How delightful, how fitting – it looks on you! The King James Version says, “Praise looks comely on the upright”. I guess the British would tell someone who was wearing a garment they approved of, “You look quite comely”. In other words, as we wear the garment of praise we beautify ourselves, it looks better on us than other things we’ve worn do.
Everyday when we get up in the morning, we have a chance to dress for the day, to decide what to wear. Many a time it depends upon where we are going, who we’ll be seeing, or what we will do that day. The Bible is giving us an offer for the spiritual dressing room – Praise would be a garment to wear, guaranteed, it will look the best of all of the other choices, on you!
I know we’ve written of this before, but what does it mean to be humble? Humility before God is acceptance of His will alone. It is the decisiveness in His will. It is surrender and the plight to pursue His rather than our own, if a difference is found, and if one is not already after it, there is a seeking to make sure the wills match, with His.
It means, I lay down whatever else stands between His will being done in my life. I do His will and pursue it heavily, not because of have to’s , but because of want to’s. I bow down, because I want to. If I feel I have to, I am not humble.
Humility is a willing response to who God is. One of the definitions is “weakened”. Ya know how prideful people are insistent and stubborn? The stubborn insistence of self, is weakened in humility, I have no desire to stand up strong against God’s desire in me, for me, and through me. I’m weak with Him, I bow, rather than stand immovably erect.
For some to sing anyone’s praise other than their own, it takes humility. For some to allow a word of praise to come forth from their lips on a day to day basis, takes a yielding of the vessel of the will for sure. For some, to lift ones hands and to sing a song, as though one is thankful or joyful takes all they are, all the strength they have to muster it up.
It is time to pop the cork on praise. There is a well inside each of us that is waiting for a spring and a fountain to come forth. The pump of the soul needs to be primed and the old stagnant waters need to clear out the faucets of day to day life.
Today, it is definitely time, to praise the Lord!
Not only by the singing of songs, which brings much pleasure to the heart of God, but also in the everyday expression we exert, in our verbal dialog with others. What are we saying about God, about life, about ourselves, about others? Is it praiseworthy, and if judged, would we be found lacking praise?
Today is definitely time to praise the Lord. In all we do, Praise the Lord! In all we say, Praise the Lord!
Fear the Lord, trust and rely on Him. In this praise and blessing flow like a river.
Do we really know and understand How Great and How Awesome Our God is? Who He is?
If we do, how do we speak of Him? Do we ever hold Him to an account by asking questions like, “Why God”? (as though He owes us an explanation). Do we ever expect Him to give us “what we feel is fair”, and due us? (with an arrogant questioning heart).
This scripture is one of those to put us in our places as humans who God created to love and serve and obey Him as we get to enjoy who He is, and what He’s made and has made for us to do. Everything in perspective, everything in perspective.
Who are we? The wee little creation who God so extends Himself and His everlasting spirit to love! Eternal treasures in HIS eyes.
Wow, huh?