Dear, Dear Ones of Faith in The Lordship of Christ personally,
You who live in the world, but are citizens of another kingdom while still on earth. Those who are ambassadors of His Kingdom come and will be done. Those who live as if they are under the rules of another, an out of this world, King. Those who give their life’s efforts to see to another’s destiny and plan.
Those who have been born in the earth for a time and are living right in the center of the terrible effects of the willing unleashing of sin in the earth, yet have come up above its power by deciding a new for your future generations by choosing differently, all the while staying in the same place and physical locations.
To those who seem to be world citizens, but live out the culture of heaven while on earth. Those who choose to do what God says, as He says it, with no justifiable excuses to opt out of His commands.
Bless You! Blessings to You. May His strength, ability, power and mighty be yours both now and forever, Amen.
You love what he says is right and you hate what he says is wrong (evil). You do not choose to live by morals the world has written as acceptable. You have voided out the lies that come against His decrees on purpose, you will not allow your mind to believe in any words but those that match up with His Words, and you know His words well enough to know that.
You are blessed because you believe enough to live this way, no matter what your culture, time, or race tells you. You are in covenant with God Most High Creator of Heaven and Earth. Inside of your covenantal behavior and actions of faith you are blessed. What are 70 years, while we bring His covenant into the here and now?
Blessed are you Oh woman of God (church of Jesus Christ) who says, “Be it unto me in accordance with Your plans and will!” Who will say that and live that now, no matter what captivity you are in. You refuse to bow! You refuse to disobey Him. Love leads you to help bring the blessing of God on others with you now and after you later for you perpertaute the blessings of God all around you by your no compromise obedient living.
What The Lord says is true and right for you personally, for you are passionately in love with truth. You bought it by giving your life, for you see how valuable His was given to you and so you give yourse freely and willingly. You’ll nere sell that cheaply for any lies or liars.
You know THE TRUTH (as a person) and it has made you free even in physical captivity (when things around aren’t seeming to be just so or how you’d like them to be). You love Truth. You discern the precious (what is eternally worth living for) from the vile (that which would distract you into living and spending your life on other menial things). You live for the day of freedom while still a captive, being full of faith, not only for the day of freedom, but for the pleasure of the King! For faith, in even what one does not yet see (and may even die before they physically see it) pleases Him.
You don’t have to save yourself by being right all the time and insisting on your own way, for you’re like a dead person, yet you are alive and living as a visible picture of Christ in the earth. You gave up your right to always need to be right and buried that idea with Him through a symbolism of being baptized in water. It was a memorial day in your Christian walk. Now the life that you now live and offer to God daily is all for Him. It is lived to see to His rights in your own personal life as King of kings and Lord of lords! His rights to have His kingdom come to your earth, is far more important to you than winning arguments are. You want Him to have His way in a very personal way, through you.
Be blessed in everyway you obey Him today. Put enemies of disobedience to God under your feet. He has given us the supernatural power to do so, to obey Him with a whole heart. The beginning is in the willingness to do the will of another, to be told what to do by another can either be a wall or a foundation, it depends on how it sits, erect or prostrate. It’s up to you. TODAY.
Captivity or freedom – TODAY.
Choose freedom with your freewill, the blessing will be uncorked.