Water can be likened to the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Can He come in and flood our world? Is He welcomed in like a trickle, a stream, or a river?
Do you control Him, or can He have control of you?
He won't control us, if we do not ask or invite Him to. He is gentlemenly in nature.
If we play around with Him a bit, as young ones do, and just try Him out a bit, splash around in ankle deep waters, that's because that's as much of Him as we desire to yeild ourselves to. We are in complete control. That's the power of freewilled beings.
If we wade out and let our feet feel the temperature change of His will, and begin to get a bit deeper, we're still in control, but are considering Him more, that too is up to us. He will not make us get wet, if we do not want to. We have as much of the measure and depth of God's Spirit, as we'd like. It is up to us.
If we venture out into deeper waters, waters where we really feel the temperature change in places it is really felt. The water begins to move us a bit, if there is a current, we can be swept in, or we can turn right around and say, forget this, I'm unsure of deeper water.
God will not force our wills and will let us turn around. God will let us go back. He won't stop us from turning our back on His control. He'll allow us to control our own destiny. We may later on ask Him, why such and such and so and so has panned out the way it has, as though it is His "fault", but we must realize that we are living what we believe, and suffering consequences of the control of our own hands.
Notice water travels and fills what yeilds to it's infilling? Water flows and goes where it may, not where it may not. It takes a lot of constant water pressure to change a rock, but very little to move a snadpile.
The Holy Spirit fills those who invite Him to. He works in the lives of those who let Him work. He is not insistant on His own way. The way of God is to be invited to take the "wheel".
So, water deep enough to swim in? How did that happen? How did it rise, where I found myself covered from head to toe? I moved in closer and deeper. I choose to jump in, to give or yeild control to another. I let go and floated out into the deep.
Do we trust God? Really trust Him? It shows by the level in which we are involved in His will.
How deep is His love felt by me? It is in exact proportion to the level of depth I am willing to go with Him.
That puts the controils in my hands.
We like to say, Lord, do what You will. We even blame God if things don't go so well, saying to ourselves that maybe He doesn't love us enough to give us such and such and so and so, or maybe we didn't deserve it. No it has more to do with givinhg up control and letting, yeilding the will, trusting another with your life here and now.
He did His will, He sent His Son, Jesus. Now it is our move! We let or do not let God arise in us. We choose to be filled full or stay as we are, unchanged.
One cool thing aboiut water, it easily altars the substances it flows over and through. Once yeilded to, things chnage automatically.
Want chnage? Really?