Who could the childless woman be? Could it be the church?
It could be a woman, or a couple who have had many natural children, but have lived more for natural goals than spiritual ones. They who have never led anyone to the Lordship of Christ, whether with their own natural children or someone else’s natural children, and so they are spiritually barren.
The way to lead others to His Lordship is to be under the Lordship of Christ yourself. Gone is the day of grace upon the church, the bride of Christ, where we can preach the words of God and not be in demonstration of them with much effect at all. No more kidding around. What is hidden, what is evidenced in the secret places of our own hearts and home relationships is being revealed to the world in this day. What is really the reality of relational life is being brought forth for all to see. This bringing forth of what really is, is more grace than it was for things important to God to be allowed to be hidden. It is the grace of the end time harvest. Here’s one of the last wake up calls. Let’s get what we’d done wrong right before God and men!
Sing- if you were once childless, had never born spiritual children, have struggled with your own flesh and have messed things up relationally.
Sing, His grace is for you! Everytime God shows us stuff is for us to know there is an answer and change is still available to us. As long as we can still make changes, we are still under His graces! Thank God our days are not yet over and we can change.
Enlarge your house (capacity for more faith in God), build an addition, (make more rooms for His purposes to be kept by you, in your house, the one you presently live in.)
Spread out your home, spare no expense (yes it will cost you the laying down of your present lifestyle, yes you’ll have to give up dear to you things and comfortable habits, you’ll be desperate for change, it will cost you the exchange of your life! But you’ll gain His, and you could have never gotten it without laying yours down in exchange for His! Yes God wants to come in and rearrange your house and set up a place for His ways to be established in your body, soul and spirit! In your family, in your personal relationships. He wants His will to be done, so His kingdom can come to your place on earth!)
Desiring to go to nations? Why? Do you want to see new things, or take a pleasure trip?
There are nations and peoples inside of each person alive, anywhere they are alive. Who is your life impacting? Is it working at home and inside of close knit relationships here? If not, do not make plans to go just yet. BUT, when we decide to do it all His way, at home first, watch out nations, watch out, the power of God will be unleashed through human spiritual wombs!
Disgrace? Dis-grace? Missed grace? No grace? Only to those who have refused to accept His offers.
Let it not be said among us, that we’ve refused Him, but let it rather be said of us that we are a people who have done His will, His way, no questions, no qualms, Just Did It!
Fear? Fear Not! Fear is faith in evil, faith in the god of evil, the d’evil. Faith in God is what moves whatever needs moving. Do not have faith in the god of evil. Magnify the LORD with me, Let US exalt His Holy name!
Erase disgrace by obedience. All traces will be gone. It amazes me the extended grace of God, He always removes the shame of should’ves. I should’ve to that He says, huh? WHAT are you speaking of. He remembers the obedience, the repentance, once it is enacted; He remembers the sins no more. The only sin He is looking at is the unrepentant one. Yet even that is forgiven by the blood of His Son, it is taken care of enough for us to be able to readily repent, it has no power to keep us from making the proper turn. The ability to turn is available to whoever wants to make it. We merely have to switch gears, make the proper turn, and go on from here! Then we let the past go away as we make that new turn around.
He is your husband. No matter who your natural “husband” is, no matter what persons you are in physical or natural relationships with, God will make a way for you to be fruitful. No one around you who may be unwilling to bear fruit can keep you from being fruitful, for He is your partner in bringing forth fruit. Fruits of repentance are where it all begins.
He is the one who saves. There’s nothing or no one who is preventing us from being forgiven, or choosing righteousness, or holiness. He redeems us.
Yes, we may be imprisoned, yes we may be physically bound, but we can be spiritually freed in any and every situation.
The slave of old who is being whipped can be freed spiritually through forgiveness! No matter the circumstance or situation one can turn with the strength of Christ.
Circumstances are not my Master, situations are not my partner. He is, and He is more than I’ll ever need.
Those who have turned from the error of ways contrary to His will and plan, have no concerns for their future relationship with God. He will always be with us, as long as we stay with Him. Yes, everything in God’s kingdom requires a response and responsibility on our parts. We engage in what it is He is doing.
There is blessing to those who keep and uphold the covenant and the laws of the kingdom willingly. Supernatural order can unfold on earth, Seas can and will part for King’s kids. Those who bear the marks of His name and the seal of His covenant carry an authority and a power beyond the natural man.
In that day! In that day….
This is the day that the Lord hath made, I WILL rejoice and be glad in it!
When one sinner repents and turns from serving his own ways, the angels in heaven rejoice, in that day…
It is the exchanging of the “I will’s”. Remember a certain someone started chaos by stating “I will ascend…I will…”?
There has to be a reversal of the “I will’s” for the day of the Lord to appear to me, to us, to the earth, corporately.
So today, who’s will, will it be? Mine or Thine? Be done.