What is an alarm exactly? A warning of a happening, which could be of great importance to the protection or preservation of life.
We have health books , first aid books, etc., that tell us of the alarms of the human body. There are book’s that tell us that symptoms of illness are alarm systems to the physical man, something to take notice of, a threat of possible importance to the life of the human flesh. These books give suggestions for health and recovery from the ailments described as alarms to the body. The person with the ailment will weigh the suggestions out and see if they feel they can take the course of action described to preserve or protect their physical life from the threats of death in either long or short form.
The word of God is the Book of Eternal, Spiritual life. Its prescriptions are all about our spiritual eternal life, the “suggestions” or rather commands within it, are from God. Yes there are alarms, some which would effect physical life right now, but all are about eternal life later on. Don’t be fooled by the evil twister of God’s word to think what you’ve read is only speaking about your life on earth now, and if you can just get through to forever, you’ll be alright and will have escaped peril.
One huge question the Father has been addressing His church with for years is, “Are you a part, a functioning, working part of My army?”
An army is assembled faithfully and on purpose, with purpose. Their life is not their own and they do not act on their own behalf according to their own comforts, etc. They are giving their lives daily for the cause. They do not dress in the clothes of their own choosing, they do not sleep when they decide, they do not live where they choose, they go wherever they are assigned and show up for their assignment whenever the commanders tell them to. Their schedule is not their own. They are unified under one commander who is saying the same thing to everyone who is with them. They move as one man inside of their regiment. No one even speaks their ideas of how they thought or think it should be done, they don’t one individually go this way, and one individually go that way unless the one over them says to go separate ways. They are committed even unto death, they are under command. They are in covenant.
It is about the possibility of shedding their blood for a purpose greater than what they see today, They live this way because they believe in the vision. It does not matter if they see the whole picture, if they follow to obey one who does, they are doing their part, their portion, and that is all they are called to see and do. What they do affects people 100’s and 1000’s of years beyond their own lives.
This is what soldiers are like.
This is who soldiers are.
They choose to join, or they are recruited. Yes if recruited, drafted, they can go AWAL, but if a soldier, this is their meat and their drink, to do His will, why would they leave it. If they left it, it would be leaving them.
How can any one man, doing whatever he does in life, make the sound of an army, the sound of victory alone? How can he accomplish the huge will of God doing a small ministry he sees is good? No man is good alone, only God is good, His plans are what one is here to live for. Yes He did give us talents and all the earth for us to enjoy, all is to be partaken of within the assembly with others who also come not to do their own wills, but His being done in and through the corporate assembly of them.
A mighty army can do what one man can never do alone.
One of the first tactics of the enemy of God and of His people is to separate out, to tell one they are not needed and to do what they want is more important than to assemble and to be a part of what others are telling them to do. He does this, whispers this in ears, so he can be more effective and God’s people less effective. Anytime the enemy or any voice sounding like any voice in our heads tries to tell us to do our own thing, to just stay home and rest, to not listen. It may say something like, “Those people at church, they don’t know what they are talking about you know better than they do about your own life and what you can fit in”, etc, etc. Shut that voice up! It has come to separate you and to capture you and to steal away your soul and minimize the effective work of God in the earth where we all, as one, join together with companies of believers and run swiftly to defeat evil’s visible work on earth, before our time is up here and we go to heaven.
So repentance is in order. What is it God’s people, not sinners, but God’s people, are repenting of? Sin, unbelief, no commitment, independent living, selfishness, distrust, lustful living, and unloving actions that are not according to vision and not eternally centered, but have been self centered and self serving in nature.
Ya know, even natural, physical, and mental illnesses can be a part of the eternal alarm system. Mental torment is a part of the eternal alarm systems. If one is ailing either physically or mentally, there is a reason. That is actually set up by God as an alarm system to humanity. Usually the root system is sin somewhere. One has to be willing to see that, and judge that, and repent of whichever behaviors listed above have given curses a runway to land on in our lives.
The enemy has no right to a Christian or power over a Christian, unless that Christian allows him take that right back through disobedience, or by ignorantly giving an invitation there may be an entry somewhere.
What God calls sin is what the believer needs to begin to define as sin, also. This is what discipleship is all about, learning what God calls sin, to go ahead and call sin, what God calls obedience, obedience. This is actually what the root word for “Confession” is, “to say as God has said”.
Until the believer agrees with God, the alarms will continue to go off. When one tries to bring his self relief from earth’s pains without agreeing with God on root issues, and allowing the supernatural help of God to come through repentant living, it would be like taking a pill to ease some pain, the pain is partly eased alright, but the disease is not cured or healed. Can’t we all relate to that? We all can relate to that and that is why I’m explaining it this way. This is the way of the kingdom.
God wants us healthy, in fact He paid the eternal price that we could be healthy if we want to be by changing and beginning to learn of and call sin what God does, that it may be personally defeated and disallowed in our lives.
Just because He paid for our health, does not mean we’ve withdrawn this from our heavenly bank accounts. We must enter the account numbers on a withdrawal ticket and sign on the dotted line. We’ve also got to go to the bank. The funds for this life are there, if we never go and do the transaction the promises due us, the things he deposited for us, are not in our hands.
If one ends up on a continual course of pain management or meds that do not seem to work anymore and if they go to physician after physician and are not helped these are final alarms sounding loudly stating, “Your times are and have been in your own hands for too long. Now is the time to call on heaven’s accounts for you, give up, give in. healing belongs to the righteous, those made right through the shedding of His blood, the only thing in the way, barring the door of the heavenly are things like this - Sin, unbelief, no commitment, independent living, selfishness, distrust, lustful living, and unloving actions that are not according to vision and not eternally centered, but have been self centered and self serving in nature. It is high time to break the chains off of the doors! Your Father owns the bank! Listen what is in there is yours! You’ve got to get in. The way was made, now forsake the ways of the chains, break free in His power and take what is yours!” It is up to you, and what you decide is not just for you, it goes WAYYYY beyond you to generations after you.
Do you know every week there is a call for assembly of the people of God? When we take this lightly and assemble only when it is convenient, God and others cannot count on us to add to the strength of His army and to accomplish the plans He’s set to do in accordance to the size of our specific locality. I believe He gives congregations of peoples assignments as army commanders would. He has plans He desires to do with this specific people. He is waiting to do it, and each specified plan takes so many people. When that many people show, then He does it through them. If I don’t come we won’t do His will together. You may do a part of His will for you personally at home or in the community, but we won’t do His will as an assembled army.
Those who do engage, do have provision. The guy on AWAL has to find a way to make his own way. He has to find and walk on his own path. He even has to find and make his own food, from the day he leaves, but if he returns and is able to be in good standing once again, form the day he returns, provision is there for him personally and inside of the assembly of troops.
If I were a troop lacking the strength of one of my men, I’d be glad that he returned. The engagement, the commitment, the actions of faith, the assembly is what God is so waiting for us to have together. In that the supernatural strength we need to do His will is there.
It’s like building a building or assembling a car. It’s really nice when the tires show up, but if the headlights or the engine doesn’t we have parts, but no car, In a building if we have the wood or bricks or paint or windows, we have parts but no livable structure. When all come, when all assemble together, a work is done and a life can partake of the use of this design, a family can drive this car to wherever or a family will live together and learn and have a home to express hospitality and the love of God in. How do you know if you are a “house” or a “car”? You may start to see who you are individually and feel special when you find out you are a working or functioning part. You may have never seen you were tiles on a rooftop or a gas pedal on a car. Now when you see that, stay and wait for your part and your place, without your part the assembly is not whole or functioning properly.