I’d like to ask, when we read these accounts, more than just seeing them as historical accounts and stories, do you ever attend to the Word like this, asking yourself, what does this mean to me now and how can it be applied to my life today, or in my day, that others would hear and know that a king in my life was annihilated?
Listen, Joshua means the same exact thing as Jesus does, “Jehovah is salvation”! And Ai means “sin”! Has sin been annihilated, in it’s eternal power over you? Is it your slave yet, or do you still serve it?
Now yes, we as Christian believers do sin, but we are not captives to its will and it does not have us as it’s servants to obey. Also we are no longer practicers of sin and of darkness when we’ve been released from its power as our Master and the dictator of our lives as it was before Christ. Christ made the way out, and if we are following after Him, we are free. Just because you make a mistake does not mean you are a sinner once again.
Sin consciousness is one of the greatest enemies of God’s people and their progress in a love relationship. It tries to separate those God loves from even believing to live His word.
Do NOT listen to its offers. We have been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, not by any work we have done, but by believing in His work on the cross when He took our place and died as us that beautiful and holy day about 2000 years ago!. It would be sin to disregard that work, believe the liar again and call ourselves sinners after what He did to free us from it’s eternal dooming power.
Do you know who do you now belong to? Jesus? Right? Yes!
Has anyone heard from afar what Christ did to free you from the slavery of sin consciousness and from works consciousness? Or have you even realized you are freed yet? How He’s brought you to a place of the acceptance of His great love? That is worth showing and telling!
One who has been freed, appreciates his freedom, so much so that he maintains that freedom and walks in new ways, forsaking old patterns and habits and behaviors that do not behoove a kingdom of God citizen, they understand the representation of who they are and who’s they are. The love of God sustains them to such a place of obedient action and new life action. If one does not maintain what he has obtained, he’ll be right back where he started from.`
Are you yet helping others destroy their high walled cities? Teaching them to destroying their giants? This is our co mission with the Lord.
How does a person get to such an place where even his enemies are at peace with him, or in the fight he wins when all odds are against Him? If God be for me, then who is able to defeat God? There is a scripture I’ll refer to.
Proverbs 16:7 When a man's ways are pleasing to the LORD, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.
How does a man please the Lord? By faith, for without faith it is impossible to please God, for one must believe that He is (God and wants Him to be your own ruler) and that he is a rewarder of those who with diligence seek Him (Heb 11). Faith =’s trust. If we trust God we believe Him, if we believe Him we also trust Him. If we trust Him, we love Him, if we love Him we will obey Him. If we do not obey Him, we do not really trust or love Him, expect with words.
Joshua (Jesus) loved and trusted God enough to live by permission, to be after doing God’s will, to only move if God said to, not just assuming everything he did on his own would be blessed by the Lord, no, but that what he did for God he would be equipped for and be blessed and prosper in. After only a few mistakes, Joshua learned real quick to ask first or just wait to hear, listen and obey what was given him by God’s word.
Why was Joshua’s prayers answered so? He answered God’s dreams all of the time making them come true for God, so God helped Him and caused his words to have power. It is the same with us. A man must be found faithful. If the man is faithful in little he’ll rule over more. If he rules his words well, his words will be empowered. If he obeys in little and then a lot, he will rule well. Ever heard this phrase? Well done, thou good and faithful servant….
To be having a bad day and open the word and just pick from hundreds of words on a page and expect the word we declare to come to pass is presumption on our parts. Those who diligently seek Him, find His promises to be true to them, for they are true to Him! Opening the word of God daily and with the purposeful intent of finding what to do to change, or what to do to become more God centered and God serving rather than self centered or self serving is where the promises unfold. He is teaching us new ways of living. If we won’t learn new we’ll just live the old automatically. If we only read, but do not apply, we’ll loose what we read.
Diligent Seeker.
Steward of the Mysteries of Christ.
That’s who we are!
DO NOT get discouraged into thinking one enemy gone, all gone, that’s hogwash thinking. YOU should be facing giants, enemies, armies and kings, till the whole earth is covered with the glory of God. You should fight your own enemies, that of your family, then join to fight those of your church family and local community, and ultimately the world, That is God’s Divine plan, and that you have to join forces with others, is God. We cannot and were not designed by God to go it or do it alone, if we choose that we’ choose that ourselves, that is a willful decision we make, we can re-make the decision. I want to ask the loner, do you trust God? Is He great enough to heal any hurt caused you by being around other humans? Or do you have to heal yourself? It is up to us. Who our king is. God is Great and Greatly to be praised. Jesus heals all who believe Him.