What is more important and of a higher priority? Feeding those who can learn to feed themselves, or seeking out those who do not know how to eat the only thing that will save them for eternity? The Word of God, the Bread of Life?
Eating and drinking are essential to life, what one eats and drinks is imperative to being made alive. Life’s success or failure and true longevity comes from eating the right diet. I’m speaking both naturally and spiritually speaking. Life and death are so linked to appetite. What is it one desires to eat? That is what he will most likely eat.
There is a world who do not realize they are eating death, death is in the pot! If we do not go, as He went, and eat with them, tickling their palates with truth and life, how will they know that what they’ve eaten is poison?
What if we ourselves do not even know how to properly feed ourselves, how then can we feed others life? We must eat and drink life, so we can eat and drink life with those who have none. Then we’ve got to have so much of a life overflow that we can go and serve others, setting an eternal table for them that they cannot wait to come eat and drink from.
If there’s any call on anyone’s life, ever, that is the call that has gone out to all mankind, wherever you work, play, eat, drink, live, THIS IS your call from God! I find it such a pity when someone is looking for purpose and skips over the very purpose set out for each of us, engage in this lifestyle and you’ll be satisfied in life like never before and never to be found elsewhere. It is so sad to look so far off to some religious stardom, when the world is on our very street and around the block. Go into the world is only a few steps away, serious, within our own community there are an amazing amount of nations represented, students, potential ambassadors for God’s kingdom on earth, etc. They’ll go home after we educate them, they’ll take whatever we give them, if we will and we don’t have to learn all their ways, language, risk our familie’s lives or even buy a plane ticket. Usually when someone takes a missions trip it is brief anyway, to deposit seed in someone who lives there so they can spread it out from where they are. What about taking that student into your daily family life for the 4 years they are here, having a relationship with them, for longer than a missions trip and showing them Christ day to day (I didn’t say they have to move in, that’s between you and God, but eat with them, serve them as am ambassador, minister, love, show HIM). The world, even the enemy uses the tactic and takes godly children, plants them away form home life, teaches them new ideas, plants and tries to prove them in them in 2,4,6,8, 12 years of college and then launches them into the “mission” (career) field. If he knows that strategy, why do we not seize it for God’s kingdom power and glory!
What if one does not desire to eat what is right? How can that change? How can one change their desire? That can be a feat and once the offer is accepted for help and change from the Spirit of God who works His supernatural work in us there can truly be a transformation of appetites. Usually it starts with an intentful decision, based on faith in the truth. Another way that everyone knows of is fasting, fasting what one should not be eating on purpose. When one fasts they become hungry, then when it is time to eat, they are once again sensitized and can eat what is right. Bingo, they now have an appetite for what is right.
An example of this is TV watching, if one has no time for God, for prayer, for reading, or study or to worship at home, but they find they sit in front of the TV a lot and it takes that time that could be given to the things of the Lord, they are honest and have found they have no appetite for the things of God. If they want to change that they can fast TV, turn it off. They find they end up having room, an empty space that needs filling. If one disciplines the soul and only feeds it worship or study etc. during that time, and does not allow the former appetite to be fed, thus fasting it, voila - a new appetite forms. If a person only has one thing to eat, they soon desire it.
We have been doing what is really important to us, but when something or someone else should be the more important thing and we find that out, we can change what we’ve spent the time on.
Value is assessed by how much of one’s life is spent on any thing or persons. This is how God tells what is important to us. If we never seek to save the lost, won’t allow Him to change our character to be more inviting and to better represent Him, if we refuse to lose our independent thinking and become thoroughly dependant upon Him, He sees what is truly important to us.
What is important to God is what needs to become what is also of utmost importance to us. Reprioritization is always the order of each day. If we spend our whole lives working hard to pay for things, and take care of the things, we may be skipping over what we should be working harder to take care of, which is the lives, hearts, and minds of people.
A father who says I’m taking care of my kids, by never being home, and he is always working more to buy them more, is fooled and will feel so ashamed when he stands before His Heavenly Father. He did what he thought was important, but it was not in God’s eyes. Being there as an example to his child as they managed what it is they had, was what God wanted. They don’t need big toys to be together and learn of the Word put to life through loving service. They don’t need more things to grow one another up as a valuable people, who know they are here to love God more and more and demonstrate that love to as many people as one family can.
To what extent do we extend our self-life to save a soul? Seriously. How much do we pray prayers of faith that go along with God’s wishes over someone who is lost? We complain of non-Christian behaviors in people, but how much do we pray for the Holy Spirit to draw them to the heart of God, have mercy on them in what they are deceived in, ask for blindness to be taken from their spiritual eyes, and spiritual deafness from their hearing ears? How much time would we turn off the TV and get on our knees in prayers like this, to ask God to help them, draw them, surround them, with laborers, and listen, to see if He has anything at all for us to do for them that week practically?
This is not based on what they deserve or do not deserve, the Prodigal pretty much spit in his dad’s face and left him, but the father still stood looking. Prayer watchmen watch for what is important for them to see come to pass, they expect not what was seen, but what is not yet seen, to be miraculously revealed. They do that because that’s how their Father is, they want to be as He is and love who He loves.
Not a one of us deserved His great loving sacrifice, no one, not even the “best” person on earth, but He gave His life, anyway.
Do we love who He loves? How do we show that to Him everyday?
The Father knew, that whatever bad or wrong choices this human being made, not one consequence of his wrong choices would be anywhere near as horrid as eternal separation from His Father God, eternal doom, death and torment. The love of His own Father inside of Him, had to pray, fast, look out for and extend his soul for this human creation. He could not look at what happened and base it on this, he had to look at the eternal person inside of the man, and draw him with love.
How great is His love?
How great is ours?
How great is our love for who He loves?
He loves the unlovely and undeserving ones.