Latter rain is a term unfamiliar to us except in the word of God. What is this? It is one of the important rains farmers depend upon in harvest, The former or first rain is for the watering of the seeds planted, the latter or last rain of harvest is for the crops to mature in growth before harvesting the crops.
A definition here could for explanation sake say, ~ the Lord, it is He who will do a marvelous work, a supernatural feat, one you can only expect through faith in Him. Where natural rain is concerned, all one can do as a farmer is to hope and pray that the proper rains in the proper times will come, then wait for it. They hope that, that which was planted would come to fruition, would mature in the field, but it is always God, who is the Only One to depend upon for the fruit in the field coming to full maturity, It is He who will bring what is needed to make it happen, as if fashioning it just for you to have food set on your table to eat, enough to feed each other, enough to abound in feeding others!
That’s how Good His harvest will be when He is believed in by faith and hopeful expectation to send His supernatural rain.
Those who only hope in their own strength will get what they work for and all of the possibilities of destruction along the way. Human strength fails and is unsure and unsteady; undependable; subject to the elements and the patterns of the world. Those who put their trust in God can reply on Him for what they cannot expect otherwise.
One’s who are self dependant, self strengthened, these really follow nobody. They may feel they lead their own lives well, but in God’s ways they are leaderless, Shepard less. They are still sheep, who need leading, but they are led wrongly if they do not follow Shepard’s.
So what if from childhood, you had no leader and were never taught to be led? Now that you are of the age of understanding and are seeking God’s word, you can see you were led wrongly in how you were raised. Come on into the sheepfold, find a Shepard and follow Him yourself, because you decide to. Your parents or grandparents may have taught you in error, but to continue in error is up to you. You are older and wiser now, Go into the fold, find pasture, find safety, find rest for your soul. The past error is between your parents and God, your grandparents and God, maybe someday as they see you in the fold, they will desire and learn to come under the mercy of God also. Forgive and pray for them as you do what you must do before God. Time for blame to cease, no one now is causing you to be uncommitted, unsubmitted except you. Submission is a decision the one who submits makes or does not make.
Those who submit self, come into the flock, God will arrive on that scene and cover them in this day of trouble, in the day of battle, in their battles He will arise as victor. Victor of the flocked ones! He will train our hands to war properly (not ever with people personally, but with principalities and powers that war against inner souls), He will cause His sheep to arise as warriors! No longer, mere sheep, though they had to start that way, so He’d know He could use them into His battles as faithful committed and useful ones.
Just because you were raised a certain way, does not mean the generations after you have to be raised up that same way. Maybe you were abandoned, that does not mean you abandon, you are a victor. Maybe your parents were addicted to worldly powers and pulls, that does not mean you or your children have to be, you can follow whoever you decide to, you can be led by the spirit if you want to, and so can your seed. You are a Victor! You came under submission willingly and on purpose, no one made you, you decided differently, to have a Shepard where no none else in your line did, you made this correct decision, You are a victor!
Because you are in the field the rain of maturity will fall on you. You were once a seed, now you are wheat, next you’ll be bread too! You’ll be on someone’s table in who knows where. It could be a nation that you do not yet know. You’ve allowed the power of His will and His word to be at work in you. You are fruit of His vine. A fruitful vine in a pleasant field. He is well pleased with you and will bless the new generations you will lead by your awe inspiring example. Everything has changed where your name is concerned; you were once unloved, unlovely, and are now loved, in the beloved, and lovely!
Your future is not dependant upon your past, it is dependant upon your decisions to be in the fold and in the pasture today!
If and when you ever encounter any enemies of the past, you will face them so differently now, for you are not who you were at all! You are a Victor! Victorious in Him. You wear and bear a new name, a perpetual generational name, you belong to God.