Thursday, February 08, 2007

Lena's Journalin' to Isa 65 Today

This scripture is the same yesterday and today. It was written long ago and veered towards a specific people, for our learning, we need to see which people and ask whether we are the same people or not.
There is a people who worship God because they choose to, not because they have to. It is a people who see and come to know of His goodness and His great love, a people who make an exchange of what was important to them before this time to what is important to Him in this time.
He is still ready and waiting, never leaving this place of expectation that someone who would not know Him and His ways yesterday, would today come to desire and know them forevermore.
He says today, “Here I Am”, and He will say that everyday of our lives here on earth until we die. Everyday is a day He hopes we will decide to follow true love and follow His voice.
He is not far away. If we ever sense distance it is due to the gentle nature of God the Father, Son and Spirit. They offer and wait. Offer and wait. They do not push, shove or otherwise, they ask, and stay, and wait. It is those they ask that may linger or go on towards another way, which makes distance, but He is always there for the returning.
I’ve noticed God speaks directly once to the heart, on a specific matter. Then He sends messengers of grace to conform words He’s already spoken of to the hearts. If we choose to ignore them or take the words as suggestions, He won’t speak about it again. He lets us go on and do our own thing our own way.
We do not really believe Him or we’d respond and do what He’s said the first time. I’ve met many a Christian who is waiting for God to prod or invite them again. He already did. A continual communicable relationship is nurtured by words spoken, heard, and carried out. After carrying the first words out, we ask, “Lord, what else?” Those who practice a continual obedience to His words hear His voice clearly and regularly.
The biggest deal in all this is faith. What is our belief system based on? Do we really have faith in God? Or do we esteem His words as a book of many great suggestions and wisdoms that one may observe if they choose to? If we see God’s words as suggestions to do if we choose to, we do not have a true faith in God, we are acting as our own god, doing our own will. We’ve formed our own gospel message that we follow after. We’ve chosen our own way.
Do’s and Don’ts to us who do not exercise true faith, are just a set of more laws. If we’re in rebellion, we do not like laws. In a relationship do’s and don’ts are guides and are a welcomed asset to a great relationship, keeping all pathways clear and following all directions that get us closer relationally.
Whether we ever esteem God’s Word THE word to follow or not, we are all accountable to it. He created the world and He made us. It goes His way in the end of the matter. It may as well go His way now. We are in a Big Giant eternal test. Will we pass? It is up to us.
Remember what I said this week. The most powerful thing in heaven and on earth is the free will.
There is a contest, the Spirit and power of Elijah is being unleashed in the earth right now once again. It is a Spirit of grace and of mercy for our souls. The contest is that of the wills. Whom will YOU serve? If God be God, serve Him, if Baal be god, then give your life over to him.
Who is GOD (Big “G”) to you? It is only known in who you really follow and obey. You cannot say you serve God Most High Creator of Heaven and Earth, and not do the things He says.
You cannot say you serve God Most High Creator of Heaven and Earth and take His words as suggestions! We cannot say one thing while we do other things. We cannot put God in our lives where He fits well. He’ll never fit, He’s wayyyy TOO big! Our lives must be fully adjusted to fit into His will and plan.
Are we WILLing to do that? That means a tremendous amount of change.
The god of fate?….Oh My. The god of Destiny?... dear God! Who or what is His name? Do we know who bears THE name? Are we WILLing to marry Him and forever bear His name?
It is craziness to take no responsibility for the decisions of your will and say everything is just going to fall where it may. No WAY, that’s a lie, a terrible lie! It’s a deception, don’t listen to that voice.
God is calling, blowing a trumpet, “You ARE responsible for your decisions made in the here and now”.
We called out to Him in trouble, He answered us. He said something like, “I’d love to save you, here follow Me and we’ll walk right out of this mess”. Your answer may have been, “What?” “That way? No way, I’ll just go this way, but thanks so much for Your time and I so appreciate the advise You give me, but I feel better right now, so I’ll just follow my own way (again). I’ll see you ‘round the bin someday down the road if I need You again, I’ll call for You then; Bye, bye…”
But now God is again calling for all men everywhere to repent. He hath need of thee! He’s been waiting for some men to arise in His mighty awesome power and kick the enemy‘s butt. He is waiting for a people who will draw lines on the earth for Him, take back territories, and go in and rescue people from the enemy’s camp.
“Arise up, Oh body of Christ, it is you, you are it”, says the Lord.
The Lord begins to speak a blessing over His people at the last verses of this chapter. What do you think happened? Did God suddenly change His mind and give them what they did not earn responsibly? Did He suddenly have a change of heart?
The scripture says, “I am the Lord, I change not.” And also “He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”
He blesses a people who bless Him. He curses a people who curse Him.
How does a people bless or curse God? By obeying or refusing Him, that’s how. These last passages are for those who turned to obey. Those who saw the error of their way, turned to obey, and experienced what was once a curse on them, become a blessing.
This is how it will be for anyone who calls on the Lord and then follows Him. He will bless them, they become His all the way. He fights their enemies for them, and turns tides even reversing generational curses turning them into blessings. He doesn’t just do that for those who refuse change.
Even in Moses’ day when it says God repented of the thoughts He’d had about annihilating all Israel before their “time”. He repented of killing them right there and then, but those who were still alive and choose their own ways fell under the law of the universe where a curse follows the disobedient and a blessing follows the obedient. When He relented from killing them, they got a longer chance to turn, but the formula/law did not get changed!