Saturday, April 28, 2007

Lena Journals Today to Genesis 6

Most would ask, what was so bad about sons taking for themselves any wife they wanted? Hey, at least they weren’t living in sin, right? It depends. It depends on whose standard we are comparing ourselves to.
God has a standard for all the earth and whether man changes his own personal standard to align with it or not. God’s standard, the way He set up the revolving of the earth, which He governs, remains. It is the ruler that each man will stand before God for both now and in eternity. THAT standard does not change, just as gravity or seasons, days and nights, do not change. This is where we get, “He is the same yesterday, today and forever.”
Now we all know culture changes the level man feels comfortable living within God’s standard in changes. Culture has taken us further and further from God’s ideal for humans. The question is, will you personally allow that measure to change? Do you move towards the worlds definitions of standard or God’s definition?
So now, let’s go back to the 2nd verse of Genesis 6. God set up a standard for relationships, especially long term ones, such as marriage. Being he knows all about us, our personality, our dispositions, our ultimate life decisions, etc. Who should we depend upon to choose our mate for us? Who should we rely on to is there to help us know a standard to compare mate choosing with?
As soon as this was said, “the men chose for themselves”, it then states in vs. 3 that His Spirit will not always put up with people!
Were they choosing for the successful perpetuation of spiritual generations or for temporary and natural desire?
What does man tend even our day and culture to choose where relationships are concerned? Does he ordinarily choose after the flesh nature or the spirit nature?
If he does choose after the spirit nature, it seems he has to wage a war in his body and soul, and then be willing to fight for a standard and to keep it.
This is exactly what God is looking for in relationships, just as He is looking for this within our relationship with Him. He is looking for the same qualities within marital relationships.
What qualities are these?
Qualities such as what we value is also what is of worth to us. What is worth to us we will tend more to and keep as precious.
Is the person you “love” valuable enough to you to treat them as a brother or sister first and to preserve their value and physical offering to the relationship until marriage with one person for all earth life?
Will you lay down your own desires regularly for their good, and are you willing to change for and with them? Are you flexible and correctable, especially where the revealed standard of God’s word is concerned? Are you humble or are you a contester and always stand for your own rights?
The Lord is looking for people of the same mind as He is of. This is why He says, “the two shall become one”. Let’s ask, Which one?
Just as He is, but together being a picture of that continual reflection of His will and plan in the earth, for all of the days that the two of them live as one Him, are alive. They are all after exemplifying who He is as much as they know, and then seeking to find out more of what they don’t yet know of Him, so who He is is more visible to generations who will continually do the same as shown by human example.
Why would this say, “God will not always put up with men?” It is speaking of flesh natured desires and decisions man make and end up living the consequences of.
God gives each of us a time to be on earth to show forth and exemplify His will. To execute His plans and teach others who will live after us to do the same. If man is given chance after chance to do this and he won’t yield to it, he doesn’t need to stay here as long as he could’ve if he’d have yielded to that purpose for this IS his design, and his purpose for this life. This is it!
Purpose preserves earth life.
Giants? Yep Giants (Nephalites), the work of man’s own hand, mans own ways. Consequences manifested. Man did this, messed with God’s design and is living the results of his own flesh natured ways, rather than obeying God by faith, man has obeyed himself. This produces a BIG GIANT mess, that man now gets to live with the product of. In fact God will require the men who mess with the plan and mix it with their own lusts to eat those giants and overcome them, annihilating their presence from off of the earth.
Man may cry out- “God help me, save me”. God will give him the supernatural ability when he cries out, but he won’t do it for the man, man needs to do the work of annihilation and see that producing what is all spirit life is what God has in mind for him. Mixing one’s human spirit with the life of God will bring forth an eternal design on earth and eternal model to display.
God gave men imagination. God gave men ideas which He intends for man to use. It’s just because of sins’ influence man needs a tutor and a governor to make sure the ideas are of God and to be pursued and reproduced. This is why we need a multitude of godly council and to seek after wisdom, especially with what we’ll be made one with.
I think a lot about God feeling sorrow. I think of it as I think about and prepare to teach others to please God. Those who love Him will obey and please Him. Doesn’t it hurt your heart to think God would be sorrowful over His creation?
Doesn’t it cause something in you to decide to live righteously and stand upright in Christ?
Noah, a righteous man of faith pleased God, God saved him and his whole house over his righteousness, because he valued his relationship with God and others so much to live as God’s standard deemed even when all others around him would not. Worldly peer pressure is NOT the standard. It isn’t. It is not worth giving in to, ever. There is no eternal value in it.
One must place themselves in a place of eternal safety and security and live this way for the generations after them. It is not easy in our world to choose life, but Jesus told us we are in the world (to save the world and give them the hope of Him), but we are NOT of it! That is worth going after and keeping.
You do know the contest is about keeping the faith?
Please know this. In every situation in all of life this is always the bottom line. Of how much value is your eternal security and present relationship with God and His Word? Is it important enough for you to live in such a way that you stick out like a sore thumb where the world’s standard of living is concerned? Enough to go all into becoming one with a group of people within your own personal community and to become one in agreeing with people you could easily disagree with to the saving of their and your own souls? Are you willing not only to gather with some, but to assemble and become one Him with them regularly with a wholehearted commitment?
If why, then why?
If why not, ask why not.
Be honest and change, if necessary. Work hard to build a place on earth the world can run into and find refuge, whenever they need it (which they do). You can’t be that place alone, it takes a spiritual family to be that for any people.
Your own personal ark will only hold you. That’s not big enough! In joining the desired work of God in Christ within a body, we find favor with the Lord.
Anytime we lay down our own ways for His we have favor with the Lord.
Are we walking in close fellowship with God?
To the extent that you have grown or are growing up with the intent of helping father others in this same type of faith?