As one reads this passage it could be like going through a list of requirements once again that are hard to comply with. Remember disciples dig deeper into the Word of God, to find the spirit-life inside of the Words.
The OT was a type and a shadow of things to come. The NT was the fulfillment of the laws and requirements for righteousness through Jesus Christ.
Now that does not mean there is never anything required, but the requirements are directed by God’s Spirit to those willing to set themselves apart for the building of the Kingdom of God on the inside personally and then on the outside, taking what is built inside and exporting it as a model to a lost world in obedience to the plan of God and the revelation of one’s portion in their Father’s work now.
How would one take this passage personally today in knowing it is a shadow, and how would they live this from the inside out? I’ve brought in a link to an article to spurn a study if you desire to read further. (see end of page)
The basic principles to focus in on here have to do with commitment and separation; being a living sacrifice, willingness to bear shame for another’s name and to enter into life eternal in a purpose filled lifestyle here and now.
The person makes a vow before the Lord. A vow is, of course, a promise. With God it is a covenant, never to be broken, but rather lived out before Him and with His strength in reliance forever. In the OT it was either lived out for life or for a time period. Either way there was a beginning and an end. The vow was either entered into by a man himself or committed him by his parents.
(So much for the worldly idea of , “no one is gonna decide for me how I’m to live”! or “I don’t have to or want to follow in my parents footsteps”! God actually made parents to be followed by children, and for children to copy and obey their own parents (yes bad or good, by design, yes). It is right for a child to even desire to be as a parent is and better. It is actually a curse that a child would not want to be anything like their parent, or not desire to do anything their parent says. Sin has brought the effects of death on parents and children and relationships, death and sin bring separation, you can’t just have a little of it either, if you take any part, you’ve taken in the whole package!
Our words are important to God. Yes being yes is how God thinks. No meaning no is how God thinks! If we say we will do or be something, we must, it is required us by God. He also expects us to make commitments/covenants and keep them. Yes they are hard to keep and easy to break, but He both wants us to say them and be as He is and keep them. We say we are Christians, we must be Christians!
Christians become disciples, this is the progression of growth. God expects it. You would never expect a 2 year old to stay 2, yet for some reason we’ve thought it ok to stay 2 or 3 or 4 in the way of spiritual growth. Our growth never ends, ever. For we are eternally growing up in Him. Once we start there is only progress forever. We cannot say, I’m gone stop here. Therefore as Believers then Christians we become Disciples. This is what God is looking for, expecting to see out of our lives. That is our “yes” to God, he expects it to be “yes” exactly as a parent expects a child to sit, crawl, walk and talk and go to school and grow up and get a driver’s license and a job, etc. Let’s not stop anywhere along the way for too long!
The baby or kids or parent may not feel ready for the next step of growth, but that does not matter, it comes, it has to.
Believer - separated one, no matter the consequence or price of separation.
Disciple - disciplined one, student, follower.
Christian - bearer of good news, no matter the visible outcome. Anointed through obedience and continuity. A model on purpose. A copy made of the “Parent” - Father.
Overcomer – He who has followed through to the end, victorious.
The Nazarite vow has 4 aspects in it for every Believer who says they follow Christ to be in observance to.
Purposeful separation from the old lifestyle they once lived, most likely in pursuit of money or success or fame.
No wine was a symbol of one being filled with the genuine, the Holy Spirit, with no need of any other satisfaction or highs or comforts or pain relief, or dependency. He is my all in all, my abundant source and supply for all needs. Spirit, soul and body.
Sacrificial in all of everyday life. A living breathing sacrifice. A dead man to the world and to the appetites of the old man, a man alive unto God! Gal 2:20
He is not all out for self, but instead of self, he’s all out for his Father’s kingdom. He lays his own life, will and plans down, willingly. He is even mocked or shamed for his choice, but who cares? He does care for the people who may mock him, but the shame has no effect.
(Long hair on a man was a shame for that man, it represented him not being willing to be under authority and not being willing to stand in the gap for family members, or take responsibility for them before God. This man was willing to risk shame being held over his head to follow God exactly.
On the other hand, long hair on a woman meant she was covered by another other then her self reliance and independence, she was under submission to other humans and to God by submitting herself willingly to a man)
In this context in similitude, this Nazarite vow is quite possibly symbolic of a human, being in the visible position of one as Christ’s bride, one willingly submitted to the Master’s will for life. Married to God. A lifestyle of submission, covering and oneness. The Nazarite is saying, I will not step outside of covering, to cover myself. I will only be covered by an obedient submissive lifestyle.
Will not touch death. He does not participate in much that is for the building of temporal edifices, unless people (who are eternal) may be reached while they are helped in what they are doing (i.e. at the physical job they hired you to so).
Things that wreak of death they have no part or portion in on purpose. They cannot risk life for it. They are not in covenant with evil, they are in covenant with God!