It takes trust and faith to genuinely pray the way the Lord showed us to as disciples. There is a difference between being a believer and a disciple. A disciple has moved into growth, with a desire to become as Christ is/was on earth. It was the disciples who asked the Lord how to pray in honor of God and effectively be in more pleasing communication with God.
It starts by saying, Lord help us to live in such a way that Your name is being worn by us, as a mark on us. That our lives and Your life are the same. That we have the same, mind, will and actions being displayed. We bear the name of Jesus honorably, rather than people saying Oh there’s so and so again and their lofty opinionated self…they say – wow, they are a demonstration of God’s visible character. They bring honor to His name. They magnify His name, their own name and its successes are not as important as being a visible display of His.
These disciples spend time knowing that they cannot work for God alone, but they need the help of God’s Spirit to desire and do His will. In all they are they want more of His plan revealed to them so they can act towards more of it being brought out through the life they live now.
Their dependencies are in God, not in self sufficiency. They give their needs to Him and do not seek to supply for their own desires. They don’t spend themselves in a way that they become far too tired to ever see to His will being done. Their material debts are as low as possible, because they are not earthly minded, but are keeping their attentions on what is eternal. They store up for the eternal future by doing the will of God now. They trust that in doing God’s will now, He’ll see to their physical and material needs. They realize that needs are not always the same as wants.
They forgive anyone and everyone who has ever wronged them or will ever wrong them. They have an eternal perspective on this matter. Forgiveness is not according to what one deserves or does not deserve, for that is how the world thinks and measures. Forgiveness is a gift given from the free will of one who does not have to, but chooses to anyway. They have seen into the future of judgment, They know they are not judge and cannot judge others or condemn them for their actions. They trust God that He is of great mercy, and they do not want to participate in pay backs. They see that any sin they have ever sinned deserved death, but God willingly removed that edict from their slate and so they willingly remove slates of others, or else the person’s sins will be held to their own slate. They remind themselves of this fact by asking God to only forgive them as much as they are willing to forgive others! They use that as a gage, on purpose! They have a revelation that they could have been “saved” from hell, but can turn their back on adopting the very character of God in their own lives and thus be worse off than when they had first “received” Christ!
They know of weakness and the ease of turning away. They lay down prideful thoughts daily to follow one who knows more than they do and they also know they are engaged in a warfare for their souls. They are aware and humbly ask God to show them the obedience’s that will keep them on righteous pathways. Humility submits on purpose, that a greater purpose may prevail.
Ask and keep on asking….some have taught that this is not faith. The principle laid out here is of persistence where an enemy is concerned. The enemy is living as a spirit in the eternal realm, 70+ years is a blink to him and his cohorts. They will never give up on trying to take us out of God’s hands, the biggest tactic they prevail by is time passing. Humans measure time often, where the enemy doesn’t need to. We must become eternally minded and insist on our kingdom rights while still on earth. The territories we gain are so God can have more authority through man in the earth. They fulfill His purposes, if a human does not let go of God’s word and its promises, that man takes ground back for God’s kingdom on earth.
What was the last thing you asked, sought or knocked about that God had been wanting done through you in the earth? Have you received the Holy Spirit? God wants you to receive the Holy Spirit. That is something God wants us to have. He wants us to have help and power to go forth daily doing His will on earth. Do we want that as bad as God does? How bad? Enough to not let go till we get His gifts? 1 Cor 12:31 says covet the gifts of the spirit, that means fervently ask till it’s done, pursue Him passionately, until He is in regular manifestation, in our daily lives
Are we helping God to have His will while we are on earth or are we just waiting it all out till we get to heaven and have the party we’ve been waiting for? What are we here for? His desire, will and plan. We are the man who will choose to help Him or not. If we don’t, no one will! Jesus said, you are either helping Me out here or you’re not.
Blessed are they who hear the word of God and put it into practice!
Jesus came to the earth, left us the power to do what He asked of us, left us instructions to do what He asked of us, are we seeking to do what He left for us? Do we get the power He gave and then use it for His glory and honor?
This is why we are here.
We must get God-centered, and eternally focused. We only have a bit of time here to do all we can to help Him take back ground legally given up by man. Man must be the willing one to take it back. What is so awesome is before Jesus, man couldn’t do it, but after Jesus came, man can, if man will. The only thing holding God back on earth is the human will.
Have you been one who so carefully cleans the outside of the cup, trying hard to follow every law and command, without a true living relationship with God? It will get you nowhere quickly. Fulfilling the law after Jesus came, without a relationship with God is futile. A true love relationship, fulfills all the law just by being in love, for true loves obeys, because it wants to, not because it is made to or has to. When in a love filled and motivated relationship that lives off of obedience’s to God’s Spirit, that person has the fulfillment of the law accredited to His accounts. The law is fulfilled through his personal loving relationship acted out through obedience to God Himself.
Obeying the law without the motivation of love will never bring us closer to God at all. May as well not do any of it, then to waste time trying to earn favor with God.
Until one has a personal relationship with God the laws may be a guideline to lead him there, but following the law will not save Him. The only way to be saved by following the law is if at the end of that road one finds Christ, and it truly leads him into a relationship of love in Christ!
We cannot earn our way to Christ. Ever. We just get tired and discouraged, which is just what the enemy wants us to do, and then quit it all. If we do that he’s taken ground again and has won. Can we allow that?
We do everyday. Let’s begin to disallow the enemy to have our hearts, minds, and wills. Let’s will to do His good pleasure due to a love that wells within to follow after His plan.