Thursday, March 22, 2007

Study Time Lena's Journalin to Luke 16 _ Stewards of what/who? BIG important question!

Strategy, is what one must be engaged in.
The enemy is all about strategy. It amazes me how disengaged Christians are with strategy and order. How not many act as though they are reaching towards any natural or eternal goal or vision, and how they seem to be only under the commands of their own minds and hearts.
God set up the earth, the Universe and all of its order. We are so amazingly a part of that order, but we must know that to engage.
There is purpose and a reason in relation to working with people in business and in society. Having a business is not ultimately about making money. Making money is not about making money or getting rich so we can spend more on ourselves and our families’ extra comforts, entertainment, rest, relaxation, toys, or prestige and name builders. It is about giving an account of stewardship in many areas. Who we give an account to is God. Yes we pay suppliers, employers, employees, taxes, and file for taxes and may even have an accountant, but all we do we do now unto the Lord. It is the Lord who sees and knows what we’ve done inside of the exercises of that business to gain wealth or relationships and practice the godly principles of stewardship over people handling and money handling.
I HOPE you can see what I am saying. Know the enemy would absolutely hate for you to see this. If you see this it can change your whole life and the whole account you’ll give to God on judgment day.
Every task in life, from taking garbage out at home or doing dishes to working a job inside of your or others homes or businesses, to transactions with money made, every task is for the glory of God to be demonstrated.
The stewardship is not of the thing, but of the character you display and of the way you represent your Father God and how you treat people inside of whatever it is you do. It is your opportunity given you by God to test you and show you who you are, and are being developed into becoming.
Please re-read that last paragraph again.
Do you see that if you are a militant commander at home, only caring that the job gets done, with no regard to using the task as a means of training the children to become faithful stewards who can see how to operate in the fruits of God’s Holy Spirit who is supposed to be alive in your home.
What kind of steward are you?
A steward of people’s lives.
If your tyrannical personality does not cause your family to want to give an accurate account to God in all of the other areas of their life, you’ve done a great disservice to your children or other family members.
What kind of steward are you?
A steward of people’s lives.
If they can never please you in any area, they will learn how to lie and hide themselves in shame, even before God, and He will have a lifelong commitment to heal them up so they can trust Him enough to follow after Him.
What kind of steward are you?
A steward of people’s lives.
If people God has given you to relate to and practice representing Him to in your life are not ones you nurture and if they are always told by you how they can never live up to your expectations, or they can’t ever do anything correctly, you have misrepresented God as Father.
What kind of steward are you?
A steward of people’s lives.
This is serious God business. Serious business.
Giving account in these conditions is almost impossible. The minds and hearts become numbed, calloused to the gentle leading of God as Father. Wow.
What about workers? How do you treat them?
What about money? What do you do with it? How do you handle it? It is a tool of training, given by God, to see if one is a faithful steward, again of people. To see if greed is in us, to see if we’ll horde or trust Him, or if we’ll be independent in our thoughts and actions. Do we give or take, offer or store up? Are we naturally minded or spiritually minded, or even eternally minded?
If we are storing up treasures in heaven, we are very concerned about handling, especially people!
What kind of steward are you?
A steward of people’s lives.
Did I make my parents, my spouse, my boss, my teachers, my children, pastors, etc. look good, by the area I was a part of their lives in? Was my name good on their tongues, when they think of how I loved and served them in the name of Christ? Or did they want to spit it out of their mouths?
Little things? For some deceptive reason, we have thought things are big and people are little. People are huge though they may seem small. Meaning on the list of priorities they are 2nd on the list, just below God!
Be Faithful with people. I beg of you, change your hearts and minds, for your eyes will be opened to see one day and if you do not make a change, you’ll lose, you’ll so lose! You’ll weep, and gnash your teeth over it!
Honestly, What kind of steward are you?
A steward of people’s lives?
Our time was meant to be spent on being an example to people, to teach and train them to become stewards over people, not as bosses, but as servants. The training of servants is demonstrated by serving one another because of love, not because we deserve it or don’t deserve it.
What do you spend your life and passing of time on? Do you do a lot of things, entertain yourself a lot, stay home alone relaxing, go shopping and spend your money on you? Stay to your own self with your own stuff, hoarding it up? Have a whole houseful of stuff with no visitors, and no family around you? Are you tired of “dealing” with people? Why?
Has not the great and awesome and undeserving love in Christ Jesus yet compelled you to come outside of your self centered thinking and actions of building the kingdom you want, all around you? Have you not answered the call of His Spirit to step outside of your own self made, self protected world and trust Him as you obey His commands to love Him with everything and demonstrate that same god-love to others the same?
Why is divorce spoken of right in the middle of stewardship? Think about it and you tell me. Helpful hint- we’re speaking of stewardship of people, not OF things.
The parable of Lazarus speaks so clearly of the account that will be given inside of the stewardship of souls.
Money means NOTHING to God.
Things mean nothing to God, except to be used to bless, honor and teach people.
People mean everything to God.
God so loved an unsaved god-mocking undeserving world and He asked His beloved Son if He loved Him enough to go and lay his life down for them in tormentous situations. Are they worth that much to You Jesus? They are to Me. Do You really love Me enough to lay other importance’s down and live for them? They are the most important thing to Me. I wonder if anyone else will begin to, choose to, love them that much too, that they’d spend their lives developing others to love like We do? We’ll send the Holy Spirit to help them if thet want to, but that’s later…
I wonder….
I do. Love YOU!
Did you hear Me?
Yes. You know words are nothing without actions following, right?
Right. I’ll go.
Right away.
“I love You too…”