Shepherding is spiritual fathering, it is being made into and becoming and taking the responsibility of the nurturer of an eternal soul.
Of males or any other who has been put in the position or assumes the position of household head, I’ve heard that this is their position as leaders of families. They are a Priest first.
The Priest takes the people he tends and he goes into the presence of His Leader-Father being in proper alignment and in good relationship with his Father-Leader. He keeps the door of welcome open there, for he has the concern of others to present there regularly. That place where his Father-Leader is , is the only place for answers to life true problems which all stem from spiritual roots systems. If he thinks to go for help and the relational door of entry to his Father-Leader is closed, that means his responsibility is unfulfilled.
Therefore he spends much of who he is staying in right relationship with his own spiritual Father, that he himself would have the inquiry and impartation of a son-father, which is who he must become, this is positionally who he (or they) are called to be, intercessors before God for others) God did that on purpose! If he is not already in good standing, he can be and if he realizes he’s responsible to be, he can make the necessary changes and go for it!
As Priest he has a breastplate on. On that breastplate, are the jewels of his life, the jewels of his Father’s life that have been entrusted to him. They are who make him a father, even though he is a son (of his own Father-Leader). He has the treasures, the eternal jewels on his heart continually, he wears them faithfully, they are his responsibility (God has given them to him with a mission and he is able through God’s lead to respond to this call for the spiritual keeping of their souls). He takes them into the throne with him whenever he approaches. He knows their needs, he is in tune with who they are and even who they are called to become, through Christ. Through the intercession for them, he brings about in the spirit, what was already planned or them by God. He finds out God’s plans and agrees with God’s plans, and prays God’s plans for His family-Flock to bring them into manifest form for those he’s set to help.
As a priest, he sees enemies from a far off, and he wards them off in spiritual warfare, before they can even get to his Family-Flock. He sees things potentially hazardous to his Family-Flock’s souls and in the spirit, takes care of them before the Family Flock even encounters them. When they get older, he at least warns them, telling them these are coming their way and tells and shows them what to do to have success over their enemies.
He is also a Prophet, because God will give the Priest instructions as he inquires well, and he’ll have to make it palatable to the flock he’s gathered and herds together. He has another responsibility before His Leader-Father, and that is to give them the words God gave Him for them. He may not be able to give it as straight as he saw it. He may have to chew it up as a mother bird would, for whatever stage his children are at, or spouse is at, etc. As he tells the Family-Flock God’s words to them specifically, he encourages them in the journey they are set to continue on.
It’d be kind of like, he goes to Map Quest and does the search for the directions, then when he gets the directions he writes them down, with the instructions given him, he gets everyone in the car and begins to show them by taking them the way the Map Quest said to go.
He gives the directions the Lord gave him for his flock. He takes them where they need to go, from wherever they are!
As a prophet, he declares the words of His Leader-Father over his Flock! He declares the words of His Leader over their enemies. He is a mouthpiece of the release of blessings and of spiritual warfare on earth. He knows that every natural happening is spiritually inspired, everything visible started in the invisible realm. Some invisible things, such as threats should never be made visible, so he takes care of those before they manifest!
Because of who he is in this, his family - flock is safe, they have good relationships, they understand the ways of His Father-Leader too and will someday take the same stance-place he has over his own life and over the lives of others who need and desire to be led, for he has trained them well by example!
In this fine and loving example, His Family- Flock has crowned him king. His Father-Leader has said well done My faithful son. I am your Father who is well pleased.
Why so many woes to those who do not care and nurture? It is high level kingdom business, the care of souls. It is God’s number 1 concern and plan.
If a soul wanders, one who leads must ask, “Why would they ever leave this place?”
In knowing that the only way they can be safe is to stay. If they stay, they are safe, if they leave, there is no way for the Flock-Leader see their enemies, it is pretty much impossible for an intercessor to do practically speaking, not knowing where they’ve gone, which could be a different place each day according to the leading of the soul’s will, how could that assigned one keep them safe in that state? It cannot be done. The Prodigal Father could not help hault consequence, when the son was away, when he retruned home, the son came willingly under covering. To be willingly uncovered is to be in a dangerous place, spiritually speaking it is far more dangerous than naturally speaking.
So, the question must be addressed honestly, why would they feel to leave here?
A good Leader always uses this to evaluate and improve leadership, because they are humble and want a flock to stay, they want to do all they can to nurture and care. If they need to be changed as the alarms sound, they do.
Yet if the sheep is deceived, they need a watchman on the spiritual wall of their soul to stand and call forth truth, truth to come into the desire of their innermost parts. The Prodigal’s Father watched as he prayed and expected a return of his son’s soul!
If the Shepard’s were selfish and did not intercede for that specific soul before, it is a time to evaluate and repent and begin right away to pray and watch and war. Most warfare for souls is in the secret place. It must happen in the spirit so it may manifest in the natural. To humanly debate and reason is ineffective in delivering the disobedient soul. The breakthrough must occur in the unseen realm before it can be seen and reasoning does not do an inward spiritual work very effectively, only prayer does that, only Divine revelation does that.
Who is praying?
Who is asking for the souls?
Who is calling for Divine desire and revelation for the lost souls?
The Shepard’s – who have the spirit of Fathers – the responsible family leaders of the Lord are!
You can be either male or female and be a spiritual “Father”. We’re speaking of having the same loving drawing, keeping spirit of the nurturing Father, the Father of all spirits who is spiritually concerned for every man, woman, and child alive!
One may look “up” at you today and inquisitively “ask”, “Are YOU my father?”
Are you?
Do you share His heart for their souls?
Are you willing to stay in right standing and make the proper approaches to Him regularly? Staying in right relationship? We’re not speaking of religious acts, we’re speaking of genuine eternal concern.
How about intercession? Are you one who will make a stand between enemies and people? Not allowing them to get to the people at all, even if it means you possibly take the spiritual or natural blow?
Then has anyone put a crown on you yet because you live this way before them faithfully? When, if they do, bow down and hand it over to the King of Kings and Lord of lords, for that will keep you humbled and going on in this again and again, never believing you’ve arrived, until your time to father is over.