Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Lena's Journalin' to John 14 If you (all) love Me...

Don’t worry, (about what the JW’s have said), there is plenty of room in My Father’s house, if It were not so, I would have told you.
There is room for whoever wants to go and be there with Him. It is known of who wants to be there, by those who stay with Him here, all the way to their end. They cross from life here through death to life there.
Gone is the untruth that there are only so many that are predetermined to go. Now I did not say God does not know the # of those of us who will stay to the end and choose faith in Him up to that day. God knows all. Therefore there is a number, He knows of, but it is not because He chose a number and it shuts out the possibilities or responsibilities for responding to Him on our end.
The only “reason” the number is finite, is He knows all, the end from the beginning. He knows who will choose. He made us free-wills and it is up to us to choose Him. He’s already chosen each and every human ever alive to believe in and receive His Son’s precious eternal sacrifice. It is available to whosoever will believe (Jn 3:16).
You know the Way.
He is the Way, the only Way.
Yet there are always highways that seem ok to men, they could get there (to Him) on a more adventurous highway, where one can see more sights, and take a bit of a longer way around (that’s for sure). They think that there are many ways to end up in the same place. But beware, His way is the Way and all other roads may lead to destruction.
When Jesus said choose the narrow way, He was saying the way I’ve chosen for you to travel on in this life, the Way that keeps you in Me and leads you to life eternally, that Narrow Way, is laden with obstacles, and very few will actually choose That One Way. They like their own ideas about which way to go too much. They like what seems easy, what seems right in their own eyes.
We’ve got to wake up and see that His way is THE Way! We need to violently forsake our own ways, on purpose.
We’ve got to come under a raised standard and stay there at all costs (to us); No matter what. We must discipline our souls to stay on The Way that leads to life eternal, and go all the way that way, telling ourselves there is NO other option. Our society lays out far too many options! We opt out for every thing and stay the distance for nothing. Not realizing what we are following is self deception and lies.
Going our own ways and following our own ideas and plans will NOT work out. In fact we may actually miss our train (or bus or plane or boat…)!
Give me, give me, more, more, more, is the hook of our culture and time. It is a deception. Do not follow it, for it will lead you straight to hell.
There is a people who have seen Him and known the Father through seeing Him, they believe He is more than enough. They are ready to do it and see it His way. They know He is more than they could ever fathom, and are satisfied to do it His way always. Never looking for another way around the dictates of His revealed will.
He says, love Me, with ALL your heart, mind, will, emotions and body, and so they do. There are no buts, no exemptions, no excuses, no asterisks.
He also added, love others as much as you love yourself; and they do, no matter what. These change who they are, to love self more righteously that they may love others more. They know without a relationship with the Father there’s no way to decide to love without conditions. But the mandate calls them to love anyway, especially to their own hurt and the alteration of their character before God. No one deserves their “love”, just as they did not deserve His, but He gave it anyway. They realize that everything inside of the relationship with the Father will be willingly expressed towards people. If there’s no demonstration of love and change with people, the “love” spoken, is merely words and holds no weight. No weight at all. There is no faith, no faith at all, for faith must be worked out and proven sure with men.
Love, obeys Him, and others as an expression of Him.
“If you love Me -obey My commandments, AND I will ask the Father to send you Help”, in The Comforter, Encourager, Counselor, Paraclete (One called to the side of man, to come alongside and help), the Advocate.
He (described within these characteristics of the Godhead) will never leave those who love and obey Me. He will live with, and later be inside of humans. Those who accept My commandments and obey them, are the ones who love Me, because they accept and obey My commands, My Father will love them, and I will love them and reveal Myself to each of them (who have accepted and obeyed My commandments).
This makes His love sound conditional, doesn’t it? Yes it does, and is. There are many definitions of love. The unconditional love of God came and died that men may have an offer to accept Him. The acceptance lies with each human, if we do not accept Him, we have no relationship with Him, the love of God drew us, and still draws us, but because we have not reciprocated it, it never develops into greater meaning on a personal level.
The disciples asked what we are all thinking. Why revealed to only a few? Jesus answers, it is up to us. How many is up to each of us. He did all He did, the move is ours to make. We do not have to. Yes, if we do not we perish, but we can willingly chose to perish!
God gave us a freewill and will not take it away, controlling our lives and making us robots. The messes we experience in life are direct results of the choosing of our own ways! Any distance we feel relationally with God has to do with what we’ve chosen above the relationship we could have in Him. Choices, choices; everyday. Death and life, life and death; choices everyday.
Do I choose love today? It is only shown in obedience. What has He already asked you to do? Go back there. If ever there is a breech, you’ll find it there, both in spiritual and natural relationships. When we do not do what God or someone else says, we make a breech. The repair needs to be where the breech started.
If we won’t do what He says, He has noting further to say to us. If we make an excuse in what He’s said to us, or if we ask for another road to travel on, He will let us go travel it alone, without Him. If we wonder where He is, we must go back to where He commanded us in the first place and repent for choosing our own ways, repent; and make changes back at that spot of requested obedience. There is no other way except His way. He will not speak again to someone who did not listen way back when, not until repentance comes. He is so respectful of our wills, and will allow us to choose our own ways if we so desire to. He won’t infringe upon us His will. If we do not listen with a will to do His good pleasure, He’ll let us go on and do it our way. He won’t even talk about it, for He doesn’t argue. As soon as we begin to argue, He’s done. He lets us win, even if we are wrong. He is LOVE.
Jesus “said”, “Watch me. I’m gonna show you how to obey. I’m gonna show you what love does. It lays down its own rights and dies. It will not speak in its own defense, even when right. It hurts for the good of others. It endures pain and sorrow that someone else may be freed. It obeys God even to death on a cross. It bears whatever God has asked it to bear…. Look, I’ll show you, what love does! Watch Me.”
Obedience is patient and kind. Obedience is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. Obedience does not demand its own way. Obedience is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. Obedience does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Obedience never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.
If you Love Me (Jesus), obey Me!
If you Obey Me, (you) love me!