Who is the church? Is it an invisible edifice, or some figment and an ideal we hope for, but don’t believe it will ever really appear to us? Or is it a building we go to with stained glass windows and fancy altars covered with brass or other ornate and holy objects?
Nope, notta. The church is the Bride espoused to the Lordship of Christ. It is the called ones who have answered their bridegroom’s invitation and will follow Him to the end of the earth, doing His will as an exact representative of His Father, God?
You and I are the church, if we believe, receive, and obey His words. We as individuals compacted and working together, make up the definition of that word. I’m not the church alone. That is on purpose. I must come together with other members to be who I am, in Him.
Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches. To everyone who is victorious I will give fruit from the tree of life in the paradise of God
Jesus said, if you have an ear to hear.
“Hearing” in Hebrew meant, “only when I see you do, do I know you listened or “heard”.”
The action validated the listening. Without the action there was no hearing. “Hear” and “obey” are synonyms in God’s book. This is the reason Jesus could say, “Have you heard Me?” If there was no action, He was bringing to their attention they had not heard. One who purposes to obey, must know what to do, so he goes listening as one who must study to do what is heard specifically in order to carry out the obedience’s.
We must understand, so that we can do the Word of God!
To Him who is victorious…Can’t be victorious just listening and not doing what you’ve heard.
Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches. To everyone who is victorious I will give some of the manna that has been hidden away in heaven. And I will give to each one a white stone, and on the stone will be engraved a new name that no one understands except the one who receives it.
Victorious? Why? You listen and obey. You live what you believe. If not, you are not, victorious. If God says something like “Please stop listening to music that does not glorify Me”, and we talk our way out of it and into God’s “graces”, or we say, well maybe that wasn’t really God, it was just me, or we excuse ourselves, then simply and bluntly put we’ve not obeyed Him, so through our actions we’ve said He’s not truly our Lord, we are our own.
Now, we are not victorious. Why could we not overcome? We chose not to. We did not rely on His strength. Is He strong enough to help us step out with faith and only listen to worship music? Of course He is, but are we willing and do we believe in His voice, in holiness, etc.?
So we have struggles, pain, sorrow, hard times. Why? We are living under the curses activated by disobediences to the still small voice of God. Yes, we can do whatever we want and God loves us, but He won’t bless us!
The worst part of this is, we are fine with it, fine living this way. We compromise with God and feel His grace to allow us to do whatever we want to do.
We are so selfish, because what we won’t deal with, we’ll leave behind so our children will have to! That is Not victory.
We say things like, “I would die for my children”, but you are unwilling to lay down a bad habit, trusting God all the way, and live for them now, breaking every curse revealed to you in His light, then willingly walking in that light to further expose other habits, attitudes, and curses to annihilate all of the enemies you can see before you die so your children can live free?
That’s the true “death” the death of me. I live, but not to satisfy or pacify my own needs and desires. I let hard things go to bring purposeful blessings on my children and grandchildren’s lives later on, down the line of generations.
We want God to feed us (manna from heaven in our wilderness), manna came to the disobedient! Let’s obey God in the smallest areas and watch the blessings flow. It is selfish to stop up the blessing flow for someone ahead of you!
To all who are victorious, who obey me to the very end, To them I will give authority over all the nations. They will rule the nations with an iron rod and smash them like clay pots. They will have the same authority I received from my Father, and I will also give them the morning star! “Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches.
…To the end.
God has been forever waiting for a people who will believe Him to the extent that they get over their own issues so they can do something bigger for Him, like overcome powers of darkness in the heavenlies!
There’s a war He’d like to win! Here on earth He needs us to help Him win it. He needs spiritual rulers, who are wiling to be healed and made right, so they can fully engage, recruited.
If we are not healed, or delivered, or are ailing we must press in and seek Him, and let the things that bind us go. Is our God not big enough to heal and deliver us, or are we choosing to stay that way?
It is very every subtle, but there is a root issue with people having continual diseases in every area. The root causes have to do with attention and focus, wrong focus on self.
My life, my injury, my pain, my problems, my hurts, my feelings, me, me, me. The over comer, overcomes through believing and refocusing on Him. I know that is not pretty, but it is truth and truth sets people free.
Be freed out of the prison of self today. No really.
God came to serve us for a short time, so we’d get healed to serve Him.
We will be so sad later on if we did not believe Him enough to get healed and do all we could have for HIM!
Overcome today!