen above another, and/or why would it rather be specified that that chosen one receive it beyond a certain age or determination?
Responsibility, faithfulness, loyalty, that the one who made the wealth would not have the one inheriting it squander all the wealth maker had lived for. The inheritance was to be passed on, to grow further, to continue and to provide for many others beyond the heir.
A child usually is not an heir while still a child, but when he shows forth fruits of becoming a son, the inheritance is released to him for he is found to be responsible.
There is a threefold cord here, a cord of the covenant of God, a cord of accountability, and of tutoring and governing.
God, Jesus & leaders on earth.
Look at this NT passage in Galatians 4 -
1 Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he (will ultimately) be lord of all; 2 But is under tutors and governors (a threefold cord) until the time appointed of the father.
What is it that causes one to know whether the appointed time is here or not here yet? The time is when the one tutored shows they are response-able before God. Now one must be tutored. If never submitted to tutelage that must happen first.
All men are stewards in the earth. Stewards of what? The commandments of God. The greatest two are, Love God, and Love people. In this, a man must be found to be faithful.
1 Cor 4:1 Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God., Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.
1 Peter 4:10 As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
Why did the man in the parable of the talents give 10 to one steward, 5 to another steward and 1 to another steward and when he returned and found the person with the one who had not increased his talent, why then did he give that one to the one who already had had 10, plus had doubled its value?
Responsibility. Faithfulness, stewardship, seriousness..
The one with 10 talents had revelation and got further understanding. This was not about fairness, it was about responsibility and taking more responsibility on. More of what someone else wanted, and being a part of increasing another’s dream! The man with one did not see his master’s stuff as his own, nor did he want to take on the responsibility of another. Now if he thought of it as he did his own, he’d of treated it differently. Exactly.
If we count what God has entrusted us with, as our very own family members or prized possession or special treasures, we’ll press on and in differently.
God is looking for sons who are willing to take ownership as coheirs.
He’s looking for someone’s who does not only hoard up for self and succeed for self, but they look further and make preparations for those who will live beyond their own lives and they make provision for others to succeed.
How do we, as children of God, really take possession of our promises in God? Are they just randomly awarded us by some lot system in the heavens? No, they are given those who really show they truly desire them and go after them, because they love him. “because you wholeheartedly followed the LORD my God”. They were after what He was after, His heart had become their heart, their heart had been yielded to the transformation process to become one with Him, His desire was now also their desire, Sons of the King of kings and Lord of lords.
There is a huge and sad deception out there, it speaks to each Christian mind and says that if we do not see a certain promise manifest in our lives it is because God did not choose us yet and that He doesn’t love us enough to choose us.
I nullify the power of that lie now to the readers here. Hear me out. God LOVES YOU. IF you never do anything right, never make any good decisions, never go the right way, ever, God’s love for you does not change! His great love for us it’s absolutely without condition.
Now there is a completely separate issue. He loved us so much He sent Jesus to pave the way for us to do right, if we so choose. DING, the key here is the blessing of God. The blessing of God IS so conditional. We may not walk in it if we do not want to and we don’t have to choose to, at all, ever. But we can choose to.
God has chosen to give the offer of His blessings to all, it is up to the ones chosen by God to also choose.
Joshua and Caleb choose to say what God was already saying, and in that they were blessed. They didn’t “earn it” they possessed it! God choose all of the spies, all of the children of Israel, yet only 2 of the 12 choose Him!
Are you choosing God today? That should be the question!
You choosing His ways? The Way to the fulfillment of His desire? His desire is rarely ever personal to one man, like making one man famous or a millionaire. It is God looking for one man to join with a force of many for a greater purpose than he alone could ever fulfill.
A High Priority dream God has - is for the wholeness of families.
Where is that on your prayer list?
That is a promised land to take possession of. Now when you are sent as a spy to see how it looks will you grumble up one side and down another about it, or say, through Christ I can do all things!? A matured one sees beyond what now appears to what he desires to see, they begin to agree with God on the matter. They ask, “What do You see, Lord?”
How does one stay strong the whole journey? They are after His heart.
When was the last time in prayer you asked God for what He wanted?
“What would You like to have me take possession of for You Lord, today?”
A man after God’s own heart.
I am after Your heart, I’m after Your heart, I’m after You, Lord, of I’m am after Your heart I’m after Your heart I’m after You….(a song to sing)