There are many, many things about the eternal word of God that can be brought out for greater understanding. The natural mind reads scripture and says, “Ok, so I did my duty for the day, nice story!”; and goes on, but the spiritually minded man, digs for the treasure found in each and every word.
Sunday is the first day of the week, and Hebraically speaking. Weeks are a very interesting picture for us. There are 7 days in each set. 7 is the # for completion, and 8the # for a new beginning. So a week’s time could be likened to accomplishing, and the first day of each new week is a day to begin a new accomplishment.
Also it has been stated that the human mind, finely created by God, takes about 7-8 times of hearing a concept (really paying attention to the newfound “idea” with the purpose of learning) to “get it”. This has a purpose in that we may not want to swallow every tidbit of information as truth, yet it also shows that if one pays attention intently, as a student, or disciple, it won’t take forever to “get it”.
The women went on the new day to the place that was dead before (in the old day). They brought spices prepared. Raw spices (unprocessed and un-ground, unmixed with other spices relationally) represent one’s life’s circumstances, as in the stuff that has happened to us and how it has effected our souls. They also represent prayers offered up in and through circumstances, and they also speak of the end result of change that happens to a person through a personal relationship with God. This part is after prayer inside of a personal relationship with God has made a person see who they were and then to submit one’s self to an inner working of God’s Spirit to make change happen within. They come under authority.
(An example of this type of humbled heart who brings their own souls under authority, could be stated this way, “I may have been wrong or I may have acted in error, or I could have been different in my response to the circumstance and I believe You, who are Lord of everything, know best and can teach me a few new things for the peace of the present situation. I’m willing to change who I am, how I react, what I say every time this comes up. I give myself over to what You (Lord) think is best in this situation and with this person. I give up my rights. I do not have to be right at all, because I am secure in knowing You are right!). THAT is preparation!
These women prepared themselves, through humility, for change. They showed up on the beginning of a new set of days of accomplishment with a new mind’s eye view.
3rd day. Day of resurrection. Day of excellence, of covenant promises being ignited. God made a covenant with man, and validated it by the shedding of blood, now in this new day, man has his chance to ignite the very promises of God in each of us who accept and believe and act it out, validating it for ourselves and our families by the laying down of our lives (rights), willingly.
There is no covenant benefit to those who keep their rights and try to fit God’s will in to their lives. The only way for the promises to ignite is the same manner in which it was carried out. Not my will, Lord, but Yours be done! Then a death to prove it. (Now you know I am not saying kill thyself! I’m saying DON’T live for your self life, Live for His life to come alive in you! Live in such a way that your personality moves out of the way to defer to His personality, to allow His personality to become yours.)
These ladies, lovers of Jesus, were about to experience resurrection power. Do you know how to experience that? Die to your self. That is the only way.
If we try to stay alive to our self life we’ll never see His alive in our lives and we’ll be confused wondering why we don’t see the power of the cross and the resurrection alive in our day, in our homes, on our jobs. We have to get out of the way! Our covenant with God is not yet validated for us. A good example of this is that Jesus died for everyone, right? But not all receive Him and some may go to hell after judgment willingly. So it is with those who say they believe in Him and so badly want His promises to come to pass. The promises do not come to pass by wishing they would, there is a validation to it all. He died, so I die also, He died physically. I don’t have to do that, but I do have to die to my own ways, everyday.
It is our move! Our time of demonstration.
We are not waiting on God, He is waiting on us to be willing to see the way of change and walk in it, His way.
We must have the Holy Spirit. We cannot do His work as mere humans, unsaved, un led, un governed. There’s no way that will work, that will tire us out, for it is from the strength of man and a religious work, not a relational one. Religion stinks, for it reeks of self motivated works. It is NOT a sweet smelling spice to God!
God needs our works, but our works of faith in His strength and by His spirit, not our own goodness or wisdom or strength and might and ability. What He needs done is far beyond us, yet He so needs our participation together with Him. He wants man to want what it is He wants, yet full of His Divine supernatural strength and empowerment. He does not want to see how well man works this whole deal out alone!
We need the outpouring of the Holy Spirit without measure. If we just take a little and reject the whole deal for a lie or fear instilled in us by God’s enemy, we are missing the boat. Any human trying to be a Christian without The Holy Spirit’s power is fooling themselves and others. This walk of faith is by the Spirit and Not the flesh, in fact, to try to walk it out in the flesh, is not pleasing to the Lord.
We walk by faith, and not by sight. Faith pleases the Lord. To reject the Holy Spirit at work in us is to reject 1/3rd of the Godhead. We must think this way.
So do you only want 2/3rd’ s of God? Can’t have it, yesterday Jesus said if you are not for Me (all 3 parts of Me) you are against Me. Where is your faith, in God? Faith is given us by His Spirit! How can we even understand His word without His Spirit? How can we see Him if not by the help of His Spirit?
Even communion must be by His Spirit, for God is a Spirit, and those who so choose to worship Him must worship Him (in the, manner He deems), in spirit and in truth!
So communication, worship, understanding are all by the Spirit. The Person of God who is with those who believe and receive now, is The Holy Spirit.
Resurrection power is demonstrated by the Spirit of Christ in people! We cannot even see Him to be able to believe Him, except by His Spirit, for His Spirit is who draws men to Christ.
“Stay here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven!” We are not exempt from this command of our Lord, unless we don’t believe. We cannot skip this important part of our new birth. We are not above the disciples and apostles of the first church. His Spirit did not pass away, even today. We who believe must also receive Him. If we do not believe, we can reject Him, but this will be why we don’t sense Him or are not led by Him, we would not receive Him. He is a gentleman; He will not strive with those who do not want Him around.