The word of God is what to us? A book of great and wise options? A list of considerable suggestions for a good life on earth and preparation for the afterlife? Or a life saving manual in which one must study with intent to apply and do?
We may answer automatically saying it is our life source book, but we have to look at how highly we have esteemed the words of God. This shows if we’ve taken a few good suggestions or if we have changed our lives for its words.
How precious is God’s word to us? People who do not have it available find it priceless. Priceless enough to find even one page and memorize it completely and then destroy or pass on that one page, to never get it in visible form again. Thy word, have I hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You!
If His word is precious and priceless even to those of us who can have several translations available to us in one day’s time; If it is truly priceless, we will read it, mediate on it, and put it into practice. We cannot say it is our life source book and do otherwise. It either is (by our actions ) or it is NOT, (which is also shown in action). God wants the word to be proven in us, worth living and dying to self, for.
We may have the visible physical word today, but who knows if we always will.
A GOOD name. Where does that count? Are we talking that we somehow become famous, where our name is put in the Hall of Fame, or the Avenue of the stars?
We’re taking of reputation here. In word and deed. I keep my word. If I say I’m Christ’s than I am. Where does that part count most? It counts most at home and with those closet to us. They are the ones who vouch ofr our character, our personality changing towards the words we’ve said we’ve ehard at church or read I the Bible or not. Do not be deceived to think the show is where the name is made, or business is where the name is made. The name is at home.
What does your wife say about your character, your husband? Your kids? Your mom, dad and siblings? What about your neighbors and co-workers? What would these say about you behind your back? This is the “good” or evil of your name.
As Christians, we represent far greater than our own names. We represent HIS name and THE name of His Beloved SON, Jesus. What do people say about Jesus in you, when they mention yours and His name in the same frame? How well is He represented as a witness in your life, your intimate secret life?
Ew, there we hit a nail on the head. My secret life God sees. What do I do or think about or entertain when I’m alone, just me and the walls? Who am I then? Who’s name do I bear, no matter what? No matter what?
If the roof was lifted off of my house symbolically, and both good and evil angles saw what I do in secret, would they cheer or be ashamed? Who’s name would it appear in the spirit realm that I bear?
Do I just bear Christ’s name at church? Or am I a Christian in both word and deed.
Very serious questions for us today.
Do you realize when you do not forgive people, you incur the debt for their sin that so offends you. Unforgiveness is like a contract with the enemy to bear the sin of your enemy. When you cannot pay, even your place of rest will be taken out form under you!
What is humility? Doing what God has said without any excuse. Saying, “Yes, Lord I agree, You are right and that I am to change what I’ve done before this that was in error to Your Rightness!”
Don’t befriend angry people or associate with hot-tempered people, or you will learn to be like them and endanger your soul.
This is saying that anger and a hot temper will endanger your soul.
Let me paraphrase using the Strong’s definitions.
[Don’t be in the same fellowship together with, or hang around trying to have spirit-filled fellowship, or try to lead angry hot-tempered people as a Shepard would a sheep.
Don’t be a close friend or companion to, a person who with the very spirit breath given them by God, uses it to serve the flesh natures flame of fire, rather than sacrificing the flesh in the flame and fire of the love and peace of God’s Holy Spirit passions.
Do not become intimately related, even in the form of coming into confidences with or sharing the intimacy and fellowship of the Spirit of the word, with someone who heats up quickly with poisonous rage and flesh kindled fury, when you could rather be encouraged with fervent spirit-led passions.
If you choose to walk with this person as you do an intimate friend, you may get trapped into taking on his characteristics by the mere fact that God made people who hang around one another to copy one another. God does not want us to copy flesh fruit, but spirit fruit, fruits of repentant living, fruits of the spirit-led life. This is what He wants us to follow, others who are spiritually stronger than us in spirit walking, so we can become as they are, strong and spiritually fruitful. Our souls (mind-will-emotions) are in danger of being trapped, ensnared, lured away from purpose. Our appetites are in danger of being changed from Godly to ungodly, from spirit to flesh natured. Our mind will and emotions are in danger of having spirit life breath sucked right out, and of dying.]
We must protect our souls from such a destiny, so we heed these words, not as suggestions, but commands for those who follow Him.
Many, many times we ask God, “HOW do I get out of this situation” and SO He gives us a word such as this one, but say, “Lord, You know I have a friend who fits in this situation.”? So, we excuse ourselves from the word and we figure another way to have our answer (beware of the highway that is called, “My Own Way”). We decide we love that person too much and we want to “love them into change”. Well go right ahead, even God Himself has been trying to bring change to that person’s life, now you are postponing the work, because your flesh has a better way than God said. God said, do not hang around them. Do you think you are better than God’s own words, and somehow know more and better than God Himself? We do this ALL the time, and THIS is what I mean by we take the word as a suggestion recourse self help book. Then we’ll quote good scriptures like ones that say, “I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live, but it is not I, but Christ who is alive in me!” Hogwash.
You are alive. Your flesh is not crucified. How do I know? God just said do and you didn’t. You thought your way was better than God’s way. That means in your life His words are dead and yours are alive. You’re reasoning the very words of God out.
Wow, like God couldn’t “figure out” His own words before He had men speak or write them out. How much do we trust God at His word and fear Him enough to obey Him?